K-ballo changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | stellar.cct.lsu.edu | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx | Buildbot: http://rostam.cct.lsu.edu/ | Log: http://irclog.cct.lsu.edu/
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ms[m]1, Could you please have a look into the Fedora issue?
I would really like to ship hpx 1.6.0 with the next Fedora release?
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hkaiser, I changed a few things for hpxcl. 1) I updated to Cuda 11 2) I removed the dependecy on master and updated it to work with 1.5 and 1.6
Recommending master is not a good choice, since we would need to adapt hpxcl too often
I think align it with the latest release is much less work for us
hkaiser: I'd add steps on how to adapt an algorithm to C++20 in the proposal right? If so it would end up looking very similar to gonidelis 's post here https://github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx/issues/4822. I hope that's not an issue?
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<K-ballo "merge your find_package calls, f"> so `INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES`, uses -I?
ahh... I just pass SYSTEM as an arg
<K-ballo "and prefer using targets instead"> K-ballo: what's the difference?
K-ballo: although it worked with those fixes, but still
K-ballo: does range-based for loop accept ranges that have different begin/end iters?
whether INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES uses -I or something else depends on how the property is consumed
as for differences between variables and targets, try some google
just changing to targets would have been enough to fix the issue
K-ballo: acutally i get their difference but i don't get why one could substitute the other
they server different purposes
the ones you are using don't, they serve the same purpose
specifying usage requirements
K-ballo: ah you talk about the `CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS` one
jedi18[m]: sounds good
diehlpk_work: ok, cool
diehlpk_work: btw, I'm not able to reproduce the new fedora issue - is it caused by a new compiler version?
the other one too
hkaiser, -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 11.0.1
hkaiser, It seems that the boost version changed
I have no idea what's going on, just guessing...
hkaiser, it seems to be related to 64 arch
All 64 builds fail and all 32 are still working
I have couple of queries regarding GSoC Project.
For GCC and msvc we can only provide hint to compiler to vectorize, and it will vectorize only when we pass optimiser flags -ftree-vectorize -O2. And in GCC, mostly autovectorization takes places,so pragma directives really could not help much. And gcc implements std::execution::unseq and std::execution::par_unseq with openmp as backend, so even I would like to use openmp as backend, is that fine?,
I strictly use openmp only for simd or vectorization.
hkaiser: *
hkaiser: sorry, I forgot to tag ;-)
srinivasyadav227: the latest versions of msvc support the llvm openmp runtime, so I would assume that the simd options are now supported as well
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hkaiser: you mean, use openmp for msvc also?