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<K-ballo> I'm stuck on a project that does git submodules and does them badly, instead of each repo having its dependencies as submodules there is a parent super-repo with submodules to all the childs (a la boost, llvm, etc)
<K-ballo> I need to make a change to the super project that affects all of the childs, I cannot change the childs first because without the super bits they would break, and I cannot change the super first because it would also break all of the childs
<K-ballo> I cannot change both at the same time, because merging changes to submodules creates new commit hashes which are the ones the super project has to actually point to
<K-ballo> so I first have to add a temporary change to super, then change all the childs to use it, then change the super for the real change, then the childs to use it, then finally the super to remove the temporary change
<zao> I tolerate submodules now that I have recursive git checkout support in EasyBuild.
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] hkaiser created vc_compat (+1 new commit):
<ste||ar-github> hpx/vc_compat 3e608e3 Hartmut Kaiser: Make sure DATAPAR settings are conveyed to depending projects
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] hkaiser opened pull request #3574: Make sure DATAPAR settings are conveyed to depending projects (master...vc_compat)
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<hkaiser> K-ballo: yt?
<K-ballo> hkaiser: yes
<hkaiser> hey,
<hkaiser> I'm having issues with the new empty_function stuff that was merged yesterday
<K-ballo> what did I breake?
<K-ballo> alright..
<hkaiser> essentially all HPX application fail
<hkaiser> two issues: one I can fix (and I will)
<hkaiser> the other issue is more difficult
<hkaiser> the get_empty_function_table function creates a static variable in each module it is compiled which prevents for .empty() to work correctly
<K-ballo> ouch, my bad
<K-ballo> works fine within a single TU :P
<hkaiser> figures
<hkaiser> ;-)
<hkaiser> not sure why all tests were fine :/
<K-ballo> are you sure about that diagnostic? doesn't linker have to uniquify those?
<hkaiser> at least MSVC does do it
<hkaiser> does NOT do it
<hkaiser> gcc might, why the tests were fine, I presume
<K-ballo> what's the other issue?
<hkaiser> it's an HPX issue where empty functions may be invoced
<K-ballo> new?
<hkaiser> but it might gotten exposed by the first issue
<hkaiser> it's unrelated and has to be fixed anyways
<hkaiser> any idea how to fix this?
<hkaiser> (nothing works for me :/ )
<K-ballo> get_empty_function_table() used to be function_base::get_empty_vtable(), and presumably that was working before
<hkaiser> it was
<K-ballo> I can't think of a semantic difference between those
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] hkaiser created hotfix_function_use (+1 new commit):
<ste||ar-github> hpx/hotfix_function_use ffe467c Hartmut Kaiser: Make sure empty startup/shutdown functions are not being used
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<K-ballo> couldn't I have just broken empty() instead?
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] hkaiser opened pull request #3576: Make sure empty startup/shutdown functions are not being used (master...hotfix_function_use)
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<hkaiser> yah, I think that's what's happening
<hkaiser> see ^^ for the fix I mentioned
<hkaiser> empty() compares to vtbl pointers, both are empty but refer to different statics
<hkaiser> two*
<K-ballo> that would make more sense, it would mean there were two different statics before as well
<hkaiser> hmmm, worked before
<K-ballo> before each static had a bool empty; entry
<hkaiser> it was comparing that tag, wasn't it?
<hkaiser> nod
<K-ballo> should the vtable creation function have been exported? does that even make sense?
<hkaiser> wouldn't work as it's a template
<hkaiser> well, you could export the specializatipon for empty_function
<hkaiser> and create a static in that function only, returning the pointer
<hkaiser> or reference
<K-ballo> the type of the vtable itself changes by signature and capability (unique|serializable)
<hkaiser> even for the empty function?
<K-ballo> yes
<hkaiser> does it have to?
<K-ballo> yes
<hkaiser> for the empty function, I mean)
<K-ballo> yes
<hkaiser> ok
<K-ballo> empty function<int(int)> has to point to a different vtable than function<int(int, float)>
<hkaiser> nod
<K-ballo> not because the empty case needs it, but because the type system needs it
<hkaiser> but you initialize the vtable in get_empty_function from a non-template type
<K-ballo> the type of the vtable itself changes
<hkaiser> K-ballo: could you create a hotfix that reintroduces the bool until we have a better solution?
<K-ballo> yeah, I'm working on it
<hkaiser> thanks
<K-ballo> I don't think there's a better solution, though I'd like to be sure what the problem is
<K-ballo> my next work on function removes the dependency on empty vtable identity anyways
<hkaiser> good
<hkaiser> K-ballo: I think the is the problem iare the addresses of the created statics
<hkaiser> empty_vtbl identity depends on its address
<K-ballo> do both statics have the same types? is one being defined inside the hpx dll and another one in the exe?
<hkaiser> yes
<K-ballo> so this is the usual issue with odr and dynamic linking
<hkaiser> function local statics in msvc have module local scope
<hkaiser> yes
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] K-ballo created function-vtable-empty-flag (+1 new commit):
<ste||ar-github> hpx/function-vtable-empty-flag e926c27 Agustin K-ballo Berge: Partially revert "Remove vtable empty flag"...
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<K-ballo> that ^ should be enough
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<K-ballo> ..suspense..
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<K-ballo> hkaiser: let's keep in mind function::target is open to that same multiple instances issue
<hkaiser> K-ballo: ok
<hkaiser> not good :/
<hkaiser> K-ballo: for Phylanx it's probably ok as all related things are happening in one module
<jaafar> Are you guys getting involved with Blaze?
<jaafar> I saw some hints
<jaafar> or vice versa :)
<hkaiser> jaafar: yeah, working on 3d tensor support for Blaze
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<maxwellr96> Is there any way to instantiate an empty matrix in PhySL?
<hkaiser> maxwellr96: hstack(vstack())
<maxwellr96> Oh, thanks!
<heller_> hkaiser: call in 7?
<hkaiser> heller_: ok
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<K-ballo> hkaiser: did the fix work?
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] hkaiser opened pull request #3577: Partially revert "Remove vtable empty flag" (master...function-vtable-empty-flag)
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] hkaiser pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<ste||ar-github> hpx/master 1889e12 Hartmut Kaiser: Merge pull request #3577 from STEllAR-GROUP/function-vtable-empty-flag...