hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log:
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] msimberg closed pull request #3595: Use GNUInstallDirs lib path in pkgconfig config file (master...fix-pkgconfig)
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] StellarBot pushed 1 new commit to gh-pages:
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<ste||ar-github> hpx/gh-pages f4896e2 StellarBot: Updating Sphinx docs
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] hkaiser pushed 1 new commit to master:
<ste||ar-github> hpx/master 072ff53 Hartmut Kaiser: Merge pull request #3596 from STEllAR-GROUP/thread_exit_functions...
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<hkaiser> parsa[w]: hey
<heller_> hkaiser: on it
<hkaiser> parsa[w]: would you have time to look into the circleci problems on the 3d branch?
<hkaiser> ahh, cool - thanks heller_!
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] StellarBot pushed 1 new commit to gh-pages:
<ste||ar-github> hpx/gh-pages 494af9c StellarBot: Updating Sphinx docs
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<heller_> hkaiser: got it
<hkaiser> heller_: feel free to push to that branch
<heller_> hkaiser: two options: 1) add blaze_tensor to the base docker image 2) persist it in the workspace
<heller_> i'll go for 2) for now
<hkaiser> heller_: yah, I think 2 is fine
<hkaiser> same as with the actual blaze library
<heller_> hkaiser: the actual blaze library is part of the image, if I am not mistaken
<hkaiser> ahh, ok
<heller_> let's see
<heller_> hkaiser: regarding the packet server
<heller_> hkaiser: packet is the cloud provider giving us free compute time
<hkaiser> nod
<heller_> hkaiser: with those
<heller_> the ip i posted yesterday, is the master node, which should be used to create the spot instances for the builders
<heller_> at least that's the plan
<heller_> we have ~100GB of storage there, where we can store results etc
<heller_> so, this is where I want to go with the gitlab runners, or whatever github might offer us
<heller_> github actions aren't useful to us at this stage
<hkaiser> ok
<heller_> I think the gitlab mirror + gitlab runners are pretty cool in it's own right
<hkaiser> heller_: yah
<hkaiser> heller_: thanks for the fix
<heller_> hkaiser: let's see if it does the job...
<hkaiser> it will ;-)
<hkaiser> heller_: yay, worked, THANKS!
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] sithhell force-pushed gitlab_runner from 5f1de56 to 8b7de50:
<ste||ar-github> hpx/gitlab_runner 8b7de50 Thomas Heller: WIP: Adding support for gitlab runners
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<heller_> hkaiser: great!
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<heller_> hkaiser: all you have to do now is to fix the remaining issues ;)
<hkaiser> heller_: sure, on it
<hkaiser> heller_: what do you think of junghans' comment wrt generating our .cmake files?
<heller_> hkaiser: I am not getting what he's trying to say
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<aserio> heller_: Will you be joining the call today?
<heller_> aserio: oh crap ... totally forgot...
<heller_> aserio: is it still ongoing?
<aserio> heller_: we just finished
<heller_> :(
<aserio> .... just finished
<aserio> Seems a bit suspicious to me....
<heller_> what?
<zao> Cores, cores, cores!
<heller_> aserio: what's suspicious?
<aserio> heller_: that the moment we finish a call you suddenly appear :p
<heller_> aserio: I wiretaped your line just to be able to miss the call!
<heller_> aserio: I am really sorry. I just totally forgot
<aserio> Its ok, I am about to send the notes around
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<heller_> aserio: thanks
<heller_> aserio: in the meantime, I am working on our infrastructure ;)
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<aserio> heller_: are you still working on reducing context switching costs?
<heller_> aserio: yes I do
<heller_> aserio: but took a break and trying to improve our testing infrastructure
<aserio> what are you thinking
<heller_> aserio:
<heller_> aserio: the gist I posted above is from one of their machines
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<khuck> hkaiser: do you know who changed all the HPX cmake stuff recently? I can't build any more, because the add_hpx_library macro for apex no longer works
<khuck> as of ~4 days ago
<zao> khuck: Is it perhaps the same GNUInstallDirs stuff that was discussed the other day?
<khuck> I have no idea
<zao> I think another HPX-using library of ours got hecked up too, check logs?
<khuck> I wasn't part of that discussion
<khuck> so I just need to add "include(GNUInstallDirs)" to my CMakeLists.txt file?
<heller_> khuck: I think it should be good now
<khuck> or do I add include(GNUInstallDirs)?
<khuck> oops
<khuck> include(HPX_AddLibrary)
<khuck> nope:
<khuck> CMake Error at cmake/HPX_SetupTarget.cmake:232 (install):
<khuck> install TARGETS given no ARCHIVE DESTINATION for static library target
<khuck> "apex".
<simbergm> khuck: GNUInstallDirs, but note that there's a PR open to fix it hpx
<simbergm> *in hpx
<khuck> should I just wait, then?
<simbergm> Hmm, wait, it was already merged... Is your master from today?
<khuck> yes
<khuck> adding include(GNUInstallDirs) "fixed" it. Is that the permanent solution?
<simbergm> Hmm, for now... But then it seems like the PR needed more includes, I think this should be fixable in hpx itself
<heller_> looks like GNUInstallDirs was included too late
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<hkaiser> khuck: I'd rather think it's that we removed the _lib, _component and _exe suffixes from the cmake targets
<hkaiser> hpx now includes the GNUInstallDirs script for you
<heller_> hkaiser: you know what's kinda cool with those packet servers?
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<hkaiser> heller_: no
<heller_> hkaiser: 96 core arm64 machine :D
<hkaiser> lol
<khuck> who is in charge of the CI for HPX? There used to be at least one configuration test that uses APEX, but it disappeared a while ago
<khuck> it would be nice to catch these things earlier
<khuck> if I have to do it, fine - but I would need some guidance on how to add it as a test
<heller_> I hope that those gitlab runners will be functional soon
<heller_> that will allow us to create more tests that are run per PR
<heller_> once it is set up, I think we could move the phylanx CI to that as well
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<simbergm> happy holidays everyone, I'll be mostly afk for the next 2-3 weeks
<simbergm> khuck: me or jbjnr can add it to the pycicle builds
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