I'm two weeks behind on commits it seems, guess I should try master.
Got around building with -HPX_WITH_MALLOC=system as gperftools resulted in allocator errors in test runs.
zao: hmm, CI passed
lloks like your python doesn't find the primitives
might be that rpath issue
I'm building via EasyBuild, not sure if it does naughty things to RPATHs.
zao: let's talk tomorrow
I'm out for today
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Yeah, I should be sleeping already, just wanted to mention it while I had it in memory.
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Hello to everyone! Have a nice day!
zao: Are you in daylight? Is your local time 4:12 or 3:12 in New Orleans?
ibalampanis: I don't know what DST they have over there, I'm in CEST.
Ohh, it's ok
The group is here and there on the globe, several are at LSU in New Orleans, some are in Germany, some in Switzerland.
zao: Yeah, Because yesterday you answer to me about central zone time
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Hello Abhishek09 ! Are you interested in GSoC?
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@diehlpk_mobile : Hello Patrick, you there ?
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Iti Yes?
How can I help?
I have completed my proposal, I was wondering if you can provide some feedback>
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iti: Hello, Which is the project that you intersted in?
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ibalampanis: Hey, what u are asking last time?
Hi ibalampanis! I'm interested in implementing iterative solvers :)
Abhishek09: Hello! I 'd like to ask you if you 're intersted in GSoC
iti: Good luck mate!
ibalampanis: Yes
Just for chat mate! Good luck to you too!
I'm interested in Test Framework for Phylanx Algorithms
ibalampanis: i m intrested to make phylanx pip installable
where r u from?
I'm from Greece! What about you?
ibalampanis: India +91
Iti sure I will write you an email
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nikunj97: Have seen my proposal?
Abhishek09, no.
where is it?
nikunj97: i think you are mentor you have acess to see
ohh you sent it to google?
Yes , already drafted
login as mentor and see
I'll go through it in sometime
I does planned a timeline
i will plan it later with you
i doesn't planned
We will dicuss how would we go nikunj97
through timeline in a short
sure, I'll go through the proposal in some time
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nikunj97 Does i have to contact rtohid to review the proposal?
or he can see upto monday
Abhishek09, rtohid is not an official mentoring this year
he won't be able to see it
That means you are enough to final my proposal nikunj97
Am i right?
Abhishek09, it doesn't work that way
Then who will final my prposal ? nikunj97
it'll be a collective decision afaik
Ok i will ping u after 1 hour nikunj97
does hpx::dataflow return a future<void> or do I have something wrong going in my program?
my bad, was using using different types. unwrapped to void :D
Hi mentors! I submitted my draft proposal. I would appreciate if you could provide any suggestions or feedback. Thanks!
wate123_Jun: Which project u are working?
Ah forgot to mention that my proposal is on implement the iterative solvers.
wate123_Jun: distributed solvers?
yea. particularly the BiCGSTAB L and LSQR
I'm not sure if I'm running `make tests` wrong in some way, a bunch of them have an exit code of 255 with no output and some are segfaulting with a HPX-like crash handler.
Are some of those expected-failure and not handled as such?
zao: do you install phylanx? or do you run it from the build directory?
This is before installing.
I'm running make, make tests, and haven't gotten to make install yet.
why does it work on circleci?
that's just a normal run-of-the-mill linux environment
hkaiser: i already draft proposal . Please review it
Yeah, not sure about why this is.
This is with all the libraries, the toolchain, and Python via Lmod modules.
Looking at the regression tests, the ones that pass are run via phylanxrun.py, while the ones that fail are run directly with Python and a PYTHONPATH set.
I wouldn't know why they are run differently :/
There's some few Pass in the latter group as well.
hkaiser: i have planned the project timeline .Please don't worry about that . I will write later
not planned
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hkaiser: Your test env runs build with Ninja, in Debug, with Clang 9.0.0 and C++17 forced.
I'm using GNU Make, in Release, with GCC 8.3.0 and the build is determining it's C++14.
Python versions seem similar enough at least, I'm on 3.7.2 and you're on 3.7.4.
the standard flavor shouldn't matter
Debug/Release actually could
didn't know the tests could be run in release - but there you go ;-)
It's customary for all the software we build that the test suite passes, regardless of build flavour.
How else are you supposed to know that the bare minimum of it works? :)
yah sure
no objections there
I just can't keep up with all of this...
I'm gonna spin off a Debug build of HPX and Phylanx, see if it fares any differently.
Just curious as to why it doesn't work well on my machine.
