ms[m]: Yeah great! I just recalled. It seems like I have asked about this before... Thank you very much
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"ms[m]" (https://matrix.to/#/@freenode_ms[m]:matrix.org) When is the next release planned?
We run in many issues with 1.4 in Fedora and I have to apply patches for more recent versions of compilers and libraries.
So if we will have a release candidate soon, I would stop fixing 1.4 and wait for the new release
freenode_diehlpk[m]: first rc on monday
hkaiser, jbjnr, rc postponed to Monday due to logistical reasons :p (just in case you wonder where the tag is...)
gonidelis[m]: with the _r variant you specify the expected return type, and you get a conversion if needed
it's as if static_cast<T>(invoke(...)), but only for implicit conversions
hmm... yeah that makes sense!
K-ballo: Thanks a lot!
hkaiser has joined #ste||ar
hkaiser: Just posted #4855. As you suggested, I made an early-adaptation by changing the end-begin iterators but I have not utilized CPO's yet. Once this PR is approved I will extend the adaptation in order to create all the `transform` versions dictated by c++20
K-ballo: You could take a look too, it would help a lot :) (mainly on the `projectin_identity` specialization)
hkaiser: oh ok! I think that need to be implemented... we don't have it
gonidelis[m]: yes
rori: meeting?
weilewei has joined #ste||ar
distributed G4 stuff finally in DCA master branch now!
karame_ has joined #ste||ar
weilewei: congrats!
hkaiser thanks!
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weilewei: yt?
hkaiser yes
I'm looking at the HPX/libcds integration
currently the setuplibcds refers to your repository
and to a special branch
we're going to release HPX next week or so, that means that the repository and branch have to be stable for eternity
could we do two things, please
sure, what do you need from me
a) transfer the repository to the STEllAR-GROUP organization (I'd give you full access to that repo), and b) create a real bit tag to refer to the proper commit
I also would like to have some changes for the libcds integration, I'll create a PR for that separately
I meