hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log: | GSoC:
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<Mukund> Hi everyone, I had asked about the error which I got yesterday regarding the build I was trying to make
<Mukund> I am getting a slightly different error today
<Mukund> Please check this comment for details on my problem and subsequent comments might be of use too
<Mukund> I don't know where the fault was
<Mukund> is*
<Mukund> My install script was: mkdir my_builld && cd my_build
<Mukund> cmake ..
<Mukund> make -j4
<Mukund> make install
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<heller1> No space left on device?
<Mukund> How much space does it need?
<Mukund> I definitely have about 20 GB atleast
<Mukund> sorry
<Mukund> I have 17 GB
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<Abhishek09> i have error in installing blaze on ubuntu . Can anyone see what i missed?
<Abhishek09> nikunj97
<nikunj97> Abhishek09, what are you trying to achieve with this command: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={Release,Debug} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/blaze/install/path -DBLAZE_SMP_THREADS=HPX -DHPX_DIR=/path/to/hpx ..
<nikunj97> you need to choose one build type, either Release or Debug
<Abhishek09> We can't do both?
<nikunj97> installation prefix and hpx dir needs to be existing path
<nikunj97> Abhishek09, sure you can build both. But you've got to build them separately
<nikunj97> you can't build both at the same time
<Abhishek09> i have done in building hpx
<Abhishek09> both at same time
<Abhishek09> hpx install path: /path/install/path
<Abhishek09> Sorry /hpx//install/path
<Abhishek09> build files written to /hpx/build
<Abhishek09> nikunj97
<nikunj97> cool
<nikunj97> not sure if it's possible to build more than 1 build type at a time. zao ^^
<Abhishek09> i have done in bulding hpx 2 build type
<Mukund> how much space does hpx require for a release build?
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<Abhishek09> HPXConfig.cmake is not found on my installation path of hpx . Why?
<simbergm> Abhishek09: you probably need to set `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` to the location of your HPX installation, or set `HPX_DIR` to the location of `HPXConfig.cmake` (usually `<install_location>/lib64/cmake/HPX`)
<simbergm> the two methods are more or less equivalent but require specifying slightly different directories
<simbergm> MukundVaradaraja: less than a gb should be more than enough for release
<simbergm> debug might be a bit more
<simbergm> MukundVaradaraja: are you installing to `/usr/local` with super user privileges or not?
<simbergm> MukundVaradaraja: does `/home/mukund/open-source/hpx/my_build/bin/` exist? if yes, most likely you need to `sudo make install`
<simbergm> Abhishek09: yeah, replace `-DHPX_DIR=/path/to/hpx` with the actual path to your HPX installation (plus the `lib64/cmake/HPX` suffix, check that directory exists, it could be `lib/cmake/HPX` as well)
<simbergm> another thing, `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={Release,Debug}` expands to `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` (the shell does this)
<simbergm> you need to pick only one of those at a time
<Abhishek09> but i build hpx with both
<Abhishek09> thanks i found that config file
<simbergm> you have to pick one at a time
<simbergm> you can have two separate build directories, one for release and one for debug
<Abhishek09> my build have done with my syntax only
<Abhishek09> simbergm: see
<simbergm> Abhishek09: that will most likely be a debug build
<simbergm> do you have ccmake? can you do `ccmake .` in the build directory and check what `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` says?
<simbergm> if you don't have `ccmake` you might have to install it with `cmake-gui` or some package like that (don't know which os you're on)
<simbergm> it's quite handy to have around if you're dealing with cmake projects often
<Abhishek09> no i dont have
<simbergm> Abhishek09: it'll also be in `CMakeCache.txt`, search for `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` in there
<Abhishek09> Where does `blazetensor-config.cmake` reside?
<Abhishek09> simbergm
<Abhishek09> found
<Abhishek09> How run test of phylanx?
