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hkaiser: ha! got the context switching (yield/resume) part down to the cost of two function calls ... for the initial invocation, the problem is the needed indirect call...
which is causing a branch misprediction all the time...
for the yield/resume part, I can actually trick the branch predictor/stream detector of the CPU to actually do perfect jumps
that is, the branch miss, cache miss and TLB miss branches actually look sane
as for the TLB ... that probably only kicks in when having tons of different contexts to switch to
so we're getting somewhere ;)
hkaiser: btw, did you get my other email?
heller_: the invoice?
yah, got that
hkaiser: yes, ok, thanks!
heller_: good job!
it's getting interesting once we'll go to multicore...
then everything goes out of the window again ;-)
gtg now, ttyl
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heller_: what magic are you adding to our context switches?
simbergm: tricking the CPU in thinking it's a regular, linear (as in the stack) control flow
simbergm: and also: exploiting the fact that we only have cooperative scheduling
which in turn means, we actually don't have to save all caller-save registers
just ebp and esp (on X86)
so we only move 128bit per stack frame. There are three different routines then: run, yield resume
run has a indirect call (which is causing me headaches right now), and yield and resume are more or less just a "ret" to the previously saved stack frame
we don't need to worry about any other registeres, since the calling convention dictates that the caller of our context switching routines saved all necessary registers upfront
Do you need to make any specific effort to make codegen work for this, like disabling stack cookies and other vuln robustness things?
Or are you not there yet? ;)
I'd say I am not there yet ;)
i haven't thought about things like spectre or anything
stack cookies should be fully covered
(the stack frame is also set up in such a way, that you get the full backtrace inside of gdb, which we didn't have previously)
essentially, it's a full pile of ROP... let's hope that malware detectors won't flag this...
where's hk when you need him
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