hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log: | GSoC:
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<gonidelis> day #2 of familiarizing myself with HPX and I must say that I am quite thrilled! Just a question though: _A locality inHPXdescribes a synchronous domain of execution, or the domain of bounded upper response time. This normally is just a single node in a cluster or a NUMA domain in a SMP machine._
<gonidelis> taken from documentation
<gonidelis> Could someone help me understand what a locality is? I don't think I get it yet...
<gonidelis> (I must admit, terminology is quite complex to fully comprehend...)
<gonidelis> I get that it's a crucial step in order to learn HPX though
<zao> It kind of corresponds to a HPX process in a distributed system.
<zao> You can run HPX in a mode where you have a single locality and no interprocess communication, just running with a bunch of worker threads.
<zao> Or you can have more than one locality communicating over a parcelport, which enables the same kind of programming approach for a multi-machine program as you'd use for a single process, by using localities to address other instances.
<zao> Kind of comparable with process ranks in MPI, if you're familiar with that.
<gonidelis> Oh yeah! I have worked with MPI so I totally get the 'rank' analogy... Side question: 'parcelport' is sth like a control center that takes care of the asynchronous components in order for them to be executed in a specific order? Is that right?
<gonidelis> Now that I am thinking of it, the term 'specific order' might be misleading as the components are asynchronous in the first place. What I mean is that it manages the flow and how the data are accessed maybe...
<hkaiser> parcelport == networking interface
<gonidelis> Great! Thank you...
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<gonidelis> After taking a look at the c++17 parallel algorithms that you have implemented on HPX I can see that there are only 2 remaining: `shift left/righ` and `partial sort `
<gonidelis> Are these algorithms enough in order for a Gsoc project to be carried just for them?
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<hkaiser_> gonidelis: yes, I think so - the partial sort and stable_sort alone are quite some effort
<hkaiser_> the shift algorithms are fairly straightforward
<hkaiser_> we have more work on range based algorithms, though also there is the ticket outlining the need to rework the end iterators to truely enable arbitrary ranges
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<hkaiser_> gonidelis: tickets #3706, #3646, #3364, #1836, #2836 (has some code), #1668
<hkaiser_> as you can see - we have plenty of work to do