<simbergm> Abhishek09: most likely `ctest` (`ctest --output-on-failure` gives you a bit of output if something fails)
<simbergm> before that you probably have to do `make tests` to actually build the tests
<Abhishek09> simbergm: You mean to say after installing phylanx , i run `make tests` then `ctest --output-on-failure`
<simbergm> Abhishek09: yeah
<simbergm> don't even need to install phylanx
<Abhishek09> build is enough
<Abhishek09> which is better `ctest` or `ctest --output-on-failure`?
<Abhishek09> simbergm
<Abhishek09> i getting this error in make of phylanx
<Abhishek09> nikunj97
<Hashmi> @simbergm: hey. I have build hpx and phylanx but ctest in both says no test configuration found after cmake tests. Cmakelists.txt are correct in both.
<simbergm> Abhishek09: the tests run the same, the latter just gives you more information if something fails
<simbergm> try leaving out `-j3`, you might be running out of memory
<simbergm> Hashmi: what command do you run exactly?
<Abhishek09> have allocated 6 gb ram to docker simbergm
<simbergm> Abhishek09: 2 gb per job is an estimate, it might end up going over 6 gb with three jobs
<Abhishek09> What to do for fast ?
<Abhishek09> simbergm
<simbergm> fast? faster builds?
<Abhishek09> Yes
<Abhishek09> for fast build , i run -j3
<Hashmi> @simbergm: after make install.
<Hashmi> I ran cmake tests and ctest
<Abhishek09> Hashmi: Which project u working?
<Hashmi> @Abhishek09: sorry
<Hashmi> What project am I planning to work on?
<Hashmi> Pypi package for phylanx
<simbergm> Abhishek09: get a different machine or run `make -j2` or `make`, there's not much you can do to make the compilation use less memory
<Hashmi> What about you?
<simbergm> Hashmi: `make tests` not `cmake tests`
<Hashmi> @simbergem Ya sorry make tests. Problem is still there.
<Abhishek09> Hashmi: same project
<Hashmi> @Abhishek09: great
<Hashmi> How is response from patrick so far?
<Abhishek09> i m talking with him from past 1.5 year
<Hashmi> Oh then you have been involved with this project before?
<Abhishek09> i already chose this project previous
<Abhishek09> year
<Hashmi> Oh so howdidit go?
<Abhishek09> well !
<Hashmi> But there isnt a python package available rn
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<diehlpk_mobile[m> Hashmi Abishek wanted to apply for the project last year, but we did not got accepted as Ste||ar Group last year
<Hashmi> Oh I see..
<Hashmi> Can we work together this year @diehlpk_mobile[m
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<diehlpk_mobile[m> Hashmi No, GSOC does not allow that multiple students work on the same project
<diehlpk_mobile[m> Only one student per project
<diehlpk_mobile[m> The best proposal will decide how is working on the project
<Hashmi> @diehlpk_mobile[m: great will try my best
<diehlpk_mobile[m> Also the hpx toy application and community bounding period will be considered
<diehlpk_mobile[m> Have you started on your hpx toy application?
<Hashmi> @diehlpk_mobile[m: no I have not. I was not aware of that. How can I learn more about it?
<Hashmi> Right you meant how
<Hashmi> You meant whats mentioned in the guidelines*
<Hashmi> I was thinking about publishing a dummy c++ project to pypi for that
<Hashmi> Not necessarily related to hpx. Would that be good enough?
<diehlpk_mobile[m> Yes
<Hashmi> Alright!
<nikunj97> diehlpk_mobile[m, see pm please
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<Yorlik> hkaiser: yt?
<Yorlik> Is there an id_type I could use as "nil" or invalid as answer to a search?
<Yorlik> I allowed myself to try this: return hpx::id_type( 0 ); -- not sure about it though
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<Abhishek09> building phylanx is very slow
<nikunj97> Abhishek09, patience ;0
<Abhishek09> nikunj97: How much time to build phylanx for ur machine?
<nikunj97> it's been pretty long since I last built
<nikunj97> I don't remember, something like 15-20min is my guess
<Abhishek09> What ur system config?
