hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log: | GSoC:
<hkaiser> Yorlik: but tuple can be easily handled using fold expressions (as you're using c++17)
<Yorlik> I'm not (yet) all too familiar with them. Honestly - I just want to get this working as oainless as possible (without sacrificing performance or safety)
<hkaiser> sorry, ignore the second link
<Yorlik> Yeah - I get yopu have a bunch of legacy code that could be updated to c++17 if you are ready to sacrifice backwards compatibility
<hkaiser> Yorlik: which we are not (yet)
<hkaiser> we will move to c++14 with V1.5
<Yorlik> I think it makes sense lagging behind a bit.
<Yorlik> Cutting edge likes to explode a lot :)
<Yorlik> We decided for 17 because we knew we'd need a lot of time and then 17 would be standard and tested enough.
<hkaiser> sure, makes sense
<hkaiser> for a new projectI would use it as well
<Yorlik> So I'd replace the index_packs with std::integer_sequence<size_t, Is ...>?
<hkaiser> yah
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<Yorlik> Is there any recent version of this: ?
<Yorlik> And: How easy would it be to just use HPX serialization on a client which is not using HPX otherwise?
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