My install script was: mkdir my_builld && cd my_build
cmake ..
make -j4
make install
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No space left on device?
How much space does it need?
I definitely have about 20 GB atleast
I have 17 GB
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i have error in installing blaze on ubuntu http://dpaste.com/2T4XVJC . Can anyone see what i missed?
Abhishek09, what are you trying to achieve with this command: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={Release,Debug} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/blaze/install/path -DBLAZE_SMP_THREADS=HPX -DHPX_DIR=/path/to/hpx ..
you need to choose one build type, either Release or Debug
We can't do both?
installation prefix and hpx dir needs to be existing path
Abhishek09, sure you can build both. But you've got to build them separately
you can't build both at the same time
i have done in building hpx
both at same time
hpx install path: /path/install/path
Sorry /hpx//install/path
build files written to /hpx/build
not sure if it's possible to build more than 1 build type at a time. zao ^^
i have done in bulding hpx 2 build type
how much space does hpx require for a release build?
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HPXConfig.cmake is not found on my installation path of hpx . Why?
Abhishek09: you probably need to set `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` to the location of your HPX installation, or set `HPX_DIR` to the location of `HPXConfig.cmake` (usually `<install_location>/lib64/cmake/HPX`)
the two methods are more or less equivalent but require specifying slightly different directories
MukundVaradaraja: less than a gb should be more than enough for release
debug might be a bit more
MukundVaradaraja: are you installing to `/usr/local` with super user privileges or not?
MukundVaradaraja: does `/home/mukund/open-source/hpx/my_build/bin/hpxrun.py` exist? if yes, most likely you need to `sudo make install`
Abhishek09: yeah, replace `-DHPX_DIR=/path/to/hpx` with the actual path to your HPX installation (plus the `lib64/cmake/HPX` suffix, check that directory exists, it could be `lib/cmake/HPX` as well)
another thing, `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={Release,Debug}` expands to `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` (the shell does this)
you need to pick only one of those at a time
but i build hpx with both
thanks i found that config file
you have to pick one at a time
you can have two separate build directories, one for release and one for debug
my build have done with my syntax only
@simbergm: hey. I have build hpx and phylanx but ctest in both says no test configuration found after cmake tests. Cmakelists.txt are correct in both.
Abhishek09: the tests run the same, the latter just gives you more information if something fails
try leaving out `-j3`, you might be running out of memory
Hashmi: what command do you run exactly?
have allocated 6 gb ram to docker simbergm
Abhishek09: 2 gb per job is an estimate, it might end up going over 6 gb with three jobs
What to do for fast ?
fast? faster builds?
for fast build , i run -j3
@simbergm: after make install.
I ran cmake tests and ctest
Hashmi: Which project u working?
@Abhishek09: sorry
What project am I planning to work on?
Pypi package for phylanx
Abhishek09: get a different machine or run `make -j2` or `make`, there's not much you can do to make the compilation use less memory
What about you?
Hashmi: `make tests` not `cmake tests`
@simbergem Ya sorry make tests. Problem is still there.
Hashmi: same project
@Abhishek09: great
How is response from patrick so far?
i m talking with him from past 1.5 year
Oh then you have been involved with this project before?
i already chose this project previous
Oh so howdidit go?
well !
But there isnt a python package available rn
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Hashmi Abishek wanted to apply for the project last year, but we did not got accepted as Ste||ar Group last year
Oh I see..
Can we work together this year @diehlpk_mobile[m
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Hashmi No, GSOC does not allow that multiple students work on the same project
Only one student per project
The best proposal will decide how is working on the project
@diehlpk_mobile[m: great will try my best
Also the hpx toy application and community bounding period will be considered
Have you started on your hpx toy application?
@diehlpk_mobile[m: no I have not. I was not aware of that. How can I learn more about it?
Right you meant how
You meant whats mentioned in the guidelines*
I was thinking about publishing a dummy c++ project to pypi for that
Not necessarily related to hpx. Would that be good enough?
diehlpk_mobile[m, see pm please
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hkaiser: yt?
Is there an id_type I could use as "nil" or invalid as answer to a search?
I allowed myself to try this: return hpx::id_type( 0 ); -- not sure about it though
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building phylanx is very slow
Abhishek09, patience ;0
nikunj97: How much time to build phylanx for ur machine?
it's been pretty long since I last built
I don't remember, something like 15-20min is my guess
What ur system config?
at that time I had an 8thread H series i7 with 16gb ram
the fastest I've seen was on the workstation I had at LSU. Took about 5min I guess, but it was 32 thread Xeon E5 and 64gb ram
so that's in a league of it's own
i have dual cores i5 with 8GB
hkaiser, LSU workstations were the fastest personal computers I had worked on. I kinda miss them these days :/
Abhishek09, I'd say patience. Build times are pretty high for phylanx and hpx and there's nothing you can do about it really.
hkaiser, btw charm++ is pretty uninteresting. You should've warned me about this. That's mostly C code trying to look cool calling itself c++
nikunj97 : You are at iitr or lsu?