<Abhishek09> nikunj97
<nikunj97> at that time I had an 8thread H series i7 with 16gb ram
<nikunj97> the fastest I've seen was on the workstation I had at LSU. Took about 5min I guess, but it was 32 thread Xeon E5 and 64gb ram
<nikunj97> so that's in a league of it's own
<Abhishek09> i have dual cores i5 with 8GB
<nikunj97> hkaiser, LSU workstations were the fastest personal computers I had worked on. I kinda miss them these days :/
<nikunj97> Abhishek09, I'd say patience. Build times are pretty high for phylanx and hpx and there's nothing you can do about it really.
<nikunj97> hkaiser, btw charm++ is pretty uninteresting. You should've warned me about this. That's mostly C code trying to look cool calling itself c++
<Abhishek09> nikunj97 : You are at iitr or lsu?
<nikunj97> I'm at iitr. I've been to lsu a couple of times now though
<Abhishek09> For ur project ppt after gsoc?
<nikunj97> no, for an internship.
<Abhishek09> Does ste||ar call gsocer for project ppt presentation in gsoc mentor summit at google hq? nikunj97
<nikunj97> idk, nobody called me
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<zao> nikunj97: It depends on generator. MSVC ones on Windows doesn't do build type selection, it generates some or all of the set available.
<zao> The command line that our dear student tried to run was verbatim from the phylanx wiki on how to install :D
<nikunj97> zao, aah!
<nikunj97> never knew you could do that
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<zao> In either case, the syntax is as you found out a suggestion to the user to pick the right one for generators that only support a single build type.
<zao> Kind of amusing that it happened to be legal shell syntax as well, with {}
<zao> I use it almost daily when making patches - `diff -ru software-x.y.z{.orig,}` which expands to `diff -ru software-x.y.z.orig software-x.y.z`
<nikunj97> completely true, but seems like it's currently supported for msvc as of now
<hkaiser> nikunj97: didn't I warn you ?
<nikunj97> I mean a cmake script opening to 2 doesn't make much sense
<nikunj97> hkaiser, none that I can remember
<hkaiser> lol
<hkaiser> I think I did
<nikunj97> I kinda feel stuck uk
<hkaiser> anyways, let's hope it works out
<nikunj97> I don't like the syntax
<hkaiser> nikunj97: I think that's exactly why Sanjay wants to have you
<nikunj97> yes, I'm making progress. It's pretty easy to get started. Just don't like the syntax stuff
<hkaiser> he knows you know hpx
<nikunj97> i now understand why he asked me about my c++ proficiency during our call
<hkaiser> I think you should definitely take the opportunity, in the worst (best) case to see how _not_ to do things
<nikunj97> hkaiser, totally. As of now I don't see much future of charm++
<nikunj97> it feels cluttered really
<hkaiser> it's not wasted on you, I'm sure - he knows a lot of people and can help
<nikunj97> a lot of restrictions put on the user. For one make things blocking or local if you want to return non-void
<hkaiser> you've been spoiled by HPX ;-)
<nikunj97> and here I was playing with all sorts of futures
<nikunj97> hkaiser, totally. I very well understand the simplicity and effectiveness of scaling an hpx application over other runtimes
<hkaiser> good, that's what you need to take away wherever you go
<nikunj97> i'm still a novice when it comes to charm++, maybe things get better once I get into it deeply. But my first impression isn't great
<nikunj97> I've told this to sanjay as well
<zao> Meanwhile I'm writing parallel code with nothing but the std threads and a lot of vectors. It could be worse, nikunj97 :P
<hkaiser> Sanjay wants you to mend things based on your knowledge of HPX and you experience working with us
<hkaiser> what did he say?
<hkaiser> zao: if you used HPX it would be nothing but standard c++ too
<nikunj97> let me quote him: C++ vs C: for stdio, it was kept because of CkPrintf, but I should replace that with ckout stream output. About arrays vs vectors.. I prefer arrays because of efficiency in simple situations. But I can be persuaded. At heart, I am an old C programmer.
