pls let me know how it works, never used it
How do I point to the library / header
Or do I just place the dll in the path?
Yorlik: I think they have cmake support
Still working on it - I'll figure it out
Something interfered.
Need to continue a bit later
Yorlik: we just do a find_package(mimalloc), so you can probably use the standard variables, like MIMALLOC_DIR to point to the cmake config files
Its already built - but I can't go further right now.
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hkaiser: Finished the first compile with mimalloc, doing the others now
I had to install it with cmake to get everything right
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Yorlik: Symbols in executables or dynamic libraries only satisfy lookups explicitly made against those modules or indirectly by redirection to those modules.
There's none of the symbol soup that you get on Linux and other libdl-like systems where symbols can be overridden from heaven knows where.
IC. So it'll hopefully work - recompiling the server - all three uilds worked.
There might be hooks in the CRT or suchlike that can be leveraged to impact DLLs using the same CRT, but it's likely that you need to consider it on a per-module basis.
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zao: they runtime patch the standard allocator
so having it linked to one module affects all
kinda like weak symbols on linux
Allocator as in the C++ one from the CRT?
And not HeapAlloc and friends?
and malloc/free
The CMake test compile it alays does breaks
1> [CMake] LINK : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol mi_version
it misses the library then
mimalloc gets found and everything and is in the path
as I said, I never tried it...
I'll figure it out
is the library on the command line?
Yorlik: I can try tomorrow, too tired now
I might have overlooked something. But the mimake_DIR is set and the path too.
hkaiser: How many slots generally ste||ar allocated for GSoC?
hkaiser up to the end of weekend I will update the proposal including the link of github repo if the MM with HPX
Now I working for this hkaiser
sure, good luck!
Thank you for all your support!
hkaiser: Is Selection is only depends on quality of proposal in Ste||ar?
hkaiser Could I make a question to you?
quality of proposal, general activity of the student, what is the quality of the example code we ask to write, etc.
ibalampanis: you already did ;-)
sure go ahead
Why don't you use Slack for chat? Many of organizations has this as a media.
example code means? hkaiser
ibalampanis: historic reasons - is there a big difference?
No, no, just a question!
Abhishek09: we ask our students to implement a small example matrix multiplication using HPX to get an idea of what you know
ibalampanis: ;-)
hkaiser: Why not you gitter rather than irc . Many org started using it
ibalampanis: one of the main reasons is that slack does not provide us with a full history of the conversations
hkaiser: Can HPX executors be combined, like proposed in the isocpp proposal? I'd like to try out jbjnrs limiting_executor. Alternatively I'd add it's functionality to your hooking thing.
gitter is far better than slack
Abhishek09: there are many options, we have not been able to agree on something else than irc so far - this channel here exists for more than 10 years, people got used to it
Also, slack is acting under us regulations and bans certain foreign nationals
Yorlik: our executors are not conforming to p0443 at this point, they represent an older version of it from 3-4 years ago
Simply put: it's a for profit organization where you are the product, not the customer
We just need to rewrite Discord and use HPX under the hood ;)
Yorlik: however, I showed you in the example how you can create wrappers that can rely on other executors and add/remove things
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Yes - I'll look into it.
Gotta study the code better now.
Yorlik Are you interested in gsoc?
I'm not a student
Ok! :D
:) *
WQe're a group of hobbyists writing a gameserver with HPX.
Wow! After gsoc I would like to contribute on it
Sure - contact me. But we're not open source.
zao nikunj Hi
But we use Lua !!
Yorlik How come you are nοt?
Yorlik: I still hope to get a free license for your game, though ;-)
There are several reasons. It's a long winded discussion I'd avoid for today.
Ok! Understood!
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We do not really have commercial ambitions, we we might monetize just to cover the costs. E.g. an option could be to make a dual license later, but giving out server code gives a great advantage to hackers, so we'd do that rather late in the process if ever.
In the moment it's a msall puny exercise made mostly by me anyways.
With some grains of awesomeness ;)
Sure, I haven't in my mind this about hacking
Hah, you 're great!
MMO are always under massive attack from hackers.
