hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log:
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<abhishekmaha23> Hello! My name is Abhishek, and I'm a student at the TU Eindhoven, Netherlands. I'd like to work on an issue for the Google Summer of Code program.
<abhishekmaha23> I've got my eye on this one 'Create A Parcelport Based on WebSockets'
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<hkaiser> abhishekmaha23: welcome
<abhishekmaha23> Thanks hkaiser. Is there any advice or information that I could use while creating my proposal?
<abhishekmaha23> Generally, or specific to that particular enhancement?
<hkaiser> abhishekmaha23: we have some guidelines, sec
<hkaiser> please note that these might change slightly over the next weeks
<abhishekmaha23> These articles are quite helpful
<abhishekmaha23> Thanks!
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<hkaiser> heller_: any idea whatthis could be caused by: (happens after your changes being merged to master)
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<heller_> hkaiser: no idea... The pr was fine, right?
<heller_> Let's restart the build and see what's happening
<heller_> Something with the docker stuff...
<hkaiser> heller_: the PR didn't deploy things
<hkaiser> I think we need to persist the missing directory in the workspace
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<heller_> hkaiser: yeah, I'll have a look tomorrow
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