<hkaiser> nikunj97: right
<nikunj97> I was telling him how he writes c++ in a c-like fashion
<hkaiser> that's the main issue - they don't see the benefit and read a lot non-favorable things about C++
<nikunj97> most of my charm++ codes are written in a modern C++ fashion, and he's already started to like my codes
<zao> hkaiser: Right, but proper composable futures gets rid of a lot of the headaches.
<hkaiser> zao: indeed
<hkaiser> nikunj97: good
<hkaiser> (almost) nobody is teaching modern c++, really
<nikunj97> maybe I'll introduce the group to some modern c++ practices
<hkaiser> please do
<nikunj97> hkaiser, I agree completely. Been checking CGAL past few days to help a friend with gsoc.
<nikunj97> The code base is pretty messed up
<nikunj97> reminded me of flecsi to some extent
<hkaiser> heh
<nikunj97> they've been trying to shift to modern C++ these days
<nikunj97> and that makes it a bit non understandable at places
<nikunj97> they've got good use of meta templates though
<hkaiser> it's a long way for existing codes
<zao> aaw, waits on std::atomic are not until C++20 :(
<hkaiser> zao: yah, there is a lot of the necessary functionality coming only
<nikunj97> hkaiser, true. But it's nice to see people shifting to modern c++, even if modern for them is c++11 ;)
<hkaiser> nod
<hkaiser> nikunj97: don't worry about charm++, you'll be fine - and it's a foot into the door for you
<nikunj97> hkaiser, yea that's how I'm considering the situation. Post charm++, I guess I'll have to get back to hpx though. I like it better here ;)
<hkaiser> absolutely!
<hkaiser> Yorlik: hpx::naming::invalid_id_type;
<Yorlik> hkaiser: Thanks !
<hkaiser> nikunj97: you did ask about the HPX initialization in Phylanx yesterday
<nikunj97> hkaiser, yes
<nikunj97> I'm curious to know why you go through such hardships
<hkaiser> yes, this is very similar to what the global_init example does
<hkaiser> because when you run a python script there is no way to get into main() to initialize HPX
<nikunj97> does a python script run without main?
<nikunj97> how does that work really? I'm curious
<hkaiser> the main() is in the python interpreter
<hkaiser> it's compiled in there
<nikunj97> so how do you register python calls to run on hpx threads?
<hkaiser> we have a python extension module such that you can do a 'import phylanx' in your Python script
<hkaiser> that one initializes HPX when being loaded and exist HPX on unload
<hkaiser> *exits*
<nikunj97> does the user require to initialize and finalize?
<hkaiser> no, the user does 'import phylanx'
<nikunj97> how does an import statement initialize the runtime as well?
<hkaiser> uhh, that's a long story
<nikunj97> ohh so there's an actual story behind it, I'm more curious now
<nikunj97> maybe a call someday explaining me that?
<hkaiser> we use pybind11 to expose C++ functionalities to Python, you might want to starting reading there
<nikunj97> my reason behind asking this question is because I feel that we can employ the same tactic that we make use with hpx_main.hpp
<nikunj97> and initialize/finalize the runtime directly without using the hpx_init you've got in phylanx
<nikunj97> that's why I was curious to know the reasoning behind it. I can add a backend using my techniques from hpx_main to automate the initialization/finalization in phylanx
<hkaiser> not sure about that
<hkaiser> well, it might work if you know what std library the Python executable is compiled against
<nikunj97> again, that won't work for windows, coz uggh.. but I guess it'll be better than working with sections that are architecture and os dependents
<hkaiser> otoh, when Python is started you don't know whether you will need HPX, so you want to initialize it only on demand, i.e. whenever 'import phylanx' is seen
<nikunj97> aah, that makes more sense
<nikunj97> on demand runtime initialization seems more appropriate for this situation
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<hkaiser> the main idea is that init_hpx_runtime is exposed to Python (here: and then called whenever the 'import phylanx' is executed
<Yorlik> hkaiser: ou meant hpx::invalid_id, not hpx::invalid_id_type, right?
