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K-ballo: yt?
gonidelis[m]: just ask, and I'll answer when I'm here
`auto rng = vi | transform([](int i){return std::to_string(i);});`
K-ballo: what's `rng`'s type?
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hkaiser: yt?
if only standard operations are involved, some specialization of ranges::transform_view
i miss your "if only" part?
what standard ops?
the type of rng can be pretty much anything, depending on the type of vi and other contextual information not given
I'm assuming that everything that hasn't been specified in the question can't possibly affect the answer
I'm sure there's a trick, or you'd ask a compiler and not me
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no trick
K-ballo: i just had a conversation with mikael today morning. assume `vi` being `std::vector<int>`
then `rng` is of type `transform_view`
and is not calculated at all at this step
ms[m]: so it seems like you were right. it's not a std::vector<std::string>. it's a `transfrom_view` and thus it is actually lazy and not calculated at this step
the view can't possibly compute its contents, who would own those elements?
all standard range adaptor objects return some range view
gonidelis[m]: sorry for bailing out on you
gonidelis[m]: ok, right
then I suppose if there's to be any parallelism involved in evaluating those lazy views it would be for example in something like `to` (maybe others)?
hkaiser: no problem at all
ms[m]: why and how is `to` associated to laziness? i am missing sth here...
`to` and maybe others are "actions" in v3 terminology, afaik C++ doesn't have any yet
actions aren't lazy
passing a (chain of) ranges to a parallel algorithm does the trick as well
nothing specific about to (still just scratching the surface of the ranges terminology), but anything that forces the evaluation of a view is potentially a candidate for parallelization
that's tentatively being called "view materialization", but meh
let's go with "view materialization" for now then
should be container materialization, the view already exists
"a view is materialized into a container"? could go either way
it draws from temporary materialization, where a prvalue is materialized into an object
the (temporary) object is what's being materialized
K-ballo: the temporary obj is the view in this case (not the range)? isn't it?
the view is the prvalue
fwiw views are ranges too
wait a sec... what's `to` in range-v3? i am lost... i thought you were referring to the executors thing
executors have a `to` thing?
deja vu
shit... i messed up with the `.on` thing
what `to` are you reffering to?
the one from ranges-v3
i don't have a clue about it? how do i google it?
point google to ranges-v3 github source?
given that it's an english preposition idk if that would have any useful results
github's own search does
or you could always search for "ranges::to"
ahhh i did search that, but then again maybe it was my fault for searching in the range-v3 docs
i forgot niebler's opinion on docing stuff
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<K-ballo "the (temporary) object is what's"> (i was dismantling the whole prvalue, xvalue, lvalue thing again just to get your last message on the topic) so, to consider this properly: the parallelization candidate appears on the materialization step, namely when a view is materialized into a container
`auto rng = vi | transform([](int i){return std::to_string(i);});` is not such a case
K-ballo: ^^
what would you parallelize in such an expression?
`transform` ?
as in the creation of the view?
or no
you tell me
how would you go about parallelizing the creation of the transform view?
that's what I and mikael are asking
the suggestion is that we parallelization the materialization of the view
into a range
an actual object
a container, containers contain
into a container
the suggestion is that we paralleliz the materialization of the view into a container^^
parallelize** goddamit
what other option is there?
we aggree on that
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the actual question though is: when is this so called "materialization" taking place?
is it when we actually use `rng` late on?
isn't it?
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i know that i shouldn't but for some reason i am happier compared to when we were accepted for gsoc ;p
hkaiser, diehlpk_work (anyone else interested as well of course): could we set a short gsod meeting for early next week (tue or wed would be ideal) just to get slightly organized for gsod
we'd need to find a writer by may 17th
ms[m], Tue at 9 CDT?
Tue morning is bad for me
Thursday would work
would work for me as well
ms[m]: count me in
Usual hpx meeting slot? Works as well
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ms[m], Sure, if we do it right as the beginning, so I can leave after that
Alright, thanks! It's not officially the week for the hpx meeting anyway so we can keep it short
Hello Everyone! I am a technical writer interested to work with HPX this Season Of Docs! I have gone through the GitHub Page & read the project details. It fits with my interest of work. Can anyone help me get started?:)
SagarB, Welcome
ms[m], rori would be a good point of contact.
Thanks diehlpk_work:)
ms: I'll join in as well
SagarB: welcome! I can't unfortunately stay around to chat right now, but would you mind telling us a bit more about your background (either here or on the hpx-users/hpx-devel mailing lists)?
we might want to set up a call sometime next week to talk a bit more in detail as well
(possibly even on the aforementioned call... it's about gsod after all)
Yup, sure ms[m], I'll be happy to share the details on the mailing list.