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I have submitted a proposal for GSoC 2020 on range based new algorithms implementation! I am so looking forward to your feedback either directly to the doc or with a comment right here (just make sure to tag me). I would be glad to pm my proposal to any member of the community in case they are interested. Any comments are appreciated. Please help
understand what shall improve and where to focus. Thank you all!
help me*
I ll make sure to inform hkaiser first thing tomorrow morning
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nikunj: nice results!
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heller1, did you go through the code?
it's essentially the same as yours, except that I added a Grid abstraction over hpx::compute::vector and got rid of the iterators
no, sorry
and instead of going over one row in parallel for, I increased the grain size by doing multiple rows in one iteration
so the increased in grain size provided better MLUPS
and with simd it increased even furthe
very nice
so are you at the bandwidth limit now?
I've asked a friend to benchmark the application by finding the ideal grain size and plot the rooflines for other processors as well
heller1, close to it yes
very nice!
are you still looking at a single core run, or did you switch to multiple cores already?
I'm doing both
not I exactly, I asked him to do both
keep in mind, that when running on multi socket machines, and machines with hyper threads, you need to watch out what exactly you report
aah ok!
running with 2 threads does not always mean the same ;)
ohh crap with avx2 enabled, HPX just crashed on me lol
somewhere there was a seg fault
your application crashed, not HPX
yea, I meant my application
nikunj97: soo, one of the reasons I chose this iterator based design and not go for a grid with indexing and such, is to avoid "off by one errors" and the like
index based calculations are bad
I can understand your decision well now.
to me it looked cleaner so I thought let's go with the grid approach
it looks cleaner because you are more familiar with it
that is also true
I'm not used to writing my own iterators, so it got difficult to handle your code
you took a completely generic solution, and specialized it again
my solution should have also worked with yout grid data type
yes it will also work. Again I'm not used to working with iterators I don't completely understand. So I decided to swap them out
I will learn how to write one properly
and the iterators where generic enough, to adapt to any other random access, contigous iterator ;)
just wanted to mention that
aah, didn't know
what I find discouraging however is that your solution is faster ;)
haha, more grainsize is always better in hpx's case ;)
which kind of defeats the purpose
which is btw a bad thing
coz you can extract less parallelism?
since we are promoting low overhead threads :P
lol true
our threads still take 1us worth of time
for a loop over 1000 elements, that's merely 5us
so that 1us shows pretty well there
5 -> 25us, my bad
but if you take let's say multiple rows in the stencil
your grain size increases to ~200us, which is more than enough to hide HPX's overhead in noise
that's why I get near serial performance
also, single core performance with simd on stencil doesn't improve much, more like 1.5-1.7x jump
but with multicore, it jumps to about 3.5x
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simbergm, rori: sorry for commenting on a PR that was already merged - I should have looked more carefully earlier
hkaiser no problem, thanks for commenting despite me merging it! very good catches
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hkaiser: could you explain more the const problem ? I'm not sure I see it cause for me params.startup is not const
ah ok actually I understood the pb ^^
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rori: params itself is const, so are its members
rori: btw, hpx_init_params.cpp is not part of any build target (for me)
my bad, I thought it was ok cause I could see it in hpx_init_SOURCES but apparently it is not, I'll open a PR to fix all of this
give me a sec
rori: I take that back, it is part of the hpx_init target
ah ok great
rori: however, the header hpx_init_params.hpp is part of the hpx target, is that intentional?
oh nope sorry !
not a big deal, I gues, merely a question of consistency
yep I'll change that!
btw, the hpx_init/wrap pr moves both of them to the hpx target
you might be able to just leave it alone
ah ok
both, as in source and header
simbergm: that's the right thing to do as the HPX_EXPORT in hpx_init_params.hpp will cause warnings otherwise (inconsistent use of dllimport/dllexport)
rori: if you find a way to handle the HPX_APPLICATION_NAME macro, that is
otoh, we can remove that alltogether, but that's for another PR, I guess
yep, also all the hpx_init/start.hpp files are in the hpx target
I'll look into that :)
hkaiser: can't we have a static in hpx_init_params.hpp after all? it'll be included in most cases only once and even if it's included twice things should still work if it's static
simbergm: we could do that - might be the easiest way to deal with things
alternatively we could do something similar to what we have with the prefix
expose a function to be called with the macro as its argument to initialize the (hidden) variable
btw, hpx does not compile for me with those changes, I linker errors
rori: let me know if you would like for me to have a look
sorry hkaiser
nah, no worries
that's likely due to the inconsistent import/export declarations no?