I'm at iitr. I've been to lsu a couple of times now though
For ur project ppt after gsoc?
no, for an internship.
Does ste||ar call gsocer for project ppt presentation in gsoc mentor summit at google hq? nikunj97
idk, nobody called me
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nikunj97: It depends on generator. MSVC ones on Windows doesn't do build type selection, it generates some or all of the set available.
The command line that our dear student tried to run was verbatim from the phylanx wiki on how to install :D
zao, aah!
never knew you could do that
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In either case, the syntax is as you found out a suggestion to the user to pick the right one for generators that only support a single build type.
Kind of amusing that it happened to be legal shell syntax as well, with {}
I use it almost daily when making patches - `diff -ru software-x.y.z{.orig,}` which expands to `diff -ru software-x.y.z.orig software-x.y.z`
completely true, but seems like it's currently supported for msvc as of now
nikunj97: didn't I warn you ?
I mean a cmake script opening to 2 doesn't make much sense
hkaiser, none that I can remember
I think I did
I kinda feel stuck uk
anyways, let's hope it works out
I don't like the syntax
nikunj97: I think that's exactly why Sanjay wants to have you
yes, I'm making progress. It's pretty easy to get started. Just don't like the syntax stuff
he knows you know hpx
i now understand why he asked me about my c++ proficiency during our call
I think you should definitely take the opportunity, in the worst (best) case to see how _not_ to do things
hkaiser, totally. As of now I don't see much future of charm++
it feels cluttered really
it's not wasted on you, I'm sure - he knows a lot of people and can help
a lot of restrictions put on the user. For one make things blocking or local if you want to return non-void
you've been spoiled by HPX ;-)
and here I was playing with all sorts of futures
hkaiser, totally. I very well understand the simplicity and effectiveness of scaling an hpx application over other runtimes
good, that's what you need to take away wherever you go
i'm still a novice when it comes to charm++, maybe things get better once I get into it deeply. But my first impression isn't great
I've told this to sanjay as well
Meanwhile I'm writing parallel code with nothing but the std threads and a lot of vectors. It could be worse, nikunj97 :P
Sanjay wants you to mend things based on your knowledge of HPX and you experience working with us
what did he say?
zao: if you used HPX it would be nothing but standard c++ too
let me quote him: C++ vs C: for stdio, it was kept because of CkPrintf, but I should replace that with ckout stream output. About arrays vs vectors.. I prefer arrays because of efficiency in simple situations. But I can be persuaded. At heart, I am an old C programmer.
nikunj97: right
I was telling him how he writes c++ in a c-like fashion
that's the main issue - they don't see the benefit and read a lot non-favorable things about C++
most of my charm++ codes are written in a modern C++ fashion, and he's already started to like my codes
hkaiser: Right, but proper composable futures gets rid of a lot of the headaches.
zao: indeed
nikunj97: good
(almost) nobody is teaching modern c++, really
maybe I'll introduce the group to some modern c++ practices
please do
hkaiser, I agree completely. Been checking CGAL past few days to help a friend with gsoc.
The code base is pretty messed up
reminded me of flecsi to some extent
they've been trying to shift to modern C++ these days
and that makes it a bit non understandable at places
they've got good use of meta templates though
it's a long way for existing codes
aaw, waits on std::atomic are not until C++20 :(
zao: yah, there is a lot of the necessary functionality coming only
hkaiser, true. But it's nice to see people shifting to modern c++, even if modern for them is c++11 ;)
nikunj97: don't worry about charm++, you'll be fine - and it's a foot into the door for you
hkaiser, yea that's how I'm considering the situation. Post charm++, I guess I'll have to get back to hpx though. I like it better here ;)
Yorlik: hpx::naming::invalid_id_type;
hkaiser: Thanks !
nikunj97: you did ask about the HPX initialization in Phylanx yesterday
hkaiser, yes
I'm curious to know why you go through such hardships
yes, this is very similar to what the global_init example does
because when you run a python script there is no way to get into main() to initialize HPX
does a python script run without main?
how does that work really? I'm curious
the main() is in the python interpreter
it's compiled in there
so how do you register python calls to run on hpx threads?
we have a python extension module such that you can do a 'import phylanx' in your Python script
that one initializes HPX when being loaded and exist HPX on unload
does the user require to initialize and finalize?
no, the user does 'import phylanx'
how does an import statement initialize the runtime as well?
