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I'm getting exceptions in hpx with jemalloc in debug mode. Is there a known issue with the debug version of jemalloc? Should I not use it?
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not that I am aware of
what kind of exceptions do you get?
read access violation in <vector> _Orphan_range(...) coming from some initialization code in hpx. None of my code is in the call stack. I'll retry and link against the release version of jemalloc, because that was what I changed.
Weird. Same error with release build
I'll make a full rebuild of HPX debug
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The error persists. When I start it directly I get a windows error (0x0000142). In the debugger its the mentioned exception.
how does the backtrace look like?
No issues in release
it's jut debug?
* it's just debug?
can you show the full call stack please?
Using jemalloc release both times. I wonder if it is unrelated to jemalloc actually.
I am using jemalloc master
I have no idea
since when does this exception occur? What did you change?
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hkaiser: great, thanks! are you planning to join this time? I think it might be a short one...
freifrau_von_bleifrei: gdaiss I don't have any updates so it's all you for the kokkos meeting :)
is 15:45 enough?
* ms: I think 15.45 is fine for us :)
freifrau_von_bleifrei: Or do you need more time?
we can do 15:30 as well if you feel like talking :P but I thought 15 minutes might be enough
Let's do 15.45! I think we don't have too many exciting updates either - it'll probably just be about what we are currently working on as well
Is there a way to go backwards in the line of stable tagged releases? I want to find out if it was a recent stable which broke my build or if it was jemalloc.
Would every commit not marked with a red X be suitable?
Yorlik: I guess so
Commit ca04ade7bf0883d5ca0343d983b0927dd3ae1d5a works for me
heller1, hkaiser ^^
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Yorlik: and the one after doesn't?
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hkaiser, my retile issue is resolved. It was a copy and paste error (forgot to change row to col, so one of the conditions were missing)
bita: nod, as expected ;-)
I'm glad you solved it!
hkaiser, Orsola's talk
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hkaiser I think I manage to get the indices correct and have smaller cuda array allocation, yea! I will run more tests to verify my implementation.