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simbergm: updated the table.
mdiers_: that looks better, except for the block_executor
yeap, can you still a take look at my testimplementation of the block_executor? is there something wrong?
can you work with that? block_executor uses the attached executor so should in principle work the same assuming the indices are correct
the indices look like they should be correct (although a bit complicated)
mdiers_: you could also do just `block_executor<>(get_local_targets()[num_pus.first])`
yeap, but i use only one target, that's a little untypical.
that should even be better because it schedules the threads on the correct worker thread directly
it looks like what you have there puts tasks on the first worker thread of each numa domain
*puts all the tasks
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simbergm: thanks have found the error: s/get_local_targets/numa_domains/g
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mdiers_: great! so that means all three executors behave the same now?
on 1.4.1 that is
simbergm: yeap on 1.4.1
very good, thanks for your patience with this
we'll try to get that fix into master soon as well, and make sure we don't break things again when we clean up the executors
simbergm: updated the table: the block_executor is also correct in 1.3.
simbergm: thanks a lot for your help
simbergm: unfortunately the scheduler dead loop still exists when i take out the sleep
mdiers_: nothing stands out immediately as something that would cause a deadlock, but in general it's good to avoid calling `get` explicitly (simply return a future instead if possible)
in these kind of situations the debugger is not always that helpful
printf debugging is much more effective since you can see where your program is making progress
and where it's not
if you can identify where it's stuck I might be able to help you better
simbergm: I'll look into it when I have some free time, thanks
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Hello, I was trying to build hpx with build instructions, and when I try to run cmake command I am getting error "Could NOT find TCMalloc" I did use the instruction -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-7 DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-7 but still getting it
any suggestions ?
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iti: (note that those are phylanx instructions, not hpx instructions)
you have two options: either install tcmalloc, or use the system allocator
tcmalloc is part of the gperftools package, it might have slightly different names depending on which distro you're on
if you want to skip it for now (not recommended for performance, but ok for playing around) you can say `-DHPX_WITH_MALLOC=system`
okay, thanks for informing. Can you let me know if there is any documentation for building hpx?
I will add the paper and bibtex file to our repo
I think best wat to proceed would be to send an email to hpx-devel and let everyone know that they should add their authors details until a certain deadline in alphabetical order
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hkaiser, I will start today to upload the workshop recordings to the ste||ar channel
Should we just generate a new playlist
diehlpk_work: yah, that might be a good idea
let's create a new playlist
Ok, sounds good
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hkaiser, the changes in HighFive to solve our issue are merged
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bita_: thanks a lot for making this happen!
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