hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | This channel is logged:
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hkaiser: did you happen to check the docs html that i sent you the previous week?
gonidelis[m]: yeah, let's go with it for now, it's still a RC
I will do it for the final release
hkaiser: going over the work stealing scheduler
is this intended for 1.8?
gonidelis[m]: no
I don't think this will be ready soon
ok and about the performance test report. where is the 5%-10% perf increase visible ?
in the report i mean
gonidelis[m]: the perf test does not use the new scheduler
it has been deprecated in C++20, so #5864 makes sure it's not used anymore
the macro name is different though ;p
is it?
ahh, it's just a typo, thanks
will fix in the PR
what's its purpose though
why initialize atomic_flag ?
read the cppref page
why need to ^^
yes that's a question on cppref
let's talk Thu
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In case of class inheriting `tag_fallback_noexcept` how do I make sure that the tag dispatching takes place when user does incorrect return type overload?
satacker[m]: how do you overload on the return type
I don't think that's possible
hkaiser: I meant `tag_invoke`
* Sorry, I meant
C++ doesn't allow you to overload functions based on the return type
hkaiser: yes, i completely used a wrong terminology. Say tag_dispatching using `tag_fallback_noexcept`, when will the user's `tag_invoke` be called?
tag_invoke will be tried first (i.e. used if it is valid), tag_fallback_invoke will be used (if it is valid) only if no tag_invoke's are available
hkaiser: Thanks, but how do I make sure the tag_invoke return type is valid, not possible?
(The tag_invoke which user implements)
it wil fail compiling if not
Okay, thanks, probably I have done some other mistake, because it compiles, only static_assert fails due to other reasons.
how can it compile if static_assert fails?
hkaiser: could you please check your email?
gonidelis[m]: will do
gonidelis[m]: see pm, pls
How's HPX doing these days? I've been quite a bit out of the loop. We're still at 1.7.1 and working on connecting Unreal Engine 5 to the server.
Seems everyone is busy - gotta run. See you another day :)
* Yorlik
waves and fades
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hkaiser, Ok, boost does not support cross compilation using the Fujitsu compiler
diehlpk_work: nod, do we need the Fujitsu compiler?
hkaiser, Do we have a bug in the hello_world_distributed?
If I run it without mpiexec, it shows 0 loc with 48 cores
diehlpk_work: if you run it without mpiexec it will create one locality
If I run with mpiexec it shows 0 loc with 48 cores as well, but the cores are printed multiple times
Wenn wir > 32 numa domain haben dann wird HPX schlechter
Nan laedt dich ein
hkaiser, I assume that hpx does not read the env from the new scheduler correct and therefore a single node run is slower as on Ookami using slurm
yes, I'm surprised anything works at all
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