uhh, that's a long story
ohh so there's an actual story behind it, I'm more curious now
maybe a call someday explaining me that?
we use pybind11 to expose C++ functionalities to Python, you might want to starting reading there
my reason behind asking this question is because I feel that we can employ the same tactic that we make use with hpx_main.hpp
and initialize/finalize the runtime directly without using the hpx_init you've got in phylanx
that's why I was curious to know the reasoning behind it. I can add a backend using my techniques from hpx_main to automate the initialization/finalization in phylanx
not sure about that
well, it might work if you know what std library the Python executable is compiled against
again, that won't work for windows, coz uggh.. but I guess it'll be better than working with sections that are architecture and os dependents
otoh, when Python is started you don't know whether you will need HPX, so you want to initialize it only on demand, i.e. whenever 'import phylanx' is seen
aah, that makes more sense
on demand runtime initialization seems more appropriate for this situation
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Sending id_types across messages for referencing objects is pure awesomesauce - I love it. Objects can now properly reference each other and communicate.
hkaiser, understood. That's a clever way ;)
Yorlik: right, and the garbage collection makes sure they are deleted as necessary
How will HPX handle an action called on an invalid id_type?
Like an ettempt to send a message to a deleted object
Yorlik: it will throw an exception
Locally AND remnotely?
the future you get back from the async will rethrow the exception on its .get()
Makes sense. I like that system.
Where will it throw on the remote side?
Since the object and thus the member function addressed doesn't exist
The exception will be propagated to the call site
no locally, whenever you access the future's value
So the remote locality is totally unaffected?
Good. Thanks !
it will transport the remote exception back to the caller
Nice. I like that.
Yorlik: one caveat, though
HPX knows only how to transport hpx::exception and std::exception types
So no strings and crap?
your own exceptions might not be handled properly ATM
hkaiser, is there a way to get the return type of a function with decltype(auto) return type. This function is hidden somewhere in the middle of the library and is completely generic.
or convert it into std::result_of or std::invoke_result?
well, either std::invoke_result or decltype(F(...))
result_of is deprecated starting c++20
aah, didn't know. why is it deprecated?
it relies on a special protocol to expose the return type from function objects, which is not needed anymore (because we have decltype()) now
i thought result_of and invoke_result does pretty much the same think
check whether the argument is callable
and invoke result if callable
how are they different then?
functionally they are equivalent
result_of relies on expliti return type calculation (pre c++11) while invoke_result relies on decltype()
so invoke_result is more powerful than result_of
nikunj: see wg21.link/n1454 for the initial result_of paper
This reminds me of the awesome phoenix result_of protocol...
I see. Btw I don't see any examples of invoke_result anywhere
heller1, do tell
pre c++11 only supported one fixed result type per function object. For phoenix, there was one supporting result type calculation based on the argument types
nikunj97: well, decltype() does the trick, usually invoke_result<> is more complex to write
heller1: that's what turned into std::result_of<> later
hkaiser, at the same time decltype usually gives back a type for any expression, which may be undesirable in cases where you need a type only when you're passing it callable (functions, functors etc.)
hkaiser: I was under the impression, that this still required a single embedded type member
that's why I wanted to write one with std::invoke_result
heller1: no, you can specialize the embedded template <...> result {}; as needed
hkaiser, for a function `int foo(int)`. This doesn't seem to work: using int_t = std::invoke_result<decltype(&foo)(int), int>::type;
while this does: using int_t = std::result_of<decltype(&foo)(int)>::type;
I'm pretty sure that I don't know how to use std::invoke_result
shouldn't it be invoke_result<decltype(&foo), int>::type ?
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hkaiser, doesn't work either
tried that first
try.cpp:20:24: error: ‘invoke_result’ in namespace ‘std’ does not name a template type
did you compile with c++17 ?
that did it
I thought gcc compiled with 17 by default
nikunj97: but decltype(foo(std::declval<int>()) should work as well
hkaiser, sure. It was simply that I wanted to play around with invoke_result
parsa taught me to play around with random standard library functions. So I was playing around with invoke_result these days :D
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How long does `make test` take?
Abhishek09: depends on your machine
a full circleci build cycle takes ~2 hours, but they use upto 4 machines for this
for hpx that is
for Phylanx it's a bit less
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Some tests take way longer than others, so if you happen to be working on a narrow part of the codebase, you can also tell it to run a particular range of tests.
(but as your goal is the packaging project, I doubt that is of interest :D )
K-ballo, yt?
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How many test are there in phylanx?
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Couple of hundred?
Don't remember, but I had like 35% fail :D
i have not numpy , that's why some are fail
Mine fail in something allocator-related with tcmalloc.
