hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | This channel is logged:
any reason we define the documentation twice?
why ^^
<K-ballo> "some things have to be in..." <- seems more like headers are the go-to solution and then you basically retain a couple small sources to "run". at the end of the day we are building a libarary, I wouldn't consider headers either forced or lazy
both static and shared libraries are composed only of source files after all
header files, on the other hand, are copy-pasted into each source file in which they are #included
in old style C headers weren't even necessary, they were more of a luxury convenience
K-ballo: so headers are mainly for name conflicts avoidance
libraries are composed ONLY of sources? wow
name conflicts? what do you have in mind?
library *files* (.a/.lib, .so/.dll) are composed only of sources
actually the oposite
reusable code i meant
headers are for interfaces
interface <- reusable code
not the other way around necessary
but why the sources?
I don't understand the question
why can i not write a library that is just comrised of .hpp's?
and just be included in the user's main
source file
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you can, it's just a terribly poor practice
unless you are forced to it, like it's the case of libraries entirely composed of macros, or (pre modules) templates
each time your header is included the code gets copy/pasted into the user sources
and it has to be parsed, and compiled (and optimized)
and later the linker has to come in and de-duplicate all those copies
each time the user compiles their program
i get why it's awful
nice explanation
whereas a library source file gets compiled (and optimized) once, no duplicates, and gets linked just as the user asks for it
and modules are some sort of parsed source representation (possibly compiled too in some cases), so at least you don't have to keep parsing the same templates over and over and over and over
search online for c++ modules for some basic introduction
they serve the same purpose of headers, but don't have (all) the downsides
i have never ever in my life seen modules
like ever
like in use i mean
you were surprised by the existence of source files in a library mere hours ago
why is the view "printable" immediately in the first example while in the second one a new string has to be constructed from scratch
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hkaiser: yt ?
srinivasyadav227: here
g'morning ;-)
hkaiser: is the SIMD meeting cancelled ?
good morning :)
yes, we forgot that today is Good Friday
oh okay, gsoc meeting is cancelled aswell ?
I'd think so, yes - can we meet Tuesday at the usual time?
okay sure :) sorry again for missing out on this Tuesday :)
nah, no worries
thanks! ;)
K-ballo has joined #ste||ar
gonidelis[m]: There's two aspects to what goes in "source files" (.cpp) and headers (.hpp) - "mechanical" and "cultural" and it largely boils down to the one-definition-rule (ODR).
Mechanically some constructs when compiled in a translation unit (TU, source file with all includes expanded) generate distinct entities each time, these are things like free functions, variables of global scope. Some generate the same thing across different TUs and are interchangeable by the linker like inline functions and expanded templates. Some don't generate anything like extern variables. Member functions defined inside a class definition are
implicitly inline. These are hard rules and you have to design around them.
Culturally a project may pick among multiple ways to do things and design their libraries accordingly - you can go "header-only" by only using mechanisms that don't need separate source files and can be expressed (with effort and cost) in a set of headers. You have projects with very traditional headers that put as much as possible in source files and keep the header interface as slim as possible, and there's the ones inbetween that may define smaller
things inline in headers but also have some of the costlier or bulkier things in source files. For things like HPX that go hard on templates, a lot of code is kind of forced into headers whether one likes it or not.
(hah, really screwed up my line length estimates there :D )
hkaiser stellar has been selected into the GSOD'22 so we can officially start sending the proposal submission so is there any google forms sent for the same as I am not able to see any communication or previous messages on libera and there is no chat going on in the matrix so am I left behind?
ruchipakhle: will publish this by early next week
sorry for being slow :/
gonidelis[m]: has it almost ready, I believe
ruchipakhle: you can definitely start thinking on what you would like to work on
ohhh no worriess i was just concerned as I was not able to see any messages also is there any way by which I could remain in sync with the community here=L
ruchipakhle: this channel is being logged:
hkaiser: ohh cool, thanks for sharing
you can definitely start thinking on what you would like to work on : yes definitely i have started to go through the stellar documentation thoroughly
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hkaiser: do we have HPX + LCI meeting rn?
tried joining the room. Looks like not.
hkaiser: ruchipakhle will take care to publish the questionnaire in a bit. Apologies for that
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gnikunj[m]: Eastern...
Aah yeah
For some reason, I don't have a holiday today ;_;
gnikunj[m]: you're paying to be punished ;-)
Fortunately not paying but unfortunately still being punished 🥲
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gonidelis[m] : no worries at all, i just asked coz I did not have logs of whats happening over here and hence asked
but now that i have I would be patiently seeing that before :)
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Hey, fellow newcomer here.
Are there any specific tools commonly used for profiling and performance testing? I only know of those included in Visual Studio
pansysk75[m]: that's a good one for high-level assessments, more detailed information can be collected using vtune (Intel Amplifier)
depends on what you're planning to do, really
Also what is "Traveler-integrated" for? Some sort of profiling tool as well?
Thanks so much!
pansysk75[m]: Traveller is a set of web-based visualization tools for trace data collected by other tools (mainly otf2 traces, but I think they support other formats as well)
you should have also received an email with the spreadsheet that collects the responses along with privillages to modify the google form if you want
gnikunj: ms and diehlpk_work too
ok, thanks
yep, got it
gonidelis: thanks for working on this!