my fault - I should have tried it earlier
ok, so rori do you mind doing a pr first just moving all hpx_init_params to the hpx target?
the hpx_init/wrap pr will take longer
and the other changes (move/HPX_APPLICATION_NAME) can come separately
simbergm: ok
rori: I'll try it as soon as you have it, please ping me
hkaiser: You mentioned, that certain hpx functions could make a task yielding, even before a future is returned. I am suspecting, That when I'm sending a message as fire-and-forget from a lua script which calls hpx - especially this line of code:"hpx::async<gameobject::send_message_action<M>>( id, msg );", that is migh yield and lead to that LuaState explosion I am currently trying to understand. I wonder if there is a
way to change the cited call into something which never yields and which immediately returns. Ideas?
Some parameter like "Skip Future Creation" or so might do that.
first, hpx::async is not fire&forget
Yes - I just discard the futre<void>
second, any (possibly) remote operation on components or involving actions requires to access AGAS which may suspend as it has to acquire locks
if you want a real fire&forget just use hpx::apply<Action>(id, args...)
but it still may suspend for reason (2)
Does apply involve any waiting?
no way we can guarantee it wouldn't suspend
I wonder if I should just drop my messages into a queue
And have an object handle the messages
I have already contacted hkaiser. I have submitted a proposal for GSoC 2020 on range based new algorithms implementation! I am so looking forward to the community's feedback either directly to the doc or with a comment right here (just make sure to tag me). I would be glad to pm my proposal to any member of the community in case they are
interested. Any comments are appreciated. Please help me understand what shall I improve and where to focus. Thank you all!
are you sure this is causing your state explosions?
Yorlik: ^^
It is connected to sendmessage for sure
gonidelis: we have a mentors gsoc mailing list you might want to send your proposal there
first however I need to make sure it has been updated this year, give me a bit of time to figure that out, pls
I have one idea I want to try: Put an hpx::sleep_for on tasks asking for a Lua state, when the system is hot, so other tasks get time to give back their Lua States
And not do it, when it's cooled down
Yorlik: you can look at how many states you have active and delay any further tasks until the number drops
Thats the plan
Like impose a cheap check every 20 states being given out or so
Yorlik: jbjnr has done something similiar in his guided_executor (I believe that was the name)
He mentioned a limiting executor
I can put something in my custom start function or into the pools, still meditating on it
rori, simbergm: thanks for the quick fix (#4463), that works for me
Yorlik: yah, that's the name
hkaiser: good, I think you can go ahead and merge it then
I'll figure something out. In the moment it's the only logical/not bug-requiring model of it I have - tasks being swapped out too often and too fast and the only function call in my test doing that is sendmessage.
simbergm: done - thanks again rori!
Yield_while - looks like an interesting function
hkaiser: Does the age of a task play a role for it's priority?
it's all purely first-in/first-out
plus stealing from the lower end (newer tasks) if needed
Thats probably automatically leads to a depth-first-ish kind of traversal of the task tree, right?
I wonder if it's a sort of traversal control problem.
When I run a frame I create a ton of root nodes - each gameobject starts it's own little subtre which requires it's own LuaState
could be
Subtrees which have been started already should be prioritized, since at the end of the frame all join.
So the use of Luastates could be mnimized
Yorlik: not sure how to do that
Bit FiFo is seems to be actually good for that.
I need to think more about it.
here is an idea
we already have 'boost_thread_priority' which will set the priority of a thread to high on its first execution and will then lower it to normal if suspended
what you need is the opposite
starting a thread with lower priority, but as soon as it has started it will have normal priority if suspended
Yes - priority needs to go up with age
that should do what you want
Yorlik: we have only 3 priorities, it's a very crude system
That thread priority is about a task, right?
