hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | This channel is logged:
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<dkaratza[m]> hkaiser: the links in the email about the old doc branches do not work :/
<dkaratza[m]> how can i find these branches?
<hkaiser> n the second and third page, they all start with doc_
<hkaiser> no, the 4 branches are all on the second page:
<dkaratza[m]> great, thank you!
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<dkaratza[m]> well I'm not sure how I can update these there anyone who can give me a hint on how to clone the code of each branch to work on them?
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<hkaiser> dkaratza[m]: try rebasing them onto master
<dkaratza[m]> hkaiser: yeap but how am i supposed to get the code?
<dkaratza[m]> just clone?
<hkaiser> you already have the repo cloned locally, no?
<hkaiser> just switch to the branch and rebase
<hkaiser> we can talk about that during the meeting
<dkaratza[m]> hmm ok, i'll make a try now, otherwise i will ask you more in the meeting
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<gdaiss[m]> hkaiser: Could you send me a link (or filename) to the hpx get_pointer method you mentioned in the meeting?
<hkaiser> that file has some docs as well, not sure why that doesn't show up in the html docs, will check
<hkaiser> gdaiss[m]: ^^
<gdaiss[m]> Thanks!
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