hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log: | GSoC:
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<hkaiser> simbergm: I'm now seeing 'CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:360 (target_link_options):
<hkaiser> target_link_options called with invalid arguments' here
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<simbergm> hkaiser: hmm, I think it might need a `PUBLIC` keyword
<simbergm> would you mind trying that?
<hkaiser> yah, that works - however PRIVATE should be fine
<simbergm> or that if that's enough
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<hkaiser> I can create a PR
<simbergm> I don't know if that flag needs to be present in dependent projects
<simbergm> thanks!
<hkaiser> no, it's just needed to link the core library
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<hkaiser> simbergm: #4440
<hkaiser> that has one more change also
<hkaiser> I'd appreciate it if this could be merged asap
<simbergm> hkaiser: already merged
<simbergm> thanks a lot!
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<hkaiser> simbergm: thanks!
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<hkaiser> simbergm: wrt #4434
<hkaiser> I think you missed at least two fixes
<simbergm> hkaiser: :(
<simbergm> tell me where :)
<hkaiser> the add_custom_target() change and the missing template arguments for basic_string<CharT, ???>
<simbergm> hkaiser: indeed, thanks
<simbergm> I've pushed again
<simbergm> hkaiser: heads up, I just merged the PR to change the way we handle the c++ standard as well as it's closely related to the target PR
<simbergm> let me know about any problems as usual
<hkaiser> simbergm: ok - give me a sec
<simbergm> hkaiser: ah, no rush
<diehlpk_work> parsa, Do you have any AGAS plot?
<diehlpk_work> parsa, I have new two 10124 nodes runs for you
<diehlpk_work> Still waiting for 1500 to 1900 runs
<diehlpk_work> hkaiser, I could finish two 1024 node runs and it seems with the older version of octotiger everythings works again
<hkaiser> ok, cool - are you sure that the older version is ok to use?
<hkaiser> what did Dominic say?
<diehlpk_work> We used it before already.
<hkaiser> ok
<diehlpk_work> I just accidentaly updated it while I compiled the newer APEX version
<diehlpk_work> My script checked out master and not the previous version
<diehlpk_work> The latest version had the radiation merged and something caused an issue
<hkaiser> great, I'm glad you resolved the problem
<diehlpk_work> hkaiser, Can you add some text for hpx and hpx's performance counters by tomorrow morning?
<diehlpk_work> it would really help if out group did something
<hkaiser> diehlpk_work: will try, could you give me the link to the document one more time, pls
<diehlpk_work> hkaiser, see pm
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<hkaiser> diehlpk_work: done
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<simbergm> hkaiser: you do something funny with the cmake in your docker image? it says 3.11, whereas ours has 3.13
<diehlpk_work> hkaiser, parsa Eitherone of you broke the LaTex compilation
<simbergm> (and I only bumped the version checks in the c++ standard PR, which probably isn't on dockerhub yet)
<simbergm> hkaiser: my point is that we require 3.13, except that it's not enforced in our cmake in that commit
<hkaiser> diehlpk_work: compiled for me :/
<hkaiser> ahh, so it's a cmake problem? we can certainly go up to 3.13
<hkaiser> parsa: yt?
<diehlpk_work> Ok, it us your part using utf-8 characters, I will fix it
<hkaiser> diehlpk_work: thanks a lot - probably a copy&paste snafu
<simbergm> hkaiser: yep, once 4378 gets pushed it'll complain much earlier
<hkaiser> k
<hkaiser> simbergm: do we have 3.13 in the base image now?
<hkaiser> I'll talk to parsa to make it's being used
<hkaiser> make sure
<simbergm> hkaiser: yep, we do
<hkaiser> ok
<simbergm> that's why I was surprised you have 3.11 for phylanx :)
<simbergm> but I guess it was to have something newer than the ancient one we used to have in the base image
<hkaiser> we installed that explicitly before hpx was updated as we needed a newer version
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<hkaiser> diehlpk_work: yt?
<diehlpk_work> yes
<hkaiser> see pm, pls
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<parsa> hkaiser: we had that ancient cmake issue with highfive, so we installed cmake 3.11 (and raised the minimum we require) temporarily until we came up with a more permanent solution
<hkaiser> parsa: yah, 3.13 is now in the HPX base image and our 3.11 causes problems
<hkaiser> would you be able to remove our special handling, please?
<parsa> i'll remove the 3.11 installation, but maybe we should also raise the minimum to 3.13
<hkaiser> indeed, we should
<hkaiser> I can do that once the image has been updated
<parsa> hkaiser: #1136 should do the job
<hkaiser> thanks
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<diehlpk_work> hkaiser, I started the cross listing of the course in EE
<diehlpk_work> Can you get in touch with Golden for CS?
<diehlpk_work> Course selection will start soon
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<gonidelis> hkaiser sorry for the late response. The last couple of days I was studying the C++ STL concepts like containres, iterators and ranges. Must admit, ranges were quite hard to comprehend but I have catched the basic ideas (any extra sources on ranges would be appreciated). Tomorrow I will start working on Range Based Parallel Algorithms by picking
<gonidelis> one and trying to implement it. Let me address some questions though: 1) I have studied the all_any_none_of commit as an example and I think I will try to imitate the way it was implemented in order to adapt one the missing algos from here( The question is: What is the difference between the three
<gonidelis> head (hpp) files:
<gonidelis> #include <hpx/parallel/algorithms/all_any_none.hpp>#include <hpx/parallel/container_algorithms/all_any_none.hpp>
<gonidelis> hpx/include/parallel_all_any_none_of.hpp
<hkaiser> our range algorithms are just wrappers around the iterator based ones at this point
<hkaiser> so it's fairly easy to create those
<hkaiser> the third is just a forwarding header, nothing special
<hkaiser> the first two have the actual implementation and the range wrappers in them
<gonidelis> by saying wrappers you mean....?
<gonidelis> oh nevermind! I get it!
<gonidelis> Under what directory does the thirs header reside? I can see that `hpx/parallel/algorithms/` exists no more on master...
<gonidelis> third*
<gonidelis> sory i mean the first* header, as you can see from the directory that I mention, my bad.
<hkaiser> hpx/hpx/include
<hkaiser> it's an old directory that might goa away at some point
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<gonidelis> While all_any_none.hpp resides under hpx/libs/algorithms/include/hpx/parallel/algorithms...
<hkaiser> yes, the algorithms are all in the algorithms module (under libs/algorithms)
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