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hello! i am trying to install HPX on my ubuntu16 machine and i have encountered a problem with hwloc on my installation
How fun! What happens?
i am installing hwloc using `sudo apt install hwloc` but after trying `cmake -DHPX_WITH_MALLOC=system` my cmake pops "Hwloc could not be found..."
Do you have libhwloc-dev?
Packages on Ubuntu are often split into a executable/runtime-library package and a matching development package with headers/etc.
Oh no! Let me try it. Thanks a lot for your response. Yeah I get it...
Well thanks a lot! It worked. WOW! Thank you...
well then I try `make all` and I get "CMakeFiles/Makefile2:46816: recipe for target 'libs/threadmanager/CMakeFiles/hpx_threadmanager.dir/all' failed". Do you know what may be the cause?
The cause may be further up in your output.
Not off-hand, but it was long since I last built HPX.
you are right. it actually must be : * error: call of overloaded ‘get()’ is ambiguous*
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are `tcmalloc` or/and `jemalloc` mandatory in order for `make install` to succeed?
I'd expect `system` allocator to be sufficient.
gonidelis: what compiler are you using? I suspect you need a newer gcc...
`gcc --version` outputs: *5.4.0*
simbergm: Documentation still documents 4.9 or something.
grr, we need to update the documentation in that case...
gonidelis: are you building 1.4.0 or master?
for master you probably need 7 or higher
and if you're really on ubuntu 16.04 I recommend you upgrade...
simbergm: Hey, my cluster is still 16.04.
1.4.0/1 should still work with gcc 5
heh, whatever works for you
yeah I am building master. Should I upgrade my gcc I 'll try again and I will inform you on my progress. Thanks a lot.
yep, in that case gcc 7 or higher, or clang 4 or higher (if I remember correctly)
Well I recently reinstalled Ubuntu16. The reason I picked this distro is because there are plenty fixes on the internet as it is older than 18. Do you think I should upgrade in order to contribute to HPX?
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gonidelis: On cluster systems an older OS tends to be "fine" as long as one can provide decent compilers and libraries in a module system on top, as long as drivers and kernel bugs aren't too intrusive.
On a workstation, 18.04 is a fine version to be on, somewhat newer versions in the OS itself, desktop environments tend to work better.
gonidelis: I'm guessing you intend to apply for GSoC, maybe?
well, yes I do...
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(I'm not, if you're scared of competition :D)
You can probably develop on anything, but something that's comfortably above minspec is probably helpful.
Well I am installing Ubuntu18 right now as installing gcc-7 didn't help (as expected)
Did you specify that it should use the compiler (with `-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-7 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-7` or suchlike)?
wasn't aware of this particular directive. my bad.
As the distro and all libs are built with one particular compiler, additional compiler packages tend to have alternate names, so that when something uses "gcc" or "g++", they get the normal one and you get to specify explicitly if you need to use a different one.
yeah I absolutely get it. Thank you. Actually I am waiting for `make` to complete right now. I wanted to ask something though: you previously said that your cluster runs Ubuntu16 and you mentioned 'workstation' as an alternative. As I am a newcomer and I certainly hope to stay (I love c++ and parallelization/distributes systems is my passion) could
you tell me whether any particular hardware is needed in order to contribute to HPX (not just for GSoC)?
Most of it is just regular PC development.
I have been developing all my code/projects so far on a ThinkPad T430 with an i5-3320 quad core and 8gb ram. Oh I see... So it must be performance tests that you run on clusters right? I mean in order to achieve computational improvement...
The TCP parcelport might need some networking, the infiniband parcelport would need infiniband connectivity, there's some side projects that use GPUs.
The schedulers might have fun corner cases if you have a more complicated machine layout.
Depends a bit on what project you intend to propose.
If you're going to build tests/examples on that 8GB machine, you can probably not build with high -j parallelism, as linking them takes a lot of RAM.
"my" cluster would be a bit of a misnomer by the way, as it's the one I use at work.
The HPX group has access to resources too, but it tends to help if you can do some local development.
ok I 'll definately take my hardware into account as far as project selection is concerned. What about contribution in general? Could I become an HPX developer with that kind of hardware?
Yeah. I imagined that you will have access as a team on certain resources (that was my next question actually ;p ). that might answer my first one too...
I forget how it has gone the previous years, but I'd expect that accepted students would have access to the smaller resources by need (which still has a few nodes in a batch system).
A full build of HPX with tests and examples tends to take a lot of time, but actively developing and building parts of it tends to be fine on most setups.
I've built HPX a whole bunch of times on my old work macbook, which was along those specs.
perfect! I ll try to get familiarized with HPX then, trying to implement some tests / test-code as soon as possible and I will soon provide you with a proposal. Thanks for your help/info!
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