K-ballo changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | stellar.cct.lsu.edu | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx | Buildbot: http://rostam.cct.lsu.edu/ | Log: http://irclog.cct.lsu.edu/
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<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: yt?
<hkaiser> gonidelis[m]: here
<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: any chance we could move the meeting one hour prior? that is in 30'...
<hkaiser> sure, that works for me
<gonidelis[m]> thanks!!!
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<hkaiser> rori: yt?
<rori> yes
<hkaiser> rori: wt th eitt_notify problem
<hkaiser> the itt_notify module misses the dependency on Amplifier::amplifier (it's a core module), but if I add that this dependency there it seems not to to be propagate to full modules
<hkaiser> rori: any idea what could be wrong?
<rori> Did you check that you were adding it in `DEPENDENCIES` and not `MODULE_DEPENDENCIES`?
<hkaiser> yes
<rori> actually in any case both are linked publicly
<rori> will have a look
<hkaiser> are the dependencies of the core modules propagated to hpx_core?
<hkaiser> rori: nvm, I think I found it
<hkaiser> rori: I added the depenency on Amplifier::amplifier here: https://github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx/blob/master/libs/CMakeLists.txt#L109
<hkaiser> that does the trick
<rori> Yes I just saw that the modules are linked privately to hpx_core, so it's perfect to add it here thanks!
<hkaiser> rori: ok, thanks!
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<diehlpk_work_> hkaiser, meeting?
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<hkaiser> diehlpk_work_: not today
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