Is there a customization point for that ?
you'd have to write your own HPX scheduler which I wouldn't recommend
I could use a thread local counter which increases with each object
and then?
And then dampen priority depending on that counter
there is no way to control priorities of tasks
Like a chance to reschedule if the system is hot AND the counter ishigh
nothing beyond low/normal/high
It would cost some efficiency to reschedule ofc.
Yorlik: I think the count_up/count_down is the best option right now
I need to be careful not to overkill with stupid waits
I'll come up with something.
as long as your lower threadhold is larger than zero you'd be fine
The general problem is resource use by tasks and how to limit that
So - I'll make the resource - my LuaState Pool - smarter
things are fine if you don't even create the task as long as you already have too many
It will yield greedy tasks with low priority
I think thread_local counters will be the way to go. That will be fun. :)
Yorlik: sure you'll need counters to count
but pls don't attempt to fiddle with task priorities
I will work on my State pool
I'll make it dodge tasks based on parameters
dodge = wait+yield
I still think you're barking up the wrong tree
What do you think then?
no idea, it's just a gut feeling
It's possible there might a condition preventing the giving back of LuaStates to work. That would be a bug. But I have tested this quite a bit and it appears to be rock solid.
Still - the system is so young - it might be all bugs.
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gonidelis: your proposal looks very good!
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hkaiser, I made our course CiC conform and added all their requirements
hkaiser thank you for your time. I am glad you liked it. I will wait for further suggestions by the weekend on my email ;) Thank you!
what about the mentors mailing list? Where could I find it? I only know the community mailing list adress thus far...
gonidelis: I'll find out for you, need more time to make sure everybody is subscribed etc
sure. many thanks!
BTW hkaiser: Changing the call from async to apply already reduced the number of LuaStates by a factor of 5 or so
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Yorlik: interesting, note however that apply has no means of reporting (remote) errors
I am trying a very simple thing now: Adding spare lua states when the freelist of the pool runs dry. That is a throttle and a speedup for the next requests
shouldn't it be sufficient to limit the number of lua states per core?
It might work, sure. But how would I fnd the required limit?
gonidelis, We do not have the mentor mailing list updated, but I will do it soon
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hkaiser: I know still have bursts of lua state creation, but the overall count stays below 1000 again (it was up to 5000 and more).
Which means I am giving tasks Lua States faster, so they don't linger around that much and in case the system is hot, Lua State creation takes longer, since I am creating spares when the freelist runs dry.
So -it's two means: Using only one LuaState per task (batch of object updates) and changing the resource provisioning (Lua State Pool)
I'm pretty sure there still is room for improvement, but this is a worst - not too bad - solution which does not introduce any unnecessary wairs.
I think it's a problem of resonance/vibrations in a dynamic system after all.
So essentially I introduced some negative feedback.
While the task is waiting to get its lua state and more spares get created during that wait as needed, it cannot be swapped out. Load then swaps over to the other worker threads and there the same things happens.
So the system is cooling down, while preparing to handle more load in the same moment.
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Hello to everyone, I'm Ilias Balampanis and I'm interested in GSoC project!
Hi there, ibalampanis!
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I'm interested in two projects. The first one is a legacy and the title is Script Language Bindings and the second one is named as Test Framework for Phylanx Algorithms
hi ibalampanis, welcome
I'm making my proposal for these two projects right now
Is it legal?
zao K-ballo thanks guys!
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I disconnected without a specific reason.. Lost something?
bita could i send to you my draft proposal tomorrow?
Last thing was your "thanks guys".
zao thanks
Yorlik: hkaiser meant the limiting_executor. It allows you to set a max number of tasks that can be 'in flight' - so you create it with (say 500 upper, 400 lower threshold), when the task count goes over 500, it blocks and then when it drops back to 400 it allows another 100 to be spawned.
not sure if the latest version is in master. I have some local changes here
sorry. didn't see that hkaiser already referenced it
jbjnr: I'll definitely look into that.
In the moment I'm playing around a lot with stuff and trying out thigs to get a better feeling for that system I created.
