hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | This channel is logged:
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<ms[m]> satacker: the name of that type is essentially an error message (it's an incomplete type and instantiating it will always fail to compile)
<ms[m]> an alternative would be something like `static_assert(sizeof(Tag) == 0, "my error message")`
<satacker[m]> ms[m]: Thanks that's what was happening and I was confused.
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<deepak[m]> I was trying some hpx vs openMP , just to compare the execution time.
<deepak[m]> gonidelis like you said
<gonidelis[m]> deepak: very nice!!! what about scaling it?
<deepak[m]> gonidelis[m]: working on that also for the fft and dijkstra's algorithm
<gonidelis[m]> i mean if you plan on showcasing results you should probably weak/strong scale them for more confidence
<deepak[m]> gonidelis[m]: I will try to do it when I'm well versed with OpenMP .
<gonidelis[m]> nice ;)
<deepak[m]> deepak[m]: It's just a basic program which wrote for understanding
<deepak[m]> * which wrote I for understanding
<deepak[m]> gonidelis: I might need your help in documentation later
<gonidelis[m]> you dont need to document local experiments
<gonidelis[m]> if you talk about the openmp hpx comparison
<deepak[m]> gonidelis[m]: I meant the Proposed one
<deepak[m]> fft and dijkstra's
<gonidelis[m]> ah right!
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