K-ballo changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | stellar.cct.lsu.edu | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx | Buildbot: http://rostam.cct.lsu.edu/ | Log: http://irclog.cct.lsu.edu/
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So I was going through the Conjugate gradient header file and found the formula for residual as wrongly interpreted as b - A*x but in the docs it says r= A*x -b.
Did I overlook something
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jedi18: thanks for you comment ;) I had fixed that in an upcoming PR
Yep sorry I noticed, I deleted the comment but I guess you still got the email?
jedi18: yup, I imagined that you deleted it because I couldn't find it on github but then again, many thanks that you keep a close eye on our work
So after adding the Sent template parameter and changing last to be of type Sent, when running the sentinel test, it dosen't work because std::max_element expects both the iterators to be of the same type
So what do I do? Should I remove the call to std::max_element and implement the actual implementation of max_element?
jedi18: great!
we have that problem with most of the algos
you can check cppref for recommended implementation ;)
it's not hard ;) (mind the additional facilities your impl may use according to cppref. ask here if we do have them implemented already [things like `iter_swap` etc])
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Ohh ok, thanks!
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gonidelis: Thanks, you were right, it was easy to implement thanks to the cppref implementation
that's exactly what the project is for
Ohh, well then I'd actually prefer to go for the shift left/ shift right algorithm idea instead, not because this isn't fun or anything, but because since I've already worked on this it won't be much of a challenge right?
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each algorithm imposes its own difficulties ;)
jedi18[m]: sure - there can be more than one student proposing the same project
however we most likely will accept only one of them
<gonidelis[m] "each algorithm imposes its own d"> Well I'll be happy to work on that too if I'm able to finish my work ahead of schedule or after gsoc
jedi18[m]: there is however more work to be done beyond the type of things you have done for the range based project
there is the whole story of making things conforming to c++20, there are also alogirhtms left that do not have a range based variation implemented yet
so essentially $4822, #3646, and even #1668
there is the work to disentangle the segmented algorithms (#5156)
Oh ok great, fine then I'll work on the range based parallel algorithm idea
in the end there is #5219, but that's harder (probably a lot)
So I can include work from all those issues in my proposal?
jedi18[m]: sure - as I said before however - I'd rather you over deliver than over-promise
ahh, not to forget #5204
as you see, there is plenty of catch-up and clean-up work on the table, more than enough fpr several students
Oh ok sure, I'd just like an idea of what I'm supposed to put in the proposal. Is it okay if I ask gonidelis for his previous year proposal so I can take inspiration from it?
If you don't mind sharing gonidelis :)
if I have hpx::partioned_vector<double> and I create hpx::partioned_vector_view<double, 2> why cant I assign a double with the operator()(size_t, size_t) to the view?
peltonp1: thanks, will try to look at it later today
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The docs for Biconjugate Gradient Stabilized Method(BiCGSTAB) and Preconditioned BiCGSTAB is not included in the BlazerIterative repo. Can I generate a pull request to include them in the repo
Wait what
Oops sorry, wrong room
Ri2Raj: sure
Ri2Raj: nanmiao is the best source of information (once she is back on here), diehlpk should be able to help as well
Hello everyone so I went through the previously implemented iterative solvers(docs and codes) in the BlazeIterative repo. So now I'm starting to understand the codebase of the blaze library. So what should I do next should I go through the entire hpx and Phalanx library? Any suggestions would be really helpful .
Ri2Raj: depends on what you want to do/achieve...
going through the Phylanx or HPX code base is probably not very useful as a starting point
it's ~1million lines of code overall after all ;-)
Actually I'm working on implementing an iterative solver in Blaze
So will it be enough to just know about the previously implemented iterative solvers.
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Ri2Raj: for now, yes
Are the preconditioners used in the BiCGSTAB same as that of Preconditioned Conjugated Gradient
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