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<hkaiser> yes
<hkaiser> sorry
<Yorlik> NP
<Yorlik> Tooling was nice :)
<nikunj97> hkaiser, aah got it
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<hkaiser> it's just a default constructed id_type in the end
<Yorlik> hkaiser: I use it to return "object not found" from a map query
<hkaiser> nikunj97: it's called here from the Python script:
<Yorlik> Sending id_types across messages for referencing objects is pure awesomesauce - I love it. Objects can now properly reference each other and communicate.
<nikunj97> hkaiser, understood. That's a clever way ;)
<hkaiser> Yorlik: right, and the garbage collection makes sure they are deleted as necessary
<Yorlik> How will HPX handle an action called on an invalid id_type?
<Yorlik> Like an ettempt to send a message to a deleted object
<hkaiser> Yorlik: it will throw an exception
<Yorlik> Locally AND remnotely?
<hkaiser> yah
<hkaiser> the future you get back from the async will rethrow the exception on its .get()
<Yorlik> Makes sense. I like that system.
<Yorlik> Where will it throw on the remote side?
<Yorlik> Since the object and thus the member function addressed doesn't exist
<heller1> The exception will be propagated to the call site
<hkaiser> no locally, whenever you access the future's value
<Yorlik> So the remote locality is totally unaffected?
<hkaiser> yes
<Yorlik> Good. Thanks !
<hkaiser> it will transport the remote exception back to the caller
<Yorlik> Nice. I like that.
<hkaiser> Yorlik: one caveat, though
<hkaiser> HPX knows only how to transport hpx::exception and std::exception types
<Yorlik> So no strings and crap?
<hkaiser> your own exceptions might not be handled properly ATM
<Yorlik> OK
<nikunj97> hkaiser, is there a way to get the return type of a function with decltype(auto) return type. This function is hidden somewhere in the middle of the library and is completely generic.
<nikunj97> or convert it into std::result_of or std::invoke_result?
<hkaiser> well, either std::invoke_result or decltype(F(...))
<hkaiser> result_of is deprecated starting c++20
<nikunj97> aah, didn't know. why is it deprecated?
<hkaiser> it relies on a special protocol to expose the return type from function objects, which is not needed anymore (because we have decltype()) now
<nikunj97> i thought result_of and invoke_result does pretty much the same think
<nikunj97> check whether the argument is callable
<nikunj97> and invoke result if callable
<nikunj97> how are they different then?
<hkaiser> functionally they are equivalent
<hkaiser> result_of relies on expliti return type calculation (pre c++11) while invoke_result relies on decltype()
<nikunj97> so invoke_result is more powerful than result_of
<hkaiser> nikunj: see for the initial result_of paper
<hkaiser> yes
<heller1> This reminds me of the awesome phoenix result_of protocol...
<nikunj97> I see. Btw I don't see any examples of invoke_result anywhere
<nikunj97> heller1, do tell
<heller1> pre c++11 only supported one fixed result type per function object. For phoenix, there was one supporting result type calculation based on the argument types
<hkaiser> nikunj97: well, decltype() does the trick, usually invoke_result<> is more complex to write
<hkaiser> heller1: that's what turned into std::result_of<> later
<nikunj97> hkaiser, at the same time decltype usually gives back a type for any expression, which may be undesirable in cases where you need a type only when you're passing it callable (functions, functors etc.)
<hkaiser> nod
<heller1> hkaiser: I was under the impression, that this still required a single embedded type member
<nikunj97> that's why I wanted to write one with std::invoke_result
<hkaiser> heller1: no, you can specialize the embedded template <...> result {}; as needed
<nikunj97> hkaiser, for a function `int foo(int)`. This doesn't seem to work: using int_t = std::invoke_result<decltype(&foo)(int), int>::type;
<nikunj97> while this does: using int_t = std::result_of<decltype(&foo)(int)>::type;
<nikunj97> I'm pretty sure that I don't know how to use std::invoke_result
<hkaiser> shouldn't it be invoke_result<decltype(&foo), int>::type ?
