hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log: | GSoC:
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<nikunj97> hkaiser, do you have any idea of tiling in 2d stencil?
<nikunj97> heller1, you too ^^
<hkaiser> what do you mean
<nikunj97> looks like it massively boosts the scalability of 2d stencil
<nikunj97> so for example, if you remember from Keita's discussion
<nikunj97> his N->1 tiling
<nikunj97> where he takes N elements in 1d stencil
<nikunj97> instead of just the neighbor
<nikunj97> and then works on 3N element in total working on N-1 time advancements in total
<nikunj97> in a single time step
<nikunj97> increases both the grain size, and network communication cost
<nikunj97> there's this concept called Diamond tiling in 2d stencil using which they claim to improve scalability by 4x
<hkaiser> nikunj97: interesting
<nikunj97> hkaiser, I'll be sure to try something similar in HPX
<nikunj97> if we show we can do this too, we'll stand out
<hkaiser> go for it!
<hkaiser> you should be able to do even better, because of Futurization
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<nikunj97> hkaiser, will try my best
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<zao> Found this more ancient issue -
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<zao> I'm two weeks behind on commits it seems, guess I should try master.
<zao> (a14da8f)
<zao> Got around building with -HPX_WITH_MALLOC=system as gperftools resulted in allocator errors in test runs.
<hkaiser> zao: hmm, CI passed
<hkaiser> lloks like your python doesn't find the primitives
<hkaiser> might be that rpath issue
<zao> I'm building via EasyBuild, not sure if it does naughty things to RPATHs.
<hkaiser> zao: let's talk tomorrow
<hkaiser> I'm out for today
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<zao> Yeah, I should be sleeping already, just wanted to mention it while I had it in memory.
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<ibalampanis> Hello to everyone! Have a nice day!
<ibalampanis> zao: Are you in daylight? Is your local time 4:12 or 3:12 in New Orleans?
<zao> ibalampanis: I don't know what DST they have over there, I'm in CEST.
<ibalampanis> Ohh, it's ok
<zao> The group is here and there on the globe, several are at LSU in New Orleans, some are in Germany, some in Switzerland.
<ibalampanis> zao: Yeah, Because yesterday you answer to me about central zone time
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<ibalampanis> Hello Abhishek09 ! Are you interested in GSoC?
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<iti> @diehlpk_mobile : Hello Patrick, you there ?
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<diehlpk_mobile[m> Iti Yes?
<diehlpk_mobile[m> How can I help?
<iti> I have completed my proposal, I was wondering if you can provide some feedback>
<iti> ?*
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<ibalampanis> iti: Hello, Which is the project that you intersted in?
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<Abhishek09> ibalampanis: Hey, what u are asking last time?
<iti> Hi ibalampanis! I'm interested in implementing iterative solvers :)
<ibalampanis> Abhishek09: Hello! I 'd like to ask you if you 're intersted in GSoC
<ibalampanis> iti: Good luck mate!
<Abhishek09> ibalampanis: Yes
<Abhishek09> ibalampanis:Wbu?
<Abhishek09> ibalampanis
<ibalampanis> Just for chat mate! Good luck to you too!
<Abhishek09> ibalampanis?
<ibalampanis> I'm interested in Test Framework for Phylanx Algorithms
<Abhishek09> ibalampanis: i m intrested to make phylanx pip installable
<Abhishek09> where r u from?
<ibalampanis> I'm from Greece! What about you?
<Abhishek09> ibalampanis: India +91
<diehlpk_mobile[m> Iti sure I will write you an email
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<Abhishek09> nikunj97: Have seen my proposal?
<nikunj97> Abhishek09, no.
<nikunj97> where is it?
<Abhishek09> nikunj97: i think you are mentor you have acess to see
<nikunj97> ohh you sent it to google?
<Abhishek09> Yes , already drafted
<Abhishek09> login as mentor and see
<nikunj97> I'll go through it in sometime
<Abhishek09> I does planned a timeline
<Abhishek09> i will plan it later with you
<Abhishek09> nikunj97
<nikunj97> k
<Abhishek09> i doesn't planned
<Abhishek09> We will dicuss how would we go nikunj97
<Abhishek09> through timeline in a short
<nikunj97> sure, I'll go through the proposal in some time
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<Abhishek09> nikunj97 Does i have to contact rtohid to review the proposal?
<Abhishek09> or he can see upto monday
<Abhishek09> ?
<nikunj97> Abhishek09, rtohid is not an official mentoring this year
<nikunj97> he won't be able to see it
<Abhishek09> That means you are enough to final my proposal nikunj97
<Abhishek09> Am i right?
<nikunj97> Abhishek09, it doesn't work that way
<Abhishek09> Then who will final my prposal ? nikunj97
<nikunj97> it'll be a collective decision afaik
<Abhishek09> Ok i will ping u after 1 hour nikunj97
<heller1> Correct
<nikunj97> does hpx::dataflow return a future<void> or do I have something wrong going in my program?
<nikunj97> my bad, was using using different types. unwrapped to void :D
<wate123_Jun> Hi mentors! I submitted my draft proposal. I would appreciate if you could provide any suggestions or feedback. Thanks!
<Abhishek09> wate123_Jun: Which project u are working?
<wate123_Jun> Ah forgot to mention that my proposal is on implement the iterative solvers.
<hkaiser> wate123_Jun: distributed solvers?
<wate123_Jun> yea. particularly the BiCGSTAB L and LSQR
<zao> I'm not sure if I'm running `make tests` wrong in some way, a bunch of them have an exit code of 255 with no output and some are segfaulting with a HPX-like crash handler.
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<zao> I built Phylanx outside of EasyBuild for now to see what might be weird around those symbol table errors, but now I have a new set of problems :D
<zao> Are some of those expected-failure and not handled as such?
<hkaiser> zao: do you install phylanx? or do you run it from the build directory?
<zao> This is before installing.
<zao> I'm running make, make tests, and haven't gotten to make install yet.
<hkaiser> ok
<hkaiser> why does it work on circleci?
<hkaiser> that's just a normal run-of-the-mill linux environment
<Abhishek09> hkaiser: i already draft proposal . Please review it
<hkaiser> alright
<zao> Yeah, not sure about why this is.
<zao> This is with all the libraries, the toolchain, and Python via Lmod modules.
<zao> Looking at the regression tests, the ones that pass are run via, while the ones that fail are run directly with Python and a PYTHONPATH set.
<hkaiser> interesting
<hkaiser> I wouldn't know why they are run differently :/
<zao> There's some few Pass in the latter group as well.
<Abhishek09> hkaiser: i have planned the project timeline .Please don't worry about that . I will write later
<Abhishek09> not planned
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<zao> hkaiser: Your test env runs build with Ninja, in Debug, with Clang 9.0.0 and C++17 forced.
<hkaiser> yes
<zao> I'm using GNU Make, in Release, with GCC 8.3.0 and the build is determining it's C++14.
<zao> Python versions seem similar enough at least, I'm on 3.7.2 and you're on 3.7.4.
<hkaiser> the standard flavor shouldn't matter
<hkaiser> Debug/Release actually could
<hkaiser> didn't know the tests could be run in release - but there you go ;-)
<zao> It's customary for all the software we build that the test suite passes, regardless of build flavour.
<zao> How else are you supposed to know that the bare minimum of it works? :)
<hkaiser> yah sure
<hkaiser> no objections there
<hkaiser> I just can't keep up with all of this...
<zao> I'm gonna spin off a Debug build of HPX and Phylanx, see if it fares any differently.
<zao> Just curious as to why it doesn't work well on my machine.
<zao> I don't have any actual reason to use HPX and Phylanx as usual, just building just-in-case I need the knowledge about it for the upcoming GSoC season.
<hkaiser> thanks!
<ibalampanis> gonidelis: Are you from Greece?
<Abhishek09> nikunj97: have you checked the proposal?
<ibalampanis> hkaiser: Bita has answered to me and requested from me a zoom meeting. I'm a little bit anxious..
<hkaiser> ibalampanis: bita is a nice person, no worries
<gonidelis> ibalampanis yes...
<ibalampanis> @go
<ibalampanis> gonidelis: Are you interested in GSoC? Δεν ξερω αν πρεπει να γραψω ελληνικα :P
<ibalampanis> gonidelis: I'm not sure if greek is agood idea :P
<gonidelis> You have a pm
<ibalampanis> Okk!
<ibalampanis> hkaiser: Thanks for your support!
<Abhishek09> ibalampanis: You can write greek here also
<hkaiser> you guys are the first ones in the HPX community that come from Greece \o/
<gonidelis> Haha... there was also another guy a week ago but he has yet to show up...
<ibalampanis> Interesting!
<zao> Abhishek09: While IRC supports local scripts, it tends to be good for community interaction if we stick to a common language.
