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Is it a bad sign if HPX compiles faster as my lecture slides?
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diehlpk_work: for HPX?
For my lecture slides?
diehlpk_work: I wonder if I have my TikZ-based 3D meshes I generated for my master thesis.
zao, yes tikz is one reason for the long compilation time
Turns out that even XeLaTeX is not great at rendering 3D meshes, runs out of all sorts of memory after like 1000 triangles.
Probably not the best thing to perform homogeneous 3D transformations with either.
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zao: so you got your master's for doing 3d simulations with tikz?
Master was on efficient rendering of crowds of characters in a 3D game, figured I'd have a nice illustration in the thesis and exported an animated mesh straight out of the engine, with the triangles sorted by depth.
So much effort to not work on the thing I should've been working on :)
without \end{figure}, apparently
diehlpk_work: could you give me the meeting link, pls
may I ask: What is the difference of hpx::futre and std::futre?
One is the one specified in the standard (or coming standards), and the other one is the cool improved one in HPX, that's more composable and works in HPX threads and in a distributed manner.
Regarding your question a few days ago, a compile time of a few seconds for a TU that includes HPX is perfectly normal, there's a lot of headers with complicated code pulled in to pull off the magic.
Translation unit.
A C++ source file under compilation, with all its includes expanded and all.
wow !!! Thank you !!!
One or more TUs are compiled into object files, which are later linked into things.
The term comes up when talking about visibility and scope.
yeah I know the theory but I lack terminology-knowledge somehow. Thank you ;p
Also thank you for responding to a 3-days-ago quesiton. Really apriciate it. As I have not digged into building large stuff yet I was of the impression that the compilation time would take like some millie-seconds.
A lot of it is due to that as fancy C++ code is template-based, there's a fair bit of complexity for the compiler to work through every time a header is included.
While in good old C and boring C++, headers tend to contain less as implementations tend to be separately compiled.
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