bita: please be careful not to miss any spots ;-)
I will
well, thank _you_!
bita: does distribute_vector needs changing as well?
no, it has only one dimension
so it is fine :)
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simbergm, is there any other way to visualize the trace output? Vampir isn't free to use and the demo version can't do more than 16 thread traces
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nikunj97: good question
I don't know
khuck might know of alternatives, as might jbjnr
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simbergm, alright let me ask around
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jbjnr, yt?
There used to be one...
But I forgot the name :(
heller1, :/
Kate Isaac wrote it....
isn't there any other profiler that I can use with HPX?
I have used vTune in the past, but I'm working on ARM
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can anyone explain how to use vncserver?
I'm getting a time out or host not found
on my cluster node: I do `vncserver :1`
which gives the following output:
Desktop 'TurboVNC: juwelsvis02.ib.juwels.fzj.de:1 (gupta2)' started on display juwelsvis02.ib.juwels.fzj.de:1 (juwelsvis02.ib.juwels.fzj.de:1)
Starting applications specified in /etc/turbovnc/xstartup.turbovnc
Log file is /p/home/jusers/gupta2/juwels/.vnc/juwelsvis02.ib.juwels.fzj.de:1.log
zao ^^
You run your applications by having DISPLAY set on the remote machine, to the X display number exposed.
Then you connect to the VNC side of the thing, either directly or via a bunch of tunneling depending on how locked down it is.
what do you mean by running application?
the script they have runs an xfce4 session
Oh, then "just" connect with a VNC viewer to the address mentioned.
it says no such host is known
The IP address may be an internal one to their network.
is there a way to bypass that?
What OS are you on?
on windows rn
but can switch OSes
You can connect via SSH to the usual head nodes, and forward the port to your host.
You can then connect to localhost:1 in your VNC viewer on your Windows machine, and it'll go through the SSH tunnel and connect to the address mentioned.
let me try
It's -L localport:remotehost:remoteport
Looking at the address, it should be "obvious" that it's not a public one as it contains the term "ib" which I guess is InfiniBand :D
ooo, didn't know that
it says "the connection was refused by the computer"
it worked
zao, thanks!
btw my connection gets reset in ssh
how do I keep it alive till I exit it myself?
SSH connections normally keep themselves alive. You can say -N to just set up the tunnel and not bother with a shell, but not sure if that changes anything.
so I do ssh -N 5901:juwelsvis02.ib.juwels.fzj.de:5901 you@head-node?
ssh -N -L
zao, I still get Connection reset by [ip] port 22
You may want to try juwelsvis02.fz-juelich.de:1 in your VNC client too.
I'm trying to figure out how to test if an operation throws an exception in HPX, and I know I'm supposed to use the HPX_TEST_THROW macro, but I have to specify the exception, rather than the error code, and I can't find how to translate the error code to the precise exception being thrown
I know the error code from the source I want to test
And I can't find an example in the Phylanx codebase to serve as a template