<gonidelis> zao (y) agreed
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<Yorlik> But Greek looks so pretty and magical!
<Yorlik> For aesthetic reason a greek line should be allowed every now and then ;)
<gonidelis> οκ I wιll make sure tο provide yoυ with α line eνey oτher weeκ '=D
<Yorlik> I could give you some cool German Umlauts as bärenstarke Rückgabe :)
* zao hands out free räksmörgås samples
<Yorlik> (= strong as a bear return)
<gonidelis> hey I am currently learning German.... ;p I got the 'barenstarke' part
<Yorlik> zao: How about Rødgrød med Fløde ?
<zao> That would be either danes or norwegians ^^
<zao> Considering how horrible it sounds to say, definitely danes.
<Yorlik> Danes
<hkaiser> as Tucholski once said: the Danes speak a different kind of German compared to the Norwegians
<zao> ^^
<Yorlik> Some say Danish is like Norwegian with a potato in your mouth.
<zao> Time to rebuild HPX _again_.
<zao> Turns out that -DHPX_CXX_COMPILER isn't the same as -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER :D
<hkaiser> is it now?
<heller1> Was it ever?
<hkaiser> I don't think you're supposed to set HPX_CXX_COMPILER
<zao> I need more cores, takes 10 minutes to build.
<zao> hkaiser, heller1: Yeah, just a mental typo when trying to change my compiler.
<zao> Would've caught it if I had looked at the CMake output.
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<Yorlik> What would be the equivalent of a weak_ptr in id_type speak? I cannot have object not migrate just because someone has an id_type of it. I just need the reference.
<hkaiser> Yorlik: hpx::unmanaged(id)
<hkaiser> Yorlik: but I think you misunderstood
<hkaiser> migration is not prevented by holding an id_type to an object
<hkaiser> migration is prevented by holding a shared_ptr returned from get_ptr<>
<Yorlik> Oh - itrs a shared_ptr to the real object then?
<Yorlik> Right - it was a misunderstanding
<Yorlik> issue solved - non-issue
<Yorlik> :)
<Yorlik> hkaiser: Thanks!
<hkaiser> Yorlik: in fact you _need_ to have an id_type to do migration
<Yorlik> True - lol
<Yorlik> How would I delete am id_type then?
<Yorlik> I am creating it and storing an id_type in a local pool.
<Yorlik> That seemed to keep it alive
<Yorlik> But if I need to destroy it - I cannot afford to traverse the entire cluster for references
<Yorlik> I need exception if so tries to use an invalid reference
<Yorlik> hkaiser: aftermath question ^^
<nikunj97> hkaiser, one question
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<hkaiser> Yorlik: object will be deleted whenever the last reference to it goes out of scope
<nikunj97> can I bind hpx threads to a certain cpu thread?
<hkaiser> no
<zao> A Debug build with the same toolchain fails in a similar manner, it seems. Clang build underway I hope.
<hkaiser> zao: ok, thanks for checking
<nikunj97> what do I do when I don't want to make use of hyperthreading and I can't disable it coz no one wants to go onsite in this coronavirus situation?
<Yorlik> hkaiser: my objhects seem to survive by just holding an id_type in a pool. I probably got sth horribly wrong.
<hkaiser> sure
<hkaiser> as long as there is an id_type alive, the object will not be deleted
<zao> nikunj97: Can't you pin to particular cores or something?
<hkaiser> id_type works like a global shared_ptr
<nikunj97> zao, does HPX allow that?
<hkaiser> zao: HPX threads can be stolen at any synchronization point
<zao> hkaiser: I mean, tell localities to run on a subset of the cores available.
<Yorlik> hkaiser: I cannot afford this. I need to be able to delete anyways and get an error on use of an invalid ref
<zao> Like some sort of topology hack.
<hkaiser> nikunj97: hyperthreading: use only as many hpx threads as you have cores (without HT
<nikunj97> zao, topology hacks are what I'm looking for
<hkaiser> i.e. --hpx:threads=<number-of_cores>
<nikunj97> so if I have 2 numa domains and i use cores equivalent to 1
<nikunj97> will it run on that one?
<hkaiser> no idea what you're talking about
<hkaiser> Yorlik: huh?
<Yorlik> I think I need hpx::unmanaged(id)
<hkaiser> how do you know that a reference is invalid?
<Yorlik> By getting an exception?
