hkaiser, I think I could fix the hpx issue on Cori
Level 11 on 512 nodes finished
Let us wait for 256 and 1024
diehlpk: what did you change?
Dominc merged the radiation and I used a commit before
we will see what happens to the remaing jobs
interesting, so it's caused by octotiger?
I am not sure, since a simple hello world fails on QB
Maye the different versionddoes not has the race condition
Wehave to debug this after the SC paper
Right now, I am happy that things seems to work again
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So there's a proper bridge now?
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hkaiser: yt?
The solution to the last problem in the end was easy: Just storing all instances if LuaState Pools on a static in the class, so I could access everything without knowing the actual threads using them. This now allows me after stopping the server to safely kill all LuaStates and reload the scripts and everything.
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Yorlik: sure, but this requires synchronization, doesn't it?
Yes - the opeation can only be performed, when the server is paused and no lua states are being used. But that's easy to do.
what I meant is that you have to grab a lock or something in order to create a new state engine
I am just leaving the update loop which guarantees that.
or to get one
The pools have a lock
But when an engine is handed out it has left the pool and there is no concurrency until it is returned. these are extremely short, one liner code sequences which need locking
It's just a pointer being pushed back into the vector.
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