hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | This channel is logged:
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Has anything being changed concerning HPX serialization? I'm triggering a "no serialization method found" static assert in code that used to work (I guess)
Could be anything in the last months - I was out of the loop for quite a while.
Seems I forgot to set HPX_HAVE_CXX17_STD_VARIANT ... checking
Seems it's compiling now - time to tackle some linker issues caused by a faulty (non-C++) Lua compile.
hkaiser has joined #ste||ar
Hello hkaiser: YT?
hey, g'morning
I'm facing some linker issues with HPX right now.
Probably just something minor and silly.
impossible! ;-)
This one: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol hpx_exported_plugins_list_hpx_factory referenced in function "public: __cdecl `anonymous namespace'::init_registry_factory_static_gamecontroller::init_registry_factory_static_gamecontroller(void)" (??0init_registry_factory_static_gamecontroller@?A0xda080df4@@QEAA@XZ)
Did anything change in the way how to expose/register objects ?
Release/debug mismatch?
I can try a release - sec
hkaiser: release just built
But that shouzldn't happen.
if your app is debug, hpx needs to be debug as well
What shouzld I do to have a consistent result here?
That's probably because I changed the entire build system to vcpkg
we enforce this to avoid ABI problems
Do the headers differ between build types?
the exported symbols
OK. I'll have to see how I can can fix this
however, vcpkg normallu properly handles release/debug differences, not sure what's going on
I cloned and changed the hpx port a bit - though that should have no effect.
all of your dlls should be consistent as well, btw
E.g. using std::variant is a feature in my thing.
The HPX debug libs are all built and installed. Seems I need to dig a bit deeper to see what's going on.
Yorlik: the symbol you referred to is not from the HPX libraries, it's one from your modules
so it's your module that was built differently
So I must have some debug/release switch somewhere?
I'll find it. Thanks for the hint!
* Yorlik
hopes C++ modules will magically fix everything ...
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