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K-ballo: > [...] but may invalidate the elements themselves, or even references
i think i understand iterator invalidation
it's simple as just resizing your container for example...
most containers won't invlaidate iterators on resize
but "invalidating elements"? "OR EVEN REFS"? now that's a devil's thing
what's that supposed to mean?
<K-ballo "most containers won't invlaidate"> what's the most usual case of iterator invalidation?
type erasure?
no, types have nothing to do with it
if you erase an element from a container, any iterator pointing to it is invalidated, for all containers everywhere
ambiguous, "it" being the erased element, not the container
i thought that the usual case was that when you erase sth, you jump your iterator to the next accesible element
it = cont.erase(it);
after cont.erase(it), it becomes invalid, so you need to reasign it
now there's some debate of whether that applies to vector or not, but it's a bit ... of a fringe technical discussion
here's a bit: is invalidating a sentinel the same story
what if a sentinel is represented by a sentinel value?
"sentinel value" is not a thing
and sure, if you invalidate a sentinel then the sentinel will not be valid, same thing
not again...
that's all invalidation means
now the initial question was, when i call `some_view | views::filter`, since `filter` is invalidated, does eric take care of the copying the things in order for the fusion to work, or is it my job (as a user) to do that?
filter's view is invalidated^^
I can't really make sense of that question
applying a a range adaptor to a view will create a new view, so now element copies are possible
so NO elem..
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but it's not just any view
it's an invalidated view
so it's just any view that has been invalidated?
the meaning of view is "does NOT own elements", so no view can own elements
I don't really understand what your initial question is going for, maybe try some code?
ms[m], I could not find the Google form, but here are all questions listed
<K-ballo "so it's just any view that has b"> yes
the docs say "It is best to recreate a view after any operation that may have mutated the underlying range". ahh ok... yeah this is not copying, this is adding a new ref
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hkaiser: yt?
K-ballo has joined #ste||ar
gonidelis[m]: sorry, have to leave now
gonidelis[m]: can we talk tomorrow at th eusual time?