LOL - No - just a little crazy :)
Crazy is more suitable word than great. I admit it
You need to be a little crazy to do what we do.
When a hobbyist start saying: We want to write an MMO the reaction usually is always negative.
Could you give me your email or a social media account in order not to spam here?
For reasons: It's quite a task. But with libraries like HPX and Lua it's much more feasible than it used to be.
Sure: mckillroy lives at gmail with the dot of com.
hah thanks
I just send you an ack message Yorlik
It arrived
It's ok!
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hkaiser Are you in USA? I ask this to have in my mind the local time difference
yes, I'm in the US central time zone
What about Bita? If you know.
So, your local time is 9:04 (24hr)
hkaiser: Is the default executor essentially the interface description when writing an executor? Or is there a more overview writeup on the concept somewhere?
I see there is a bit in examples though.
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hkaiser Is fault if I repo is a Jetbrains CLion project? This IDE has the Cmake as integrated tool and the execute of code is able via a button.
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ibalampanis: Last time I looked at CLion, their CMake only supported make generation and not ninja or MSBuild. Not sure if it's still like that.
I don't know what you say. What do you mean generation?
CMake is not a build system, but a generator for various build systems, like make, MSBuild or Ninja.
IIRC CLIon does not support all of them, but just makefile generation.
But that might be outdated info. But if it still is true and you want something else with CMake than makefiles you might run into issues with CLion.
Yeah, I understand now. I don't know if now supports something else than make
I just thought I'd tell you for consideration.
* Yorlik
is just a hobbyist with same half baked semi-knowledge which ~just works enough :)
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Sorry if I made a fault question
I think it's a good question. You wanna use the tools that work for your project.
It's true
Yorlik: Which tools/IDEs do you suggest?
I can only say what I use - but what's best for you might be totally different. I work mostly on Windows and am using MSVC Community edition. On Linux I use VSCode
Ok, VSCode is a safe pick. Works with everything!
It's a good editor. And it works nicely with CMake and testing frameworks.
You can also use intellisense with it
Yeah, have it in my mind
VSCode also allows you to work remotely via SSH
Yeah I knew it! Thanks for your time! Time to go out for duties! Cheers!
It has a remote server - so that'S a pretty slick solution, though I heared you should't use it over the internet because of security issues. But locally its a nice thing.
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Yorlik: vscode’s ssh remote now only listens on localhost on the remote, so it’s safe on singleuser machines or where you trust the other users
Ah OK - so they fixed it. Thanks for the heads-up.
I have yet to get any response on whether it has any token auth or not, idiots seem to be reluctant to just say.
Instrumentation will soon be a thing for us, when we have Milestone 1 and go into a polishing pahse.
jbjnr: I just stole three lines of code from your limiting executor and put them into the start hook of the executor I'm using - I already had task counting implemented. And it seems to work nicely.
Essentially I needed just this:
if ( ( ++task_counter<I> ) > upper_threshold_ ) {
hkaiser, the only way to calculate grain size that I know of is putting up a high resolution clock and measure the task execution time. Is there any other way? I hear APEX is used for performance measurement in HPX. Would that help?
nikunj97: yes, that's what the auto-chunker does
hkaiser: I just put the above three-liner in the start() lambda of your hooked executor and it seems to work nicely
as expected
Working on jemalloc now :) Can't wait to see the effects.
shahrzad: you need to use Boost.Context on the Pi
A quick and dirty exerpt from my use of the auto chunker
nikunj97: there is also a new website (just created a while back): hpx.stellar-group.org
we will use it for all things HPX in the future
Yorlik, thanks!
hkaiser, aah the one you were talking about the other day
I'll go through the blogs. Thanks
nikunj: Made a cleanup of the gist - it's shorter now amd more clear.
nikunj97: I'd be more than happy to give you access if you'd like to write blog posts
hkaiser, I'm making myself familiar with the functionalities that I've rarely/never used
I am sure to right one post it. HPX needs more publicity and user base
perfect opportunity to document things as you go
hkaiser, yes, I'm already writing smallest code snippet for the things I'm learning
blog posts can be short, no reason to write a novel
I believe it's always better to start with the easiest code you can write. And then you can show it's usage in a real application
simple snippets are enough
I'll be writing these blogs over the summer
coz I don't think my internship is happening lol
nikunj97: yah, there is that
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hkaiser: since HPX is using jemalloc - would I have to link my app again against jemalloc, or can I just use the symbols and only include the header where needed?