The version in master might be dodgy. I gave up doing PRs because it's too much work to fix all the changes I get asked for.
Aww ...
But I can send uoi my version
* But I can send you my version
How big is the difference to the one in master?
no ide. havn't looked at it for months
But sure - I'd be interested to have a look at it and experiment with it. I still am not sure what's the best solution for this problem that came up.
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hkaiser: thanks! upvoted
Hi ibalampanis, it is good to see you here. I think a student can write proposals for more than 1 project (please correct me if I am wrong diehlpk_mobile[m )
bita: that should be fine
Of course, I will be happy to see your proposal. How does compiling HPX and Phylanx go?
thanks hkaiser :) so it is fine and legal
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well, the student will not be accepted for more than one proposal, however
also, I'd rather spend more time on a single proposal than to create two half-baked ones
got it. Please read this ^^ ibalampanis
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Yes, I agree better one good proposal instead of two semi good ones
ms[m] yet?
jbjnr ?
Anyone interested in helping out with the Google Season of Doc proposal?
diehlpk_work: maybe, when is the deadline
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simbergm: late May, I think
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bita: I will be a couple minutes late for our meeting
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hkaiser, Okay
diehlpk_mobile: google season of docs. No thanks.
very disappointed already with the lack of interest in season of code.
Jbjnr we have at least few students interested in GSoC
I think we will have three or four this year.
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I showed it to my fellow dev, but he didn't feel qualified. They hardly do C++ at University.
Helsinki that is.
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They teach how computers work with assembler and then go straight to Java.
bita hkaiser thank you for your support
Considering your opinion, I will concentrate on making one proposal
bita, I will send to you tomorrow via email
Thank you guys!
hkaiser, Does the YoutTube channel of stellar group still work?
I have the backup of all our videos on my local disk and running out of space
So do we still need all this videos?
hkaiser Could you send me a tutorial, if exists, compiling your software?
simbergm, April 13, 2020 at 20:00 UTC
Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applications to Google
diehlpk_work_: I did ask Chris (Cano) two days ago, they are trying to figure things out with google
no idea how long this would take
Ok, so I will keep them
I'll raise the issue again early next week
do you run short in disk space?
let's buy you an external drive, then
Can we order a external hard drive for me?
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absolutely, select something you like on Amazon and send it to Katie, she will organize things to be delivered to you
they have nice and small USB 2TB disks nowadays
ibalampanis, great. Looking forward to it
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hkaiser I would like to make one more question
ask away
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Searching for other interesting tasks from other organizations, I found one that I like it. Provided that I have 3 slots, could I make two for Ste||ar organization?
diehlpk_work_: ok, thanks
I'll try to have a look, feel free to ping me if I forget
ibalampanis: as I said above, you can sure submit 2 proposals, but you will not be funded for more than one
Yeah, sure!
ibalampanis: also, my suggestion would be to rather flesh out one proposal and invest all of your time there, rather than disperse your time and end up submitting two half-baked proposals
I thought again and you have right..
Could you believe that I'm late for talking to you?
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hkaiser: What has happened historically when multiple applications go for the same task? Separate attempts on the same project, pick one, consider a related project?
one had to be picked
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we never ran into that situation
yes we did.
lost connection hkaiser.. last message was from me about my possible latency
jbjnr: oh, when?
looks like I forgot ...
we often get loads of very poor last minute proposals and reject any that are on a project that a decent proposal is in for
if that's what you mean
I mean, we had proposals for the same project, in my memory however, it always was relatively clear which one we liked most
i meant we never were in the situation where we had to choose between two strong proposals on the same project
since most of the time, we can steer the project proposals in the right directions ;)
hkaiser I'm very confused about which project i like most. I decided to go for one of your mentored projects, "Scipt Language Bindings"
uhh, do you have some experience with combining c++ with other languages (like Python)?
yeah, I have sent an email to you now
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I have little experience on that but I think the most important is that I have a lot of willingness to become familiar and understand these techniques
hkaiser, just went through the survey results. Documentation is severely lacking, they say.
