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Hey everyone, Ruchi here
I am a passionate developer and open-source enthusiast. I'm an active contributor to open-source projects and have contributed to different organizations before. I'm currently an LFX Mentee for the spring cohort at Open Horizon. I was actually going through the Stellar documentation project ideas for GSOD'22 and since it aligns with my technical
skillset I joined this chat group. Any suggestions on moving forward would be really helpful
ruchipakhle: welcome
have you found some project ideas that are of interest to you?
Are the wiki listed ones only available ones for GSoD 22?
bhumit[m]: those are just ideas, if you have other suggestions, please don't hesitate to pursue them
hkaiser: oh yes, I went through the entire project idea list for GSoD'22 and every idea seemed to be aligning with my interest tbh
hkaiser: Okay. I have a couple ones. Is there any submission template like there is for GSoC?
ruchipakhle: is it GSoD (documentation) or GSoC (coding) you're interested in?
bhumit[m]: nothing specific, but the GSoC one is a good starting point, I guess
I am interested in documentation ones I did not check the idea list for GSoC
bhumit[m]: we need some documentation work related to specific APIs
ruchipakhle: ok
bhumit[m], ruchipakhle: do you guys know how to create doxygen comments for an API?
hkaiser: That is one of the ideas actually -- to document specific APIs and add documentation for functions/classes which are missing it.
Yes, I have worked with Doxygen before.
bhumit[m]: cool
hkaiser: yeah i do know them
also i think in the project ideas list first two ideas are the API documentation ones right?
so are they on the priority basis?
ruchipakhle: the list of ideas is not prioritized
okay cool
also where should we submit our proposal like dm you or mail you?
ms[m]: how did we handle gsod proposals last year? did those were submitted to you?
we made our own google form for applicants to fill in
ahh, ok
ruchipakhl, bhumit[m]: there you have it ^^ - once accepted to GSoD we will give you a link for submitting your ideas
thats cool
<hkaiser> "ruchipakhl, bhumit: there you..." <- Got it. Thanks!
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@hkaiser Quick question: Do we still need this PR for octotiger? Or will this be changed back in HPX? Just wondering whether I should press merge before we do the octotiger release
u should probably ping him when his logged back in (old fashioned non-record tracking irc)
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I’ve made an external project and it built well
I tried the hello world trivial project and it worked to ensure correctness of build
But when i made matrix mul it compiled and built
But exe gave me hpx::init invalid runtime mode specified
Is that related to the way of passing program options ?
I’ve found an issue #4662 on hpx github page regarding same error
But cant figure out the problem
ahmed_: show us the code and the error message
ahmed_: also, please give me the command lines you used to configure HPX and your application
what options did you pass to cmake
I made it by cmake gui
Just set 4 env variables : hpx_location , cmake_install_prefix , boost_root , hwloc_root
ok, did you specify the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE?
Is that different from choosing inside vs ?
Inside vs i chose debug
hkaiser: just added it in the Cmake file before project command
And still having the same problem
environment variables tend to be all uppercase by convention
I already made them uppercase sorry for the mess
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hkaiser: Quick question: Do we still need this PR for octotiger? Or will this be changed back in HPX? Just wondering whether I should press merge before we do the octotiger release