<hkaiser> Yorlik: so consider you have a shared_ptr to an object, copied all over the place
<Yorlik> E.g. I might store a reference just to cache a search result
<nikunj97> I meant if I had 2 CPUs with 16 cores, 32 hyperthreads. and I provide 32 cores, will it be equivalent to running on both CPUs or will it leverage hyperthreads as well at some point?
<hkaiser> now you take one of them and explicitly delete the memory: 'delete sp.get()'
<hkaiser> what would expect to happen?
<nikunj97> ok my bad, got what you're saying
<hkaiser> nikunj97: what do you mean by 'provide 32 cores'?
<Yorlik> hkaiser: some sort of invalid access exception?
<hkaiser> no you will see a segfault because the other shared_ptr copies still reference the deleted pointer
<Yorlik> ARGH
<Yorlik> hkaiser: Following use case: I run a local search: all obj in radius, then do stuff on object list. on object is deleted in between.
<Yorlik> I need this to fail somehow
<hkaiser> mark the object as deleted and phase it out over time
<Yorlik> IC - so just throw on each illegal access or strh manually
<hkaiser> yes
<Yorlik> OK. Makes sense.
<hkaiser> what we can certainly do (but I'm not sure this is a good idea) would be to have a is_valid flag in AGAS
<Yorlik> So I'll go back from apply to sync and actually use the void futs
<Yorlik> the problem is solved anyways I had
<hkaiser> you would have to do that in any case wouldn't you?
<Yorlik> I hadn't enough understanding of how id_types work.
<hkaiser> even if there was a mechanism that told you the id was invalid
<Yorlik> It's not a difficult fix. Just some polishing
<hkaiser> well hold on, apply could throw itself in that case...
<Yorlik> OK?
<Yorlik> Would apply do a fut.get() imnplicitely?
<hkaiser> no
<hkaiser> apply does not create a future to begin with
<Yorlik> But it would throw?
<Yorlik> That would mean it acts sync over the wire
<Yorlik> Otherwise it cvannot know
<Yorlik> SO: Is it fire and forget or fire and wait for result?
<Yorlik> with result being at least a success ack
<hkaiser> no it does not act sync
<Yorlik> How can it throw then?
<hkaiser> it schedules sending the message and returns
<Yorlik> So apply has exited already when the exception arrives
<Yorlik> Where does it throw then?
<hkaiser> what I meant was, that if we added a means of (logically) invalidating an id, then apply could possibly throw as the address resolution would have to be done
<Abhishek09> nikunj97: hey how is proposal?
<hkaiser> but that would work only if the id_type is managed by the locality the apply is executed on...
<hkaiser> so it might not be able to throw after all in all cases
<Yorlik> hkaiser: so bottomline is: Aplly doesn'Ät throw
<hkaiser> yes
<Yorlik> So back to async ...
<Yorlik> :)
<hkaiser> Yorlik: but even then you'd have to handle the 'object is invalid' yourself
<Yorlik> Yes.
<hkaiser> just don't forget, you should throw either a std:;exception or an hpx::exception
<Yorlik> You said
<Yorlik> own exs are not sent
<hkaiser> all other exceptions might not be properly marshalled over the network
<Yorlik> I'll have to see what to do with t he future.
<Yorlik> I might just give it to a dedicated manager object
<Yorlik> Because I can't afford to keep the lua states around any longer
<Yorlik> Or I store it in a variable and check it next frame again
<Yorlik> The longer I think: A dedicated fire and forget manager might be best whiuch sends a message to the object using the id_type that there was an exception and what.
<hkaiser> Yorlik: I thought your lua states are not bound to the objects but to the hpx threads executing on the objects
<Yorlik> No - that explodes
<Yorlik> The Lua states are bound to the tasks
<hkaiser> that's what I meant
<Yorlik> When the task (batch) goes out of scope
<Yorlik> That's what I said: I need to exit the updater, even if the future is not yet ready
<hkaiser> but above you said 'I might just give it to a dedicated manager object, because I can't afford to keep the lua states around any longer'
<Yorlik> So I need to save it for later or give it to a dedicated handler
<hkaiser> that implies that lua states are somehow related to object lifetimes
<Yorlik> I need to store the future somewhere or I have to wait until it is ready
<Yorlik> wait = state is kept around
<Yorlik> We want to wait
<nikunj97> hkaiser, nothing. leave it. I misinterpreted what you said
<Yorlik> So - I move on and when the result arrives some sort of continuation happens
<nikunj97> Abhishek09, I went through it
<Yorlik> Either on the same object in the next frame or in a manager
<Yorlik> I simply need to grow the task graph instead of blocking.