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Yorlik: if you reference the symbols from your code you need to link against it, HPX might however re-export the library so that this might not require any actions on your side
I htink the allocator is target_link_library'd to hpx publicly
so you should be fine
It's just working - just started a test :)
Because of the task limiter I now simply let the lua states explode as needed, but I delete above a threshold on return to the pool
It looks my test runs ~40-60% faster - I'll let it run a bit
Big Win
From ~40000 messages /sec to ~60000
With 10000 calls into Lua
100 messages per call
That's muich more we ever had with the old crappy project.
HPX for the win!
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I think I can now focus on a demo game and finalizing the default events and stuff.
that's on a 4 core machine?
So - on a decent modern server this would surely b much better
OFC, the Lua Load will be more.
Still I'm happy with this result for now.
Yorlik: we should give you access to our test cluster there you could do better benchmarks
hat would be cool
But I need to go finish the milestone first
I want a basic fox-rabbit-grass population dynamics testcase
Yorlik: talk to akheir here (once he's back), he manages the cluster
And we are n ot yet distributed
I need to get the location and load balancid system done for that
The spatial partitioning
no idea what a fox-rabbit-grass population is ;-)
A single node of like 14-28 cores still tends to give some insights, particularly around NUMA junk.
Grass Grows
Rabbits eat grass
Foxes eat rabbits
Chaotic numbers in the subpopulations
Its an easy way to create man objects.
I'll make a very simplistic AI for that
hkaiser: Do you know if Bita is in dayoff today?
Yorlik: interesting
ibalampanis: it's weekend
Such a good note! Thanks!
hkaiser: Why aren't you in dayoff because of weekend?
ibalampanis: I'm just lurking here ;-)
Hahah it's ok!
In order to double check, is your local time 12:35 ? (24hr)
Yorlik: I merged #4462 just now
ibalampanis: yes
OK. stable it is then :)
ibalampanis: Local time in New Orleans should be accurate.
I'll wait until the tag is there.
Yorlik: you need to wait for the CI to cycle for stable to be updated to this
I have a working build after all.
zao: Thank you
I think I'll use commit hashes in the future, so I have pinned stables
Yorlik: I'd prefer you using the stable tag - nice way for us to discover problems ;-)
* Yorlik
just joined the CI union
zao, is a swap storage really important?
nikunj97: How elaborate of an explanation do you want? :)
I've got 16gb ram
and I'm always on 12-13gb
it's when I'm not running any compilation/linking stuff
it's with chrome, vs code, hexchat, spotify and a few other applications open
like discord or slack
So your OS has a virtual memory system, yeah? Memory is split up into pages (4 KiB typically) and is backed either by physical RAM, physical storage, or just requested by not committed yet, having no backing storage.
Memory for things like loaded libraries or memory mapped files are backed by files on your disk, and can as long as it's not modified be dropped from memory and re-read from the files when needed.
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Memory for data allocated from a process or modified pages cannot be spilled to disk if there's no backing storage, it's stuck in RAM.
That is, unless you have a swap file/partition. It serves as an off-load area for less used pages from RAM, which the OS attempts to have somewhat pre-populated in case there's a burst in memory usage and it needs to evict something.
It helps free up and compact the contents of physical RAM that may have been spuriously loaded or not used at all.
I see
I should add one. Should help relieve the stress on memory
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Yorlik: I approve
hkaiser: Erm .. what?
Yorlik: you joining the CI union ;-)
:) lol
They told me to take a nap to keep my overwhelming beauty - which I will do now - BBL :)
heller1, why are my stream results looking way too different than the other day executing the same binary?
