hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | This channel is logged:
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hkaiser: is the FFT example still in work?
dkaratza[m]: it's still a PR (not merged) I have not looked closely lately - gonidelis[m] might have looked, though
hkaiser: do you know if the one who made it is gonna be interested to write some documentation? If I have a draft, I can also write some stuff about it to enrich it and then include it in our examples
s/to/in/, s/write/writing/
dkaratza[m]: pls feel free to ask on the PR
hkaiser: I already did, just wondering if you already know :))
ok, i can wait for an answer, np
dkaratza[m]: if that person doesn
t respond, we should either drop it on the floor or make it our own
hkaiser: sure!
<hkaiser> "Thanks!" <- also, can you please tell me where I can find the experimental classes in github?
dkaratza[m]: what experimental classes?
dkaratza: I can a brief documentation for it , no issue with that but might take some time . if you have any suggestions then please let me know in PR it self.
deepak[m]: cool!
hkaiser: like this one hpx::experimental::reduction
deepak[m]: i can also help you with that. so you can write an explanation about your code etc. and I can format it to add it in the docs afterwards
dkaratza[m]: looks good , I'll do
dkaratza[m]: sure!
hkaiser: ohh alright, so the best way to find them is just github search
yes, there is also a much better search engine for code
hkaiser: great, i'll check it out. thanks!!
hkaiser: is the header file source_location already added? couldn't find it in github
gonidelis: in the last docs meeting you mentioned that you have a list with the changes in namespaces. if that's the case, can I have that list so that I can check the compatibility in docs?
satacker[m]: I don't think we actually test this ATM, we probably should :/
Examples are taking time to be built but I have added #include <hpx/futures/future.hpp> and it did not give any error for that file
s/#/`#/, s/>/>`/
* Examples are taking time to build but I have added `#include <hpx/futures/future.hpp>` and it did not give any error for that file
* ~Examples are taking time to build but I have added `#include <hpx/futures/future.hpp>` and it did not give any error for that file~
Sorry it did
* <del>Examples are taking time to build but I have added `#include <hpx/futures/future.hpp>` and it did not give any error for that file</del>
Sorry it did
/home/extended/hpx/examples/transpose/transpose_await.cpp: In function ‘hpx::future<sub_block> transpose_phase(const std::vector<block>&, std::vector<block>&, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t)’:
/home/extended/hpx/examples/transpose/transpose_await.cpp:220:19: error: unable to find the promise type for this coroutine
220 | transpose(co_await from, co_await to, block_order, tile_size);
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We had the co_await integration missing right?
satacker[m]: that's a different error now, isn't it?
satacker[m]: co_await integration is missing with senders/receivers, that unrelated to the error you're seeing
hkaiser: sorry I just keep getting confused
hkaiser: yes
satacker[m]: from what I can see, our gcc 11 builders have c++20 enabled and those do compile the example just fine
hkaiser: Thanks, Will try to do it in gcc 10.3 for a few more tries
The reason is that I wanted to try something with senders and receivers
* and receivers and coroutines
I tried with g++-11 as well
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* I am trying with g++-11 awill let you know, thanks for the help.
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<gonidelis[m]> "bhumit: we will be able to..." <- Okay thanks
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