I don't have any actual reason to use HPX and Phylanx as usual, just building just-in-case I need the knowledge about it for the upcoming GSoC season.
gonidelis: Are you from Greece?
nikunj97: have you checked the proposal?
hkaiser: Bita has answered to me and requested from me a zoom meeting. I'm a little bit anxious..
ibalampanis: bita is a nice person, no worries
ibalampanis yes...
gonidelis: Are you interested in GSoC? Δεν ξερω αν πρεπει να γραψω ελληνικα :P
gonidelis: I'm not sure if greek is agood idea :P
You have a pm
hkaiser: Thanks for your support!
ibalampanis: You can write greek here also
you guys are the first ones in the HPX community that come from Greece \o/
Haha... there was also another guy a week ago but he has yet to show up...
Abhishek09: While IRC supports local scripts, it tends to be good for community interaction if we stick to a common language.
zao (y) agreed
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But Greek looks so pretty and magical!
For aesthetic reason a greek line should be allowed every now and then ;)
οκ I wιll make sure tο provide yoυ with α line eνey oτher weeκ '=D
I could give you some cool German Umlauts as bärenstarke Rückgabe :)
* zao
hands out free räksmörgås samples
(= strong as a bear return)
hey I am currently learning German.... ;p I got the 'barenstarke' part
zao: How about Rødgrød med Fløde ?
That would be either danes or norwegians ^^
Considering how horrible it sounds to say, definitely danes.
as Tucholski once said: the Danes speak a different kind of German compared to the Norwegians
Some say Danish is like Norwegian with a potato in your mouth.
Time to rebuild HPX _again_.
Turns out that -DHPX_CXX_COMPILER isn't the same as -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER :D
is it now?
Was it ever?
I don't think you're supposed to set HPX_CXX_COMPILER
I need more cores, takes 10 minutes to build.
hkaiser, heller1: Yeah, just a mental typo when trying to change my compiler.
Would've caught it if I had looked at the CMake output.
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What would be the equivalent of a weak_ptr in id_type speak? I cannot have object not migrate just because someone has an id_type of it. I just need the reference.
Yorlik: hpx::unmanaged(id)
Yorlik: but I think you misunderstood
migration is not prevented by holding an id_type to an object
migration is prevented by holding a shared_ptr returned from get_ptr<>
Oh - itrs a shared_ptr to the real object then?
Right - it was a misunderstanding
issue solved - non-issue
hkaiser: Thanks!
Yorlik: in fact you _need_ to have an id_type to do migration
True - lol
How would I delete am id_type then?
I am creating it and storing an id_type in a local pool.
That seemed to keep it alive
But if I need to destroy it - I cannot afford to traverse the entire cluster for references
I need exception if so tries to use an invalid reference
hkaiser: aftermath question ^^
hkaiser, one question
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Yorlik: object will be deleted whenever the last reference to it goes out of scope
can I bind hpx threads to a certain cpu thread?
A Debug build with the same toolchain fails in a similar manner, it seems. Clang build underway I hope.
zao: ok, thanks for checking
what do I do when I don't want to make use of hyperthreading and I can't disable it coz no one wants to go onsite in this coronavirus situation?
hkaiser: my objhects seem to survive by just holding an id_type in a pool. I probably got sth horribly wrong.
as long as there is an id_type alive, the object will not be deleted
nikunj97: Can't you pin to particular cores or something?
id_type works like a global shared_ptr
zao, does HPX allow that?
zao: HPX threads can be stolen at any synchronization point
hkaiser: I mean, tell localities to run on a subset of the cores available.
hkaiser: I cannot afford this. I need to be able to delete anyways and get an error on use of an invalid ref
Like some sort of topology hack.
nikunj97: hyperthreading: use only as many hpx threads as you have cores (without HT
zao, topology hacks are what I'm looking for
i.e. --hpx:threads=<number-of_cores>
so if I have 2 numa domains and i use cores equivalent to 1
will it run on that one?
no idea what you're talking about
Yorlik: huh?
I think I need hpx::unmanaged(id)
how do you know that a reference is invalid?
By getting an exception?
Yorlik: so consider you have a shared_ptr to an object, copied all over the place
E.g. I might store a reference just to cache a search result
I meant if I had 2 CPUs with 16 cores, 32 hyperthreads. and I provide 32 cores, will it be equivalent to running on both CPUs or will it leverage hyperthreads as well at some point?
now you take one of them and explicitly delete the memory: 'delete sp.get()'
what would expect to happen?
ok my bad, got what you're saying
nikunj97: what do you mean by 'provide 32 cores'?
hkaiser: some sort of invalid access exception?
no you will see a segfault because the other shared_ptr copies still reference the deleted pointer
hkaiser: Following use case: I run a local search: all obj in radius, then do stuff on object list. on object is deleted in between.
