hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | This channel is logged:
gdaiss[m]: I just created a PR fixing the compilation error, but you still need the change in order to avoid a deprecation warning
ah, so we might as well merge the octotiger PR
gdaiss[m]: yes, you want to do that
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Everytime I join the server messages I am not able to see previous messages they get deleted, is this with everyone?
I am using matrix with element, I can see history
whats the name of the channel to join via matrix with element
ok got it joined it thanks
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I have submitted my proposal for Pythonize HPX! You should be able to review it from the gsoc platform!
dimpapag[m]: cool
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hkaiser: ms I have submitted the draft proposal on GSoC portal as well. Could you (and others) please review?
dimpapag: alright!
bhumit: thanks
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bhumit[m]: +1
when's the submission deadline?
19 of April
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hkaiser: the problem was not building the INSTALL but the ALLBUILD one
It all worked well
Will do the code and integrate it in the proposal then submit it.
ahmed_: nice!
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hkaiser: just submitted the draft proposal on gsoc. Hope you could review it and thank you in advance
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