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<nikunj97> hkaiser, doesn't work either
<nikunj97> tried that first
<nikunj97> try.cpp:20:24: error: ‘invoke_result’ in namespace ‘std’ does not name a template type
<hkaiser> did you compile with c++17 ?
<nikunj97> that did it
<nikunj97> I thought gcc compiled with 17 by default
<nikunj97> thanks!
<hkaiser> nikunj97: but decltype(foo(std::declval<int>()) should work as well
<nikunj97> hkaiser, sure. It was simply that I wanted to play around with invoke_result
<nikunj97> parsa taught me to play around with random standard library functions. So I was playing around with invoke_result these days :D
<hkaiser> :D
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<Abhishek09> How long does `make test` take?
<Abhishek09> simbergm
<hkaiser> Abhishek09: depends on your machine
<hkaiser> a full circleci build cycle takes ~2 hours, but they use upto 4 machines for this
<hkaiser> for hpx that is
<hkaiser> for Phylanx it's a bit less
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<zao> Some tests take way longer than others, so if you happen to be working on a narrow part of the codebase, you can also tell it to run a particular range of tests.
<zao> (but as your goal is the packaging project, I doubt that is of interest :D )
<nikunj97> K-ballo, yt?
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<Abhishek09> How many test are there in phylanx?
<Abhishek09> zao
<Abhishek09> ?
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<zao> Couple of hundred?
<zao> Don't remember, but I had like 35% fail :D
<Abhishek09> i have not numpy , that's why some are fail
<Abhishek09> zao
<zao> Mine fail in something allocator-related with tcmalloc.
<zao> (I've got numpy from our module system, like a civilized admin :D )
<Abhishek09> make test is performing test instead of ctest. Why? zao
<zao> It's a convenience to be able to launch the tests via the build system, regardless of what test library is used - as it doesn't necessarily have to be ctest.
<zao> If you want to control tests more, you can invoke ctest yourself with the flags you want.
<Abhishek09> that means i not need to do `ctest` zao . Am i correct?
<Abhishek09> 292 tests are there
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<Yorlik> Is something wrong with this code? HPX spuriously produces an error here:
<Yorlik> auto mailbox = std::move( ( hpx::get_ptr<gameobject>( e.obj ).get( ) )->mailbox );
<Yorlik> HPX says:
<Yorlik> {function}: struct hpx::naming::detail::id_type_impl &__cdecl hpx::memory::intrusive_ptr<struct hpx::naming::detail::id_type_impl>::operator *(void) const
<Yorlik> {what}: Assertion 'px != nullptr' failed: HPX(assertion_failure)
<Yorlik> When I inspect that pointer in the debugger it actually is NOT nullptr but has a value
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<nikunj97> hkaiser, can decltype(auto) lead to implicit conversions?
<hkaiser> decltype(auto) will represent the result type deduced from the return expression
<hkaiser> where should it do implicit conversions?
<nikunj97> a basic example, let's say you're returning a rvalue say 42
<hkaiser> Yorlik: get_ptr works only for local objects
<nikunj97> it will return an int right
<Yorlik> I am only using local objects in the moment.
<hkaiser> yes
<nikunj97> well alright, I figured what I'm going wrong
<hkaiser> if the assert fires, then the pointer IS a nullptr
<hkaiser> otherwise it wouldn't fire
* Yorlik please for a memory error by cosmic rays.
<Yorlik> I had it only once ever.
<Yorlik> Or twice
<hkaiser> Yorlik: then it's a race
<Yorlik> I have no clue how this code ever could cause a race. I'll dig ...
<Yorlik> I'm doing more aggressive use of the engine now - also had to (finally) make my memory allocator thread safe. I guess there might be more dragons lurking.
<hkaiser> Yorlik: btw, get_ptr<>(hpx::launch::sync, ...) is more efficient than get_ptr<>(...).get()
<Yorlik> Oh - I had totally forgotten about that
<Yorlik> Thanks !