I need this to fail somehow
mark the object as deleted and phase it out over time
IC - so just throw on each illegal access or strh manually
OK. Makes sense.
what we can certainly do (but I'm not sure this is a good idea) would be to have a is_valid flag in AGAS
So I'll go back from apply to sync and actually use the void futs
the problem is solved anyways I had
you would have to do that in any case wouldn't you?
I hadn't enough understanding of how id_types work.
even if there was a mechanism that told you the id was invalid
It's not a difficult fix. Just some polishing
well hold on, apply could throw itself in that case...
Would apply do a fut.get() imnplicitely?
apply does not create a future to begin with
But it would throw?
That would mean it acts sync over the wire
Otherwise it cvannot know
SO: Is it fire and forget or fire and wait for result?
with result being at least a success ack
no it does not act sync
How can it throw then?
it schedules sending the message and returns
So apply has exited already when the exception arrives
Where does it throw then?
what I meant was, that if we added a means of (logically) invalidating an id, then apply could possibly throw as the address resolution would have to be done
nikunj97: hey how is proposal?
but that would work only if the id_type is managed by the locality the apply is executed on...
so it might not be able to throw after all in all cases
hkaiser: so bottomline is: Aplly doesn'Ät throw
So back to async ...
Yorlik: but even then you'd have to handle the 'object is invalid' yourself
just don't forget, you should throw either a std:;exception or an hpx::exception
You said
own exs are not sent
all other exceptions might not be properly marshalled over the network
I'll have to see what to do with t he future.
I might just give it to a dedicated manager object
Because I can't afford to keep the lua states around any longer
Or I store it in a variable and check it next frame again
The longer I think: A dedicated fire and forget manager might be best whiuch sends a message to the object using the id_type that there was an exception and what.
Yorlik: I thought your lua states are not bound to the objects but to the hpx threads executing on the objects
No - that explodes
The Lua states are bound to the tasks
that's what I meant
When the task (batch) goes out of scope
That's what I said: I need to exit the updater, even if the future is not yet ready
but above you said 'I might just give it to a dedicated manager object, because I can't afford to keep the lua states around any longer'
So I need to save it for later or give it to a dedicated handler
that implies that lua states are somehow related to object lifetimes
I need to store the future somewhere or I have to wait until it is ready
wait = state is kept around
We want to wait
hkaiser, nothing. leave it. I misinterpreted what you said
So - I move on and when the result arrives some sort of continuation happens
Abhishek09, I went through it
Either on the same object in the next frame or in a manager
I simply need to grow the task graph instead of blocking.
it is fine. Please add a timeline to it
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Yorlik: why is the state kept around while you wait for the future?
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Because it's happening inside lua
ok, but I don't understand that
hkaiser: If I ask for an object deletion in lua I have the future there.
future in Lua?
So either I discard it or I use it
nikunj97: i need your help for writing timeline
OFC in Lua
I can use it as a light userdata
ok, you lost me
nikunj97: i don't see any ur comments .
you have objects that are referenced by id_types
The function call returns a future: Who do you think has it?
and you have tasks that execute on one or more objects
When a lua function asks to delete an object.
the latter may give you a future representing the task is done
shrug whatever
The future will not immediately have an exception, will it?
Only if it is ready
it may have an exception once it has become ready
So - at some point in time I need to handle this, and I can't wait for it in my updater for the objects
If an object asks to delete another object for example
I cannot block the updater of the asking object
So I need to store the future - in Lua - or in a special manager
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Any remote request can fail - and if it fails I need to finalize this, or a error in the scripting system may keep around id_types that are deleted forever.
That would result in a sort of leak.
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that doesn't sound right
but I don't have the full picture
I need a mechanism to delete all invalidated references. At least over time.
It would be a bug in the scripting ofc.
Someone would create references to an object and keep them around
But they need to be deleted
So the object can die in peace
These errors cannot stay silent if they happen
And I'm pretty sure at some point it will happen.
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Yorlik: sure
And then we have Zombie objects
It's even worse
It needs to be possible to logout an object
So the references would be just temporarily invalidated
E.g. a player object reference
If there is a friend list and the friend is not online
It is connected to the persistent object id problem we had some time ago
And object might be dead or just unavailable
Sooiner or later we will need a way to logout an object, that is still valid but not there for the moment.
CMake output points out the proper Boost, but something in the build finds the system one.
The build of bin/_phylanxd.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so does not specify the library path for Boost, and as it just does things like `-lboost_program_options`, it links to the system Boost.
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that's outside of our control :/
zao: but thanks for digging into things
Isn't it all in your (Phylanx's) control?
Something adds the libraries to the build of that module, and apparently it's not quite doing it right.
the python extension module is built by the pybind11 cmake magic
I'll have a look - might be us, after all
pybind11 does not need boost
(I think)
we might need to switch to the targets exported from hpx here as well