I was thinking to start a blog series for HPX
starting with hello world all the way to distributed
making use of the functionality hpx provides
nikunj97: do it
will help me use the api I never did and get better in C++ in general
jbjnr, alright! I'll start devoting time to it. I'll need someone to review my blogs before I publish it though.
woot, the world has just gotten its first exaflop achine
heller: that's pretty impressive. I had no idea so many people were using it
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I have an idea for a new project. My choir can't meet due to covid. I should make a distributed choir practive program like zoom or something using hpx for the messaging.
nan8, what I meant to say was that it's not linking against boost_program_options
nikunj97 So how can I link it to boost_program_options?
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where is the clang-tidy rule suite for hpx in the hpx source tree?
It would give me a good excuse to get libfabric running on windows and mac since that's what most of the choir people have
I actually thought about the same, but for digital classrooms, our teachers are in a total mess without tools right now
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We used to run Mumble for low-latency voice comms, but moved to Discord for that.
zao: thanks. I'll look into mumble. might be usable for us
We used to run umurmurd towards the end as light-weight server.
Note that Mumble is just audio, Discord also has video.
^^ + text + code formatting
is discord the chat thingy that is everywhere now, or somethign else with the same name
(like IRC/matrix etc)
Discord is extremely popular now, yes. It has it's origins in gaming, but many programmers communities use it too.
yes llvm has a channel ther
You can even do screensharing with it, though that is not as good as e.g. teamviewer.
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It's the facebook of real time and near real time communications.
why are we using this very slow matrix thingy then?
Fear of new "hip" things?
After I type, it takes 20 seconds to appear
Discord sometimes has hiccups, but it has become pretty stable.
Absolutely usable for a professional context.
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If any of you want to try out Discord really quick I made a test server (was a 20 second task), you can check it out here: I will delete it shortly - it's just if people here who don't know discord want a quick safe test.
rtohid, so the runtime error i sent you was from the mix of clang w/libstdc++ (gnu); the error mentioned yesterday was python compiled with gcc importing the clang w/libstdc++ compiled module
OK - I deleted that Discord server jbjnr will do his own test for the group after seeing it. The link above is no longer valid. Cheers!
nan8: could this be a mismatch of c++ standards settings for hpx and phylanx?
ct-clmsn: so did you resolve your issues now?
hkaiser maybe, let me check the script for hex and phylanx
heller1, got clang-tidy working properly, thanks for the help!
rtohid, oh, i found an issue in the CMakeLists.txt file for tiramisu - they hard coded `g++` into the build file as a default compiler their CMakeLists.txt script has poorly arranged logic
rtohid, you may want to revisit that file in the root directory for tiramisu and make a quick patch. i'll be pushing a patch file to my phyflow branch tonight
rtohid, it's strange b/c they push clang/llvm in Halide but isl and tiramisu default to gcc/g++ in their build scripts
rtohid, annoyances but opportunities to make contributions
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heller1, the seg fault was due to aligned memory load to nsimd::pack when I was doing an unaligned memory load :P
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* yes llvm has a server there
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diehlpk_work_: could you ive me a link to where the octotiger build scripts and build instructions live, please?
diehlpk_mobile[m: ^^
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Hkaiser on GitHub diehlpk/powertigee
Sorry I am ony phone and can not send you the link
ok, that's fine, thanks!
On what platform you like to build
There is no windows support
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hkaiser: quick question, if you are free
khuck: sure
diehlpk_mobile[m: no worries, just some linux x64 system
we are creating in fastlane, not right?
khuck: uhh
I'm pretty sure so
khuck: here is the mail I received from our admin person: I have not received Fastlane Temporary Proposal numbers and Pins from Oregon University
thta's all I have ATM
right, I am trying to create it
but I am ignorant
no worries, I'll figure this out
ok, thanks - feel free to get in contact with Felisha, she is very helpful
Woops - I gave you the big file link - however - the #includes are now there, I think.
Hello. Wanted to ask about GSoC this year. Is there any first issue i could fix? I am experienced in Python, c/c++, Deep Learning and familiar to CUDA programming.
Saswat85: look at the tickets and/or the project ideas list