K-ballo changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | stellar.cct.lsu.edu | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx | Buildbot: http://rostam.cct.lsu.edu/ | Log: http://irclog.cct.lsu.edu/
we should combine these two at some point...
hkaiser: ahh great
hkaiser: so with release i get the same results. i supsect the problem is on the iterator being bidir
and not random
makes sense
so no one hacked the math. i was wrong
hkaiser: our hope lies in asyncrhony
remove_if view cannot possibly be random access
K-ballo: because of math
math how?
hkaiser: and yes, if i just use "parallelizable" views, say `transfrom`, we do have a performance boost
hkaiser: so bottom line, it's what operations you choose to chain
K-ballo: there is no algorithmical way to chain the result of `remove_if` to some other "simple" operation (e.g. `transform`) and expect for the `remove_if` to provide the result with rand. iterators
I don't know what that means
since the predicate needs to be applied to all the elements
one by one
you cannot find an algorithm impl of remove_if that gives me random access to the elements of its result
its = remove_if
K-ballo: ^^
so it can't be random access because it can't be random access? I'll agree to that
everything is determined by the iterator category of the iterators the range view generates
hkaiser: that's a perfect explanation. but there is no way for remove_if to generate random access
<K-ballo "so it can't be random access bec"> what's your reasoning?
advance can't meet the O(1) complexity guarantee required by random access
because, as you said, needs to apply the predicate one by one until it finds the next element
we aggree
i like your wording though
similarly for distance
K-ballo: now put `future`s on that... and you may get sth better than non-parallel-at-all
futures on a view..?
K-ballo: ahh not exactly... sorry
i meant, take advantage of the pipelining operation by using async.algorithms (instead of views) + executors (chain continuation)
that's like an inbred of views i know
but you still get to chain things
not that composable though
i don't want to spoil it for you, "Come to CppNow talk and find everything you need to know, Now!"
gnikunj[m]: cppnow published your talk on twitter