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Greetings! I'm interested in joining the GSoC project. Do you suggest Windows + Visual Studio + vcpkg for getting started building and exploring HPX?
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pansysk75[m]: yes, that's a good choice
pansysk75[m]: you might want to build hpx outside of vcpkg if you want to change it, if you're interested in wrting code using hpx then installing it with vcpkg is a good start
I think the basic co_await support for senders/receivers should not rely on hpx::future
So there should be a base promise type ?
* > I think the basic co_await support for senders/receivers should not rely on hpx::future
So there should be a base promise type ?
one of the points of S/R is to avoid the allocations asociated with futures, also, futures are single use, whereas S/R in general can be used (started) multiple times
most likely there has to be a promise type (as in the example code I linked above)
hkaiser: And also a base type for awaitable
What would be the major difference between the implementations of non-hpx libraries? custom allocator for promise type?
satacker[m]: there might not be too many differences, actually
I haven't used any library building c++ as I haven't written one. But assuming I understand this project now and with the c++ lectures you have put up coupled with boost programming guide I might actually be able to do this project.
satacker[m]: sure, also we're here to help
Thanks for all the help until now, although I'll need to ping you on email once I complete draft of the proposal
satacker[m]: please do
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dimpapag: is there possible that you publish your proposal using google docs to facilitate the feedback procedure?
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oh does it not let you at all? weird...kinda loses its whole "google ecosystem" purpose