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<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: I was just wondering about your new executor
<gonidelis[m]> what is it about
<hkaiser> it's a scheduler, not an executor
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<hkaiser> K-ballo: this might be interesting for you:
<K-ballo> looks like peter's tool
<hkaiser> yes, it is
<hkaiser> slightly adapted
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<K-ballo> iterator_support depends on serialization?
<K-ballo> ideally we'd be seen a level 0 config module (all the preprocessor flags and nothing else),
<K-ballo> a level 1 support module (all the fundamental language only pieces we build on top of as well as some back-ported library features, internal use only)
<K-ballo> a level 2 core runtime module (runtime, ...? schedulers (interface)?)
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<hkaiser_> K-ballo: well, this is the status quo, now we can start re-ordering things, as needed
<K-ballo> commits that rename files make me sad, but it may be a necessity
<K-ballo> if there's a way to conditionally leverage modules it'd be a good time to give it a try
<K-ballo> cmake doesn't seem to be up for it though, as far as I can see
<hkaiser_> K-ballo: yes, I was waiting for cmake to support modules before looking into that
<K-ballo> it should be a single effort
<K-ballo> and by that I mean we shouldn't be turning the existing cmake modules into c++ modules
<hkaiser_> combine our 'modules' into C++ modules?
<K-ballo> if needed, figure out what our C++ modules should be
<K-ballo> there'll likely be a lot of combining, it's not a problem for C++ modules to have lots of things
<hkaiser_> sure
<K-ballo> only truly independent pieces would benefit from a separate module, things like distributed probably
<K-ballo> and maybe also optional things, like each parcelport
<K-ballo> and some "extra" components
<hkaiser_> K-ballo: we have two pieces today, that's a starting point
<K-ballo> what are the two pieces?
<hkaiser_> core and full (i.e. local and distributed)
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<gonidelis[m]> what kinds of reordering are we want to make? hkaiser_ K-ballo ?
<gonidelis[m]> kind of reorderings*
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<gonidelis[m]> ms: rori i downloaded the HPX docker environment and built hpx with DOCUMENTATION=ON ... now i have a banch of .doctree files within my container. How do I open it locally in a browser or sth? i mean 1. can firefox open .doctrees and 2. can firefox be used through the container?
<gonidelis[m]> ........ or just copy the files to host? (sounds sloppy) ://
<gonidelis[m]> ahhh it's the htlmls under `/share` bad. tho the question remains. do i still need to copy the doctree files?
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<rori[m]> I was usually opening with `firefox <path/to>/index.html &`
<rori[m]> and then browsing around with the links
<gonidelis[m]> rori: but i need to mount firefox for that. no?
<gonidelis[m]> "mount firefox"
<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: I was about to make those changes in the PR that we just merged ;p Should have told you to keep it open i am sorry. Regarding #5854 that is
<gonidelis[m]> oh wait a sec....that's only about counter_type
<gonidelis[m]> hmmm... i thought it was about the remaining perf_counter enums
<hkaiser> gonidelis[m]: yes, you missed a couple of places
<gonidelis[m]> i worked based on the tests.... should have `grep`ed
<gonidelis[m]> will review after class
<hkaiser> gonidelis[m]: indeed
<bhumit[m]> <gonidelis[m]> "ms: rori i downloaded the..." <- I did this by using docker volumes. Look into that maybe?
<gonidelis[m]> bhumit: ah thanks!
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<rori[m]> <bhumit[m]> "I did this by using docker..." <- yes you should mount the build directory to have access locally, add the -v option to the docker run command `-v=<path/to/local/build/dir>:/hpx/build`
<gonidelis[m]> yup! it worked thanks!
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<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: what work does need to be done with the new dependency tool?
<hkaiser> gonidelis[m]: we could integrate it into CircleCI so it can run for each commit to master
<gonidelis[m]> and it just checks for circular dependencies?
<hkaiser> not really
<hkaiser> we already check for circular dependencies
<hkaiser> the generated dependency report is more like documentation, I think
<hkaiser> but I'm definitely open to suggestions
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<K-ballo> note the circular dependency between config and pp
<K-ballo> it's definitely documentation, but it'd be nice if it could raise a warning when the numbers increase
<hkaiser> gonidelis[m]: I wanted to see a more detailed dependency analysis, not sure how generally useful that will be
<hkaiser> K-ballo: there shouldn't be any circular dependency
<gonidelis[m]> hm..
<gonidelis[m]> very nice!
<hkaiser> K-ballo: no, there is no circular dependency - does the tool show something like that?
<hkaiser> ahh darn, you're right, but that can be resolved - thanks for noticing
<K-ballo> Level undetermined
<K-ballo> core/config > core/preprocessor
<K-ballo> core/preprocessor > core/config
<hkaiser> one of the generated headers include hpx/config
<hkaiser> I will fix that
<hkaiser> preprocessor doesn't need to depend on config
<K-ballo> no?
<K-ballo> maybe it did before, when targeting earlier standards or older compilers
<K-ballo> I would rather see core/config not depend on anything
<K-ballo> probably some CAT?
<K-ballo> cat and stringize
<K-ballo> expand too :/
<hkaiser> yah
<hkaiser> preprocessor has its own config file for compiler compatibility
<K-ballo> me so sad
<hkaiser> do you see another way?
<K-ballo> no, maybe, but it does make sense
<K-ballo> I was hoping for a clean level 0 config
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