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day #2 of familiarizing myself with HPX and I must say that I am quite thrilled! Just a question though: _A locality inHPXdescribes a synchronous domain of execution, or the domain of bounded upper response time. This normally is just a single node in a cluster or a NUMA domain in a SMP machine._
taken from documentation
Could someone help me understand what a locality is? I don't think I get it yet...
(I must admit, terminology is quite complex to fully comprehend...)
I get that it's a crucial step in order to learn HPX though
It kind of corresponds to a HPX process in a distributed system.
You can run HPX in a mode where you have a single locality and no interprocess communication, just running with a bunch of worker threads.
Or you can have more than one locality communicating over a parcelport, which enables the same kind of programming approach for a multi-machine program as you'd use for a single process, by using localities to address other instances.
Kind of comparable with process ranks in MPI, if you're familiar with that.
Oh yeah! I have worked with MPI so I totally get the 'rank' analogy... Side question: 'parcelport' is sth like a control center that takes care of the asynchronous components in order for them to be executed in a specific order? Is that right?
Now that I am thinking of it, the term 'specific order' might be misleading as the components are asynchronous in the first place. What I mean is that it manages the flow and how the data are accessed maybe...
parcelport == networking interface
Great! Thank you...
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After taking a look at the c++17 parallel algorithms that you have implemented on HPX I can see that there are only 2 remaining: `shift left/righ` and `partial sort `
Are these algorithms enough in order for a Gsoc project to be carried just for them?
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gonidelis: yes, I think so - the partial sort and stable_sort alone are quite some effort
the shift algorithms are fairly straightforward
we have more work on range based algorithms, though also there is the ticket outlining the need to rework the end iterators to truely enable arbitrary ranges