I'm getting about 70-80GB/s bandwidth on x86 node all of a sudden
nikunj97: different phase of moon ;-)
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lol, it can make such a difference?
din't you know?
it doubled!
not like 10% or 20%
so you changed something
all my calculations are no good atm with these new results
I didn't change anything. I executed an already compiled file that I used previously to record exactly the same thing
something else was going on on your machine when you tried before?
it was executed on a node allocated by slurm
no the cluster is at jsc
exactly the same node?
not sure about that
but they're all same x86
you had that effect before when you were with us, remember?
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yes, I remember the effect
even on rostam equivalent the nodes are different
so I choose a single node to record and benchmark everything
btw which one will have higher memory bandwidth, float or double?
peak memory bandwidth i.e.
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The data type is irrelevant
heller1, 60GB/s with float and 80GB/s
with double
that's why I was wondering what gives
on arm
Well, you might need to increase the array size
Float is half the size, might mess up the measurements
aah that makes sense
Also, x86 != x86
I meant they're all Xeon E5 2660 v3
same frequency as well
and now arm is only giving 20GB/s for some reason
it's exactly the same node but giving way less memory bandwidth. What am I doing wrong?
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heller1, just read the array size rule on stream. It's definitely array size issue. Arm has 64MB cache while the array size is 10M
L3 cache ^^
I should read things more carefully :/
I changed the array size to 128M so I should see consistent rates both on hisilicon and e5
heller1, yup, very consistent now. I don't see difference in float and double as well
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May I ask, what is the status of concurrent data structure support in GSoC project? I am interested in participating as a mentor (and learning as well)
Will we aim at implement concurrent_unordered_set
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Abhishek09, hey
just saw your text from afternoon
what is it that you want to talk about?
nikunj97: Does installation of phylanx require library files for perfect working or it is fine with devel and header files?
Abhishek09: Hi there, did you want anything particular this morning? I saw you highlighted me but didn't say what it was about.
(the above, I guess)
zao: i have lost that thing
Abhishek09, I didn't get you
If you're talking about which one of `hpx` and `hpx-devel` you need from the OS, an answer is that `hpx-devel` depends on `hpx`.
So you're going to either have `hpx` or `hpx` + `hpx-devel` installed if you're working with OS packages.
This is customary.
A development package contains an additional set of files on top of the base set of files in the regular package.
Both packages are needed to form a development environment.
Is this what you wondered about? :D
zao: Yes , that means hpx and hpx devel both are madatory for phylanx
hpx devel depends on hpx
You could reason it out from what you know that the Phylanx build needs too.
It builds a Python package with a native extension.
The native extension when built needs the headers to compile and the library to link.
As i have build phylanx by installing hpx by source not dnf
The only case you can get away with not having libraries installed is when you have a dependency that doesn't _have_ libraries, for example header-only dependencies like Eigen and Blaze
That means i have to ensure that all deps must works fine(library+built files+header) before building phylanx zao
I've found in the past that as long as the install step has worked, the dependencies are usable.
hkaiser, so auto_chunk_size essentially makes sure that parallel_for_loop creates tasks such that their grain size is the time specified to auto_chunk_size?
"This executor parameters type makes sure that as many loop iterations are combined as necessary to run for the amount of time specified." - Just making sure if I got this right
zao: Soon i will draft a proposal . i will built entirely (lib+header+built files) by source , Any tips for me you want to give
nikunj97 ^
nope, looks good
you'll have to build most of things from source
Abhishek09: I think I've said this in the past, but make a habit of installing things into a non-system directory, so that it's easy to remove and control.
Also take good notes on what commands you run so it's reproducible.
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Yorlik, ^^
about the auto_chunk_size thing
zao: You also patrticipating this year As a student in GSoC?
I said before, is it correct?
Abhishek09: Nope, I've never done GSoC. I'm a professional sysadmin and application expert at a HPC site.
My primary job is to build and install software for researchers :D
nikunj: The auto chunker does measurements. I think you pay like 10% for these IIRC what hkaiser said. He knows better.
aah so I invoke get_chunk_size to know what the grain size was?
I never used that function, but probably yes
wait if auto chunker does measurements, there should be a way to report it back right?
I'm asking that
so you use executor.with( auto_chunk_size( 2000us ) ), what does it actually do?