<nikunj97> it is fine. Please add a timeline to it
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<hkaiser> Yorlik: why is the state kept around while you wait for the future?
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<Yorlik> Because it's happening inside lua
<hkaiser> ok, but I don't understand that
<Yorlik> hkaiser: If I ask for an object deletion in lua I have the future there.
<hkaiser> future in Lua?
<Yorlik> So either I discard it or I use it
<Abhishek09> nikunj97: i need your help for writing timeline
<Yorlik> OFC in Lua
<Yorlik> I can use it as a light userdata
<hkaiser> ok, you lost me
<Abhishek09> nikunj97: i don't see any ur comments .
<hkaiser> you have objects that are referenced by id_types
<Yorlik> The function call returns a future: Who do you think has it?
<hkaiser> and you have tasks that execute on one or more objects
<Yorlik> When a lua function asks to delete an object.
<hkaiser> the latter may give you a future representing the task is done
<hkaiser> shrug whatever
<Yorlik> The future will not immediately have an exception, will it?
<Yorlik> Only if it is ready
<hkaiser> it may have an exception once it has become ready
<Yorlik> So - at some point in time I need to handle this, and I can't wait for it in my updater for the objects
<Yorlik> If an object asks to delete another object for example
<Yorlik> I cannot block the updater of the asking object
<Yorlik> So I need to store the future - in Lua - or in a special manager
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<Yorlik> Any remote request can fail - and if it fails I need to finalize this, or a error in the scripting system may keep around id_types that are deleted forever.
<Yorlik> That would result in a sort of leak.
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<hkaiser> that doesn't sound right
<hkaiser> but I don't have the full picture
<Yorlik> I need a mechanism to delete all invalidated references. At least over time.
<Yorlik> It would be a bug in the scripting ofc.
<Yorlik> Someone would create references to an object and keep them around
<Yorlik> But they need to be deleted
<Yorlik> So the object can die in peace
<Yorlik> These errors cannot stay silent if they happen
<Yorlik> And I'm pretty sure at some point it will happen.
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<hkaiser> Yorlik: sure
<Yorlik> And then we have Zombie objects
<Yorlik> It's even worse
<Yorlik> It needs to be possible to logout an object
<Yorlik> So the references would be just temporarily invalidated
<Yorlik> E.g. a player object reference
<Yorlik> If there is a friend list and the friend is not online
<Yorlik> It is connected to the persistent object id problem we had some time ago
<Yorlik> And object might be dead or just unavailable
<Yorlik> Sooiner or later we will need a way to logout an object, that is still valid but not there for the moment.
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<nikunj97> Abhishek09, I'll add them tomorrow
<Abhishek09> Thanks nikunj97
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<zao> Aha! A lead - Phylanx got built against the system Boost, while HPX built against the proper one -
<zao> CMake output points out the proper Boost, but something in the build finds the system one.
<zao> The build of bin/ does not specify the library path for Boost, and as it just does things like `-lboost_program_options`, it links to the system Boost.
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<hkaiser> grrr
<hkaiser> that's outside of our control :/
<hkaiser> zao: but thanks for digging into things
<zao> Isn't it all in your (Phylanx's) control?
<zao> Something adds the libraries to the build of that module, and apparently it's not quite doing it right.
<hkaiser> the python extension module is built by the pybind11 cmake magic
<hkaiser> I'll have a look - might be us, after all
<hkaiser> pybind11 does not need boost
<hkaiser> (I think)
<hkaiser> we might need to switch to the targets exported from hpx here as well
<zao> Examples of the command lines for building the Python modules are here:
<hkaiser> HPX::boost
<zao> I tried digging into the CMake soup of Phylanx to see where it might've come from, but it's beyond me at this time.
<zao> Looking at it, it's doing the same kind of thing for hwloc and openblas.
<hkaiser> although it should get that target recusively through HPX::hpx_init
<hkaiser> I'll talk to simbergm tomorrow, he might have an idea
<hkaiser> zao: what cmake do you use?
<zao> « Target "phylanx_py" links to target "HPX::boost" but the target was not found. »
<zao> CMake/3.15.3
<hkaiser> ok, no idea - simbergm will be able to shed light onto this - he crafted the HPX build system we have now
<hkaiser> zao: we've had the issue that cmake always uses the system-supplied boost on rostam
<hkaiser> Alireza did find the reason, but I forgot what it was ...
<zao> thanks
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