<hkaiser> it shortcuts the future creation and will not create an hpx thread for its operation
<Yorlik> I need that actually quite a lot
<Yorlik> When I need to resolve the real object locally
<Yorlik> I try to avoid it usually
<Yorlik> But there are some occasions
<Yorlik> I could put the pointer to the object on the entity ofc.
<Yorlik> For now I just store the id_type
<hkaiser> nod
<Yorlik> I assume the local get will be almost as fast as retrieving it from the entity
<hkaiser> for local (non-migratable) objects the lsb 64 bits of the id_type IS the local ptr
<hkaiser> so its a not too expensive operation
<Yorlik> They can all migrate
<Yorlik> So its not safe
<hkaiser> then it can't apply this optimization
<Yorlik> The workload is divided in tiles which can move anywhere
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<Yorlik> On the long run I'll probaly make an optimization to store the local pointer, even after migration
<hkaiser> k
<hkaiser> sensible - always first do measurements before optimizing things
<Yorlik> That code above is in the tight update loop
<Yorlik> OFC I lose most time in Lua itself
<Yorlik> So writing good lua code and optmizing there is the most critical area
nikunj97 has joined #ste||ar
<nikunj97> hkaiser, typeid(static_cast<const F*>(this)->operator()(get(vpm_,p),get(vpm_,q))).name() is bool
<nikunj97> typeid(decltype(get(vpm_,p))).name() is same as typeid(typename boost::property_traits<PointPropertyMap>::value_type).name()
<nikunj97> and typeid(decltype(std::declval<typename add_ptr<F>::type>() -> operator()(std::declval<typename boost::property_traits<PointPropertyMap>::value_type>(), std::declval<typename boost::property_traits<PointPropertyMap>::value_type>()))).name() also gives bool
<nikunj97> why replacing decltype(auto) with typeid(decltype(std::declval<typename add_ptr<F>::type>() -> operator()(std::declval<typename boost::property_traits<PointPropertyMap>::value_type>(), std::declval<typename boost::property_traits<PointPropertyMap>::value_type>()))).name() leads to an error where return statement is typeid(static_cast<const F*>(this)->operator()(get(vpm_,p),get(vpm_,q))).name()
<nikunj97> I've been scratching my head over this. Both have the same types
<nikunj97> yet when I replace decltype(auto) with the appropriate type, compiler just blows up
<nikunj97> and says no such call exists, when all of them are actually types that I have printed with std::cout and confirmed with c++filt
<hkaiser> nikunj97: give me the full example, I can't really put things together from the pieces you provided
<nikunj97> it's from the internals of cgal
<nikunj97> I guess it'll be a hassle for you too to go through all this
<nikunj97> let me try hard a bit more
<nikunj97> and then probably I can reproduce something on a smaller scale
<nikunj97> I have almost solved the mystery
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<hkaiser> nikunj97: what's wrong with the code you linked?
<nikunj97> it doesn't compiler
<nikunj97> *compile
<nikunj97> not anymore i.e.
<nikunj97> it says no function call available
<nikunj97> in reality it's the same type as the return statement
<nikunj97> I checked it myself
<hkaiser> some constness issue?
<nikunj97> it's more like, error: can't call foo; return statement actually calls foo
<nikunj97> don't think so. I played with that as well
<nikunj97> does typeid delete constness?
<nikunj97> coz none of the typeid seemed to mention it
<nikunj97> boost::property_trait<map>::value_type gives back the value type of the map
<nikunj97> and get function as well gives back the value type
<nikunj97> but using get in the function type seems to compile while using boost::property_train<map>::value_type does not
<nikunj97> for ex: decltype(std::declval<F*>()->operator()(get(std::declval<PointPropertyMap>(),std::declval<const Vertex&>),get(std::declval<PointPropertyMap>(),std::declval<const Vertex&>))) compiles well in the function type
<nikunj97> but this decltype(std::declval<F*>()->operator()(std::declval<typename boost::property_traits<PointPropertyMap>::value_type>(), std::declval<typename boost::property_traits<PointPropertyMap>::value_type>())) does not compile
<nikunj97> which is so weird to me. But I didn't look this from constness perspective. I should probably do that now
<Yorlik> hkaiser: For some reason I cannot checkout anymore your variant fix 5a221c1205dcbe92f8cf9c5c361b9562e3f75ea5 . Is there any particular reason for this?
