the vtune marking the scheduler as a hot spot is a red herring
this is caused by the high idle-rate which is caused by too little parallelism
yes, but i tested it with 256 data records divide by 4 tasks, and it was the same
i think i have created some behavior that makes the scheduler not work efficiently
mdiers_: ok, I will try to look at your code in more detail tonight
i have the same behavior on epyc nodes only, on 20 or 32 core intel nodes i do not have it
We have enough different hardware to test... The 24 core epyc is my workstation and the 64 core rome is a borrowed test system to be able to estimate later purchases.
is there any experience if there is a performance loss at hpx when compiling with 128 core support instead of 64?
in my example the workload can of course also be increased. and the parallel::for_loop in the workload i have already provided with static_chunk_size( (n+target.num_pus-1)/target.num_pus)
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hkaiser: i will continue tomorrow, now i also suspect the memory accesses. thanks a lot for your invested time. ;-)
hkaiser: have you contacted rod ?
Abhishek09: not yet, thanks for reminding me
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@Abhishek09, I am here, how can I help you?
rtohid: happy to see u
thanks, did you get my email yesterday?
I want to discuss about on your project "Providing pip package for phylanx"
rtohid: Yes,but i also reply
I think you have to use manylinux
because pypa doesn't accept it without manylinux
what is it, and why do you need it? could you give a brief description, please?
if we do without, it will be rejected , bad pypa citizens
Your way that we discuss, it will work but not accepted
yes, but that's the distribution issue, isn't it?
Therefore, we have to use manylinux or sdist will be possible
but i will prefer wheel
let's start with packaging and not worry about distribution for now.
Why ? if not our work will be wasted
we have plan everything before making any decision
I would start with building HPX and Phylanx first.
so that we always towards direction of achieving our goals
For us, I guess, the goal is to package Phylanx. What is your goal?
to make phlanx pip installlable
cool, so let's start by building it first.
in same way that we discuss earlier
But how you deal with wheel for releasing on pypa?
I would start from a docker image and try to figure out Phylanx's software dependencies.
the goal for now is not distributing the package. Let's do this step by step.
hpx,jemelloc,gcc, boost,pybind11,
great! can you please create a docker image with all these installed?
docker image or wheel file?
docker image. first we'd want to manually build the library and then we can automate the process step by step.
What your plan ? can you expain , So that i can research whether it is efficient or not
start with manual build, automate the process a few steps at a time and, eventually, package it.
is this project is 3 month project or shorter?
I am not sure about the time.
sorry, I have to go to a meeting now. Please feel free to email me if you had any questions.
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what is the dnf package of phylanx name?
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hkaiser, We have scaling results for hpx + apex, hpx + apex + performance counters, hpx standalone, and hpx + performance counters + apex for one up to 64 nodes
Sagiv will compute the sub grids per sec and we can compare the overhead using all of them
diehlpk_work: very nice! thanks!
hkaiser, Did you have time to read the CIC documet?
diehlpk_work: I read it over but had a hard time to come up with anything in addition