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Yes, why was it defaulted to weakly parallel
that's what the spec says
are you asking why the spec defaults to weakly parallel?
it's the weakest forward progress guarantee, if a scheduler doesn't claim a stronger guarantee then it gets the most basic one
K-ballo: ```
If execution::get_forward_progress_guarantee(s) for some scheduler s returns execution::forward_progress_guarantee::concurrent, all execution agents created by that scheduler shall provide the concurrent forward progress guarantee. If it returns execution::forward_progress_guarantee::parallel, all execution agents created by that scheduler shall provide at least the parallel forward progress guarantee.
I didn't find it
you did not find.. what?
Nope, sorry, all clear
read the paragraph just above the one you quoted
found the spec for default
yes, got it
curiously it says to ignore a specialization that returns anything other than forward_progress_guarantee, rather than to reject it
it ought to rather fix the return type as forward_progress_guarantee, and dispatch to any specialization it finds
that way if you get the specialization wrong it results in a compilation error rather than a silent fallback to default
<K-ballo> "that way if you get the speciali..." <- took some time for this, but i get some idea, thanks
I tried compiling the example provided, it gave compilation error