<zao> Maybe it was force-pushed away?
<Yorlik> Maybe. I'm now getting: fatal: reference is not a tree: 5a221c1205dcbe92f8cf9c5c361b9562e3f75ea5
<Yorlik> Seems I need to use e95e1f83818088fb122ff5993ec651e0fe4cb71d now - lets see .. Git still is somewhat black magic to me. Even after using it for some years now.
<Yorlik> Hmmm ... Doesn't work either.
<hkaiser> Yorlik: I might have forced pushed
<hkaiser> why do you go with a commit and not just with the branch?
<Yorlik> Is the variant fix already merged?
<hkaiser> don't think so
<Yorlik> That's why
<Yorlik> Ah .. okay. Need to integrate this in my build system somehow to override master Then it becomes a one liner. Thanks for the hint !
<hkaiser> Yorlik: I can't merge it without a review ;-)
<Yorlik> I wouzldn't ask for that.
<Yorlik> I fully support the review process.
<hkaiser> feel free to review it, though
<Yorlik> Well . it worked for
<Yorlik> But I didn't run any tests or whatever. I even have no clue how I would have to review it.
<Yorlik> I could just say an informal: It's cool !
<diehlpk_work> hkaiser, On what amount of ndoes, should we run on Daint?
<hkaiser> diehlpk_work: not sure - what did you plan to achieve by running there?
<diehlpk_work> I was thinking to do the level 12 runs there
<Yorlik> Seems I can justr use the branch name instead of a tag in my system. So I'm good now.
<diehlpk_work> So we have level 10 and level 11 on Cori
<Yorlik> I had made a stupid mistake moving to head when I saw the filesystem issue was merged and forgot it didn'Ät have the variant fix yet
<diehlpk_work> hkaiser, 1node took 90 secs and two nodes took 60 secs
<hkaiser> ok
<Yorlik> I must admit I envy you guys a little bit working on these monster clusters. Especially when I'm compiling HPX for the nth time - lol.
<diehlpk_work> So question is still what to run?
<nikunj97> hkaiser, what's the most common error leading to error: no type named ‘type’ in ‘class std::result_of<...>
<hkaiser> not invocable function with the given args?
<nikunj97> that's what I think as well
<nikunj97> just got to know that typeid drops the const and reference everywhere
<nikunj97> is there a facility in c++ that gives me the actual typeid?
<zao> Yorlik: So what do you build on?
<Yorlik> My local desktop. K4790
<nikunj97> Yorlik, that's an old machine
<zao> It's all these people's fault that I have so much RAM in my build box.
<Yorlik> Yes it is. But it run at 4.7 G already
* zao grumbles about 8G/test link cost
<Yorlik> I think my next machine will have more cores
<Yorlik> 4 cores is a bit tight at times.
<zao> Yorlik: We had a fun firmware bug at work again this weekend.
<zao> Most machines have two sockets of 14 cores of Broadwell or Skylake Xeons.
<zao> With this bug, the first core of the first socket was running at full turbo clock, something like 3.2-3.6 GHz.
<zao> The rest in that socket were at 1.2 GHz, and the second socket was all 2.6 GHz.
<zao> Performance benchmarking on that was... hard :D
<Yorlik> lol Tech awesomesauce
<zao> Underlying cause was some sort of mismatch between firmware power capabilities, CPU power capabilities and what the OS understood.
<Yorlik> I'd not want to debug that
<zao> You have enough with HPX it seems.
<Yorlik> I started learnin C++ for real a good year ago.
<Yorlik> Still a n00b
<Yorlik> Before it was just enhanced C for me
<zao> Dove into the deep end ^^
<Yorlik> Yeah, I did. Learning to love the pain of the template language.