hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log: | GSoC:
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<ibalampanis> Hello to everyone! Have a nice weekend!
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<Yorlik> hkaiser: YT?
<Yorlik> Fix for yesterdays issue was a one-liner in the end ... :D
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<zao> :D
<hkaiser> Yorlik: here
<Yorlik> Heyo!
<Yorlik> Adjusting the busy loop was just a one liner in the end :)
<hkaiser> right
<hkaiser> depending on the ini settings is not a good idea
<Yorlik> Yes - it will always work now - I tested with the old settings and it runs like a sewing machine.
<hkaiser> nice
<Yorlik> It's amazing how such little things canb create horrible roadblocks.
<hkaiser> Yorlik: sorry for that
<Yorlik> It wasn't your fault - after all it was not a bug but a tricky situation.
<hkaiser> I will add some fix that will prevent this kind of thing in the future
<Yorlik> Great!
<Yorlik> Yes - that's pretty much what happened. I think itz's good to have an issue for that - you really need to be very deep in the task mechanics to understand what happened.
<Yorlik> Without your help I wouldn't have found out.
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<ibalampanis> Hello hkaiser ! I would like to thank you about those very interesting videos you have in the Ste||ar official youtube channel about Phylanx!
<ibalampanis> Too comprehensive videos!
<hkaiser> ibalampanis: most welcome
<hkaiser> I'm glad they helped
<ibalampanis> hkaiser: Could I make a question please? It's about gsoc.
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<zao> You can always ask, but I'm fairly sure that they can't say anything until it's time to announce things.
<ibalampanis> Ohh, that's ok. I would like to ask if you have decided for all available slots!
<hkaiser> ibalampanis: yes, we're not allowed to talk about this before Google officially announces things
<ibalampanis> Fully understood. Thank you!
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