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Would someone know how to check if a target is an interface library in CMake ?
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jbjnr, heller1, K-ballo: do you plan to join the PMC meeting now?
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hkaiser: not me
K-ballo: figured as much
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hkaiser: yt for a short inquiry about my problem?
mdiers_: here
I have determined that it is due to the memory accesses.
although i took an attached executor, the threads are not used approximately bound.
i have seen that msimberg cleans up the executors #4301 and that there is also a schedule hint problem #4306
mdiers_: yes, that's what we're trying to fix
which executor should i use then? at the moment i am testing with the local_priority_queue_attached_executor which is deprecated, respectively i have also tried with compute::host::block_executor.
hmmm, none of the executors support hints too well, at this point
but jbjnr or simbergm might know better
okay, thanks a lot. i'll watch the pulls and ask them tomorrow
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