hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | This channel is logged:
so if that doesn't work there's something else going on
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yeah, i solved the error but I still can't see any other themes. without getting any errors and after `make docs` I still get the previous theme
hkaiser: I'll be afk for a while, but I'll drop in later again.
Yup, joining
Yorlik: thanks
The logo of hpx has a blue background. Is this color part of the logo in general or was this choice of color made just to fit the documentation's sidebar color?
dkaratza: the logo should have a transparent background, but the color was just chosen to match that one blue/purplish shade in the stellar group logo
keeping it is not a must at all
do we have a logo now ;-)
Yorlik has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
Woah, when did we have a logo!
Yorlik has joined #ste||ar
<ms[m]> "keeping it is not a must at all" <- ok, and how did you define the sidebar's color as blue? because i changed the theme and the blue color of the sidebar remains, messing up with the new sidebar's color
dkaratza: it's in docs/sphinx/_static/css/theme_overrides.css
it's referenced in as well, and you can comment it out while trying other themes
the overrides are pretty sphinx_rtd_theme specific
oh alright, i may need them for the new one so i will check them out and maybe adjust them to the new
ms: and one more thing: does `manual` have any special settings? because it's the only section of the docs that has a tiny font size whereas the rest look fine
dkaratza: not that I know :/
the browser's inspector tool might tell you what is setting the font size...