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master doesn't build for me, looks like something happened with cmake
version.cpp is missing the hwloc include path
will try a clean config
same results, the version submodule isn't getting the hwloc include directory
K-ballo: can you open an issue with more details?
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hmm works for me (tm)
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where is hwloc obtained from? we used to have sort of cmake globals
we have an imported target now, fancy..
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i know basic python,c++ and data science and i am really intrested in applied statistics and machine learning on cloud systems
I am currently talking trough mail with Bita Hasheminezhad and i would like to know how should i contribute or get the skills to have the opportunity to.
GiannisProkopiou: welcome!
GiannisProkopiou: bita_ is here to discuss things
looks like she is out for lunch currently, however
i should wait then :)
hello greek friend! wellcome!
hello my friend!
where r u from?
Athens,Greece and you?
Thessaloniki,Greece (AUTh)
oh i see,that's nice
i am from university of patras
hkaiser: does your version module get the hwloc include paths specified in its configuration, or does it get them from elsewhere?
probably gets it from vcpkg
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mmh, vcpkg would make them available everywhere
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K-ballo: nod
so it works out of the box if not explicitly configured
Any idea why `make tests` on build directory take so long? (Even more than source build itself!!! 0.0 )
definitely a lot more than source build, yes
there's a lot more stuff in them
did you specify `-jX` or are you building on a single core?
four cores - `j4`
what is their content?
I must have tensorflow,Spartan or Theano to compile Pylanx and HPX?
GiannisProkopiou, thanks for joining here. gonidelis is right. HPX does not depend on any of the tensorflow or theano. Please use the build instruction and let us know if something did not work for you
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