(I've got numpy from our module system, like a civilized admin :D )
make test is performing test instead of ctest. Why? zao
It's a convenience to be able to launch the tests via the build system, regardless of what test library is used - as it doesn't necessarily have to be ctest.
If you want to control tests more, you can invoke ctest yourself with the flags you want.
that means i not need to do `ctest` zao . Am i correct?
292 tests are there
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Is something wrong with this code? HPX spuriously produces an error here:
When I inspect that pointer in the debugger it actually is NOT nullptr but has a value
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hkaiser, can decltype(auto) lead to implicit conversions?
decltype(auto) will represent the result type deduced from the return expression
where should it do implicit conversions?
a basic example, let's say you're returning a rvalue say 42
Yorlik: get_ptr works only for local objects
it will return an int right
I am only using local objects in the moment.
well alright, I figured what I'm going wrong
if the assert fires, then the pointer IS a nullptr
otherwise it wouldn't fire
* Yorlik
please for a memory error by cosmic rays.
I had it only once ever.
Or twice
Yorlik: then it's a race
I have no clue how this code ever could cause a race. I'll dig ...
I'm doing more aggressive use of the engine now - also had to (finally) make my memory allocator thread safe. I guess there might be more dragons lurking.
Yorlik: btw, get_ptr<>(hpx::launch::sync, ...) is more efficient than get_ptr<>(...).get()
Oh - I had totally forgotten about that
Thanks !
it shortcuts the future creation and will not create an hpx thread for its operation
I need that actually quite a lot
When I need to resolve the real object locally
I try to avoid it usually
But there are some occasions
I could put the pointer to the object on the entity ofc.
For now I just store the id_type
I assume the local get will be almost as fast as retrieving it from the entity
for local (non-migratable) objects the lsb 64 bits of the id_type IS the local ptr
so its a not too expensive operation
They can all migrate
So its not safe
then it can't apply this optimization
The workload is divided in tiles which can move anywhere
On the long run I'll probaly make an optimization to store the local pointer, even after migration
sensible - always first do measurements before optimizing things
That code above is in the tight update loop
OFC I lose most time in Lua itself
So writing good lua code and optmizing there is the most critical area
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hkaiser, typeid(static_cast<const F*>(this)->operator()(get(vpm_,p),get(vpm_,q))).name() is bool
typeid(decltype(get(vpm_,p))).name() is same as typeid(typename boost::property_traits<PointPropertyMap>::value_type).name()
and typeid(decltype(std::declval<typename add_ptr<F>::type>() -> operator()(std::declval<typename boost::property_traits<PointPropertyMap>::value_type>(), std::declval<typename boost::property_traits<PointPropertyMap>::value_type>()))).name() also gives bool
why replacing decltype(auto) with typeid(decltype(std::declval<typename add_ptr<F>::type>() -> operator()(std::declval<typename boost::property_traits<PointPropertyMap>::value_type>(), std::declval<typename boost::property_traits<PointPropertyMap>::value_type>()))).name() leads to an error where return statement is typeid(static_cast<const F*>(this)->operator()(get(vpm_,p),get(vpm_,q))).name()
I've been scratching my head over this. Both have the same types
yet when I replace decltype(auto) with the appropriate type, compiler just blows up
and says no such call exists, when all of them are actually types that I have printed with std::cout and confirmed with c++filt
nikunj97: give me the full example, I can't really put things together from the pieces you provided
don't think so. I played with that as well
does typeid delete constness?
coz none of the typeid seemed to mention it
boost::property_trait<map>::value_type gives back the value type of the map
and get function as well gives back the value type
but using get in the function type seems to compile while using boost::property_train<map>::value_type does not
for ex: decltype(std::declval<F*>()->operator()(get(std::declval<PointPropertyMap>(),std::declval<const Vertex&>),get(std::declval<PointPropertyMap>(),std::declval<const Vertex&>))) compiles well in the function type
but this decltype(std::declval<F*>()->operator()(std::declval<typename boost::property_traits<PointPropertyMap>::value_type>(), std::declval<typename boost::property_traits<PointPropertyMap>::value_type>())) does not compile
which is so weird to me. But I didn't look this from constness perspective. I should probably do that now
hkaiser: For some reason I cannot checkout anymore your variant fix 5a221c1205dcbe92f8cf9c5c361b9562e3f75ea5 . Is there any particular reason for this?
Maybe it was force-pushed away?
Maybe. I'm now getting: fatal: reference is not a tree: 5a221c1205dcbe92f8cf9c5c361b9562e3f75ea5
Seems I need to use e95e1f83818088fb122ff5993ec651e0fe4cb71d now - lets see .. Git still is somewhat black magic to me. Even after using it for some years now.
Hmmm ... Doesn't work either.
Yorlik: I might have forced pushed
why do you go with a commit and not just with the branch?