The auto chinker attempts to size you chunks such, that they run 2000us
So if one iteration take 1us it would do 2000 iterations per chunk
but with 10% overheads
IIRC yes. hkaiser should tell exactly.
ok no, this isn't what I wanted. I want to time the grain size
You can use an exe3cutor, which has a start and a stop function
not make the runtime change iterations to make it that grain size
So you can pout your measurement hooks there
You can put whatever you want into the start and stop lambdas
You put the executor in the parloop and give it the start and stop lambdas where you can place your measurement or perfcounters.
I use it to limit task creation to a max
It gives you control over a chunk.
And in the loop you can use the auto chunker or a static chunker
got it
it's again not what I was looking for btw. But it's a nice idea
Maybe I misunderstood - what exactly do you need?
so basically I want to measure the time of my execution of a task. I previously used to use high resolution timers to measure the grain size
Do you want to measure your chunks or do you want to size them?
like start the timer on invoking the function and calculate the time elapsed in the end
I want a better way to get the time
I neither want to measure them nor change the size
Just measure a chunk and divide by the number?
but that won't give me a right measure coz they have 10% overheads
Not the static chunker
Onlky the auto chunker
The static chunker has zero overhead
(Or almost zero)
static chunker simply measures the grain size?
or does it try to do something similar to auto chunker?
You set the size of a grain
Its fixed
aah got it, your snippet
simply tell the number of iterations you want
Do you want auto chunking or not?
nope, I do not want auto chunker
static chunker looks better
The use the static one. Its cheap
I do not want the runtime to optimize things, I'm optimizing according to an underlying hardware ;-)
So you make measurements and then you know your grain size?
But you do it only once?
You could simply do a claibration phase then, before the real heavy duty job starts.
As long as your item load is constant that should work nicely.
my item load is constant
I just want to keep the load at optimal
So basically you just want to measure your hardware.
that's why I wanted to measure the grain size
And adjust to it
Yorlik, precisely
static chunker then
got it!
Or just run a shorter loop
what do you mean?
Like a short calibration loop and then adjhust the chunks
But maybe its better to have the chunkin in - then you have measured all overheads.
But thats a detail question.
Good luck!
I think I got it, let me try
thanks for the help!
Cheers! :)
Yorlik, one more thing
nikunj97: auto-chunker is your friend
so if a parallel_for loop goes from: 0 100, and you set static_chunk_size=10, you'll have 10 tasks in total, right?
hkaiser: how large is its overhead again?
hkaiser, aren't the overheads high though?
you can do both: measure the best chunksize and then set it (possibly using the static chunker
you can also create your own chunker that measures things once and uses the settings for all subsequent uses or somesuch
Yorlik: overheads of what?
hkaiser: What's the cost of the autochunker again?
you tell it
by default it runs 1% of the iterations to measure
but you can change that
Oh I C
1% aint't bad
I wasn't clear about that, just told nikunj97 about it.
I can use auto chunker then
nikunj: could be too much
1% is 6 minutes in 10 hours :)
Yorlik: you want to measure it once every now and then and just reuse afterwards
writing a chunker is trivial, just look at the existing ones
I will need constant monitoring, since the workloads always change
I'm happy to use the autochunker
right, that's what I said
nikunj has a different situation, He just wants to measure his hardware to determine the grainsize for a constant job
Mine is horribly dynamic.
Yorlik, setting auto chunker to find the best grain-size will also do the trick for me
once I find the best, I'll get rid of the auto chunker to get another 1% speedup
With 1% it's much smaller than I wrongly remembered
It's just that I wanted to know a good way where I don't have to time loops and write scripts to know better
this way I can just run the thing on the chunk size I want
What kind of job are you running?
it's a stencil benchmark
I want to optimize it
to the best I can. If I can show that HPX's functionality hide in the noise and I get near optimal performance, I can write a paper on it
which will increase HPX's publicity and help me with my academic journey :D
Cool :) HPX is a really good piece of tech. You'll have fun :)
hkaiser, btw Sanjay informally offered my a PhD during the interview
he was telling me all the PhD deadlines and wanted to know what I wanted to pursue
*offered me a PhD
nikunj97: nice
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