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<ms[m]> hkaiser: the builds on #5853 time out, but I think it's daint being unusually slow, even for daint... one of them e.g. finished 237/1072 tests before running out of time
<ms[m]> I retriggered them now and I think it'll be better, but if it continues timing out please let me know
<hkaiser> ms[m]: ok, thanks!
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<satacker[m]> Hi, if anyone could please clarify... (full message at
<hkaiser> 2. probably not (yet) - please feel free to add missing tests/functionalities
<hkaiser> sorry misunderstood 2
<hkaiser> I think our schedulers are the only ones supporting get_env, but I might misremember - need to look
<satacker[m]> hkaiser: ohh, thanks that helps
<satacker[m]> hkaiser: I experimented with and don't really know if I did it right for scheduler queries. The major concern is I did not do anything similar to But the test cases passed
<hkaiser> satacker[m]: ok, give me a bit of time to a) refresh my memory and b) to look at your PR
<hkaiser> thanks for working on this!
<satacker[m]> hkaiser: Thank you to you as well.
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