diehlpk_work: we probably should, this repo is automatically populated, however, so we might need to do some scripting
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diehlpk_work: done, let's see if it gets overwritten
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Sorry folks, what did you need my consent for?
Ah for the JOSS submission? That's fine :)
hkaiser: thanks for adding the license
I think it should stay there iirc what the scripts do
so I just noticed one thing ...
... and I think hpx::init needs to go. Here is the reason: Each test that requirese HPX threads to run, needs to go through hpx_init ... creating nice cycles...
heller: if anything the tests need to be rewritten not to use hpx::init
but it's only tests, the modules otherwise don't have that dependency
and kicking out hpx::init just for the sake that feels user-hostile
but there might be good solutions
do we have a way of making a future<void> from a future<tuple<future<void>, future<void>>> (returned from e.g. when_all) without spawning a task?
unwrap will actually wait for the future, but I'd like to just collapse it into a future<void>
future<future<T>> -> works
* future<future<T>> -> future<void> work
but we don't have a way to further inspect that
ms[m]: there's split_future, if that helps
yeah, I guess split future would actually do the right thing, even if it's semantically a bit iffy
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simbergm: master is broken since the latest merges
hkaiser: right you are
sorry, entirely my fault
I'll fix it
thanks a lot
simbergm: thanks for your thorough review of #4540
hkaiser_, I went through all ste||ar group repos and added a ticket were a license is missing
diehlpk_work: thanks
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diehlpk_work: do we have a meeting now?
Yes, we are already in
hkaiser_, I sent the Zoom link to the operation bell list
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hkaiser_ how should I insert timer of communication phase correctly for ringG algorithm? for the computation part, I can insert start and end timer around line 73. but for the communication phase, it is an async operation and more importantly, it is a loop (depending how many ranks), also I do not want to count memorycpy phase as well
you can only measure the overall time reliably, I think
I see
or each timestep in the loop
I see, is it a wise choice to time each function inside the loop and also each step? And then do communication_time = total_time_per_step - compute_time - copy_time
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weilewei: try it - you can't really measure comunication time as it's overlapped
hkaiser_ ah, I see now, even when receiving data, the program is doing copy and update...
weilewei: the most you can do is to measure how long it sits in mpi_wait
to allow to assess how muc cu time is wasted ;-)
*cpu time*
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hkaiser_ hmmm true... but still, if I meaure mpi_wait, that does not reflect the complete picture of communication time. maybe just measure the whole for-loop
hkaiser_, Rory89 and I was talking about parallel inverse. What kind of algorithm should be worked on? I was telling Rory that having a for loop parallelized with constraint is not what we do in Phylanx
Rory89 and Avah have discussed what algorithm to use, no?
I think Avah has OpenMP thing in her mind
sure, that's what we could start with, no?
Yeah, it's just Gauss Inverse with different localities owning different columns
in the first step our implementation will suck perf-wise anyways ;-)
I am not sure how it can be implemented. Rory can you explain more about its detail?
Rory89: several columns per locality?
Perhaps more than one column per locality. If you have an nxn matrix, it just splits those n columns up evenly, or approximately so, across the localities
makes sense
so you need to do different operatiions: a) find pivot, b) find coefficients, and c) apply coefficients
is there more?
I was telling Rory that he needs to make a distributed matrix (for the one that starts as the identity)
The problem I was having was how to handle the result matrix.
and he had questions about where we have annotations
ok, what's the problem?
the inverse returns a new (tiled) matrix with a corresponding annotation attached
Rory, can you implement the 3 functions that hkaiser_ mentioned?
it's very similar to what we have done in other places
In other places we didn't have iterations
The user sends off a matrix A to be inverted, all of the localities need access to another matrix, call it B. So thats the only problem, creating a new matrix in the code that isnt sent in the test
that all of the localities can read and write to their respective locations.
in guass inverse by Rory everything is happening in a for loop
Rory89: same is done in dot product
it creates a new matrix and fills it with the result of the operation
the only difference is that you attach the distributed matrix to the result and not to the input
or possibly to both, not sure
you start off with an identity matrix, right?
Ah, so B in this case is essentially like "result_matrix" in dist_dot?
Yep, exactly
we can even call inverse with both matrices, the one to invert and the identity matrix generated by nan's identity_d()
inverse_d(A, __arg(B, identity_d(shape(A))) or somesuch
if that helps, that is
so you don't have to duplicate Nan's code
Yep that makes sense, thanks!
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