K-ballo changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | stellar.cct.lsu.edu | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx | Buildbot: http://rostam.cct.lsu.edu/ | Log: http://irclog.cct.lsu.edu/
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<jedi18[m]> After all my changes, dispatch now returns a hpx::parallel::util::min_max_result<Iter> type instead of the local_iterator_type
<jedi18[m]> Is that expected or is it dispatching wrong?
<jedi18[m]> It returns hpx::parallel::util::min_max_result<Iter> instead of std::pair<local_iterator_type, local_iterator_type>
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<parsa> hkaiser: ping
<hkaiser> parsa: hey
<hkaiser> hope you feel better now
<parsa> hkaiser: i think the docker container is running out of memory while CircleCI is setting it up. i have no clue why
<hkaiser> parsa: nod, that would explain things
<hkaiser> they are tightening the restrictions
<hkaiser> we will have to move the Phylanx CI to rostam :/
<parsa> the thing is i think at this point splitting the build to extract parallelism is not helpful at all anymore
<parsa> i think if we have one giant build step it would take a bit longer but this fail is less likely to happen
<parsa> failure*
<parsa> i had optimized each step to take about 5 minutes when i split them. some take >1 hour right now
<hkaiser> why do you think so?
<hkaiser> why wouldn't it fail anymore?
<hkaiser> circleci throttles builds massively lately
<parsa> it's intermittent. fewer container instantiations => fewer chances of failure
<parsa> less*
<hkaiser> it fails only while running the tests
<hkaiser> the python tests
<hkaiser> the builds succeed
<parsa> before it runs the tests
<parsa> after attaching the massive build context
<parsa> attaching the build context is probably messing with it
<hkaiser> hmm
<parsa> hkaiser: if we decide to move away from CircleCI i still recommend we maintain the use of a container wherever we go
<hkaiser> nod
<hkaiser> parsa: I'll talk to ms[m] and Alireza what it would take to set up a jenkins instance on rostam to run th ePhylanx ci
<parsa> if we could reuse the github self-hosted runner stuff thomas made that would work, too. whichever's easier
<hkaiser> nod
<hkaiser> we have jenkins running for hpx already, seems to be th eeasiest solution
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<parsa> hkaiser: let me know whenever i could help with the move. for the time being either we keep rerunning builds until they eventually pass or we unify the build stages and wait ~5 hours for each build for finish
<hkaiser> ok, thanks - let me get back to you on this
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<K-ballo> oh no, network split?
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<shubham> @hkaiser: is there any specific format for proposal??
<hkaiser> shubham: pdf?
<shubham> Okay but I am asking regarding content in the proposal
<shubham> Like timeline, methods, implementation plan, and all
<shubham> Okay thanks
<shubham> So we add algorithm in hpx using P0769 paper
<hkaiser> who is 'we'?
<shubham> Sorry @hkaiser I
<hkaiser> ok
<hkaiser> do you have some experience with parallel algorithms? or even with non-parallel algorithms?
<shubham> Have good knowledge of non-parallel algorithms
<hkaiser> ok, cool
<shubham> Okay I will send you a draft proposal in 3-4 working days.
<hkaiser> shubham: no rush, I think you have quite a while to work on this - I'd rather have you discuss things here before you start writing
<shubham> Okay then I will discuss things or ask my queries after reading more about p0679 paper and about implementation.
<hkaiser> shubham: perfect
<hkaiser> you might want to familiarize yourself with c++17 parallel algorithms as well
<shubham> Okay
<K-ballo> what's happening on the x3 branch?
<hkaiser> K-ballo: should be good to go now - I just retriggered the builds as we hav eupdated the Boost version requirements for the CIs
<K-ballo> is 1.6.0 out already?
<hkaiser> yah, it's out for about a month or so
<K-ballo> I see you removed the workarounds too
<K-ballo> so I should be done
<K-ballo> what's the status of components as object libraries? was there any progress?
<K-ballo> debug output has gone up to 2gb already
<hkaiser> K-ballo: the ball is in my court, I still need to verify whether that PR works with the windows context switch object workaround
<hkaiser> K-ballo: would you expect for object libraries to reduce debug output ?
<K-ballo> yes, but not the kind that's costly build-wise
<K-ballo> there's a lot of duplication in those .libs, but it's just duplicated .obj files
<hkaiser> ok
<hkaiser> I'll try to do what I promised, if all is well it should be ready to go in
<K-ballo> what was the problem with windows context switch?
<hkaiser> K-ballo: nothing known, I just need to verify that it works as expected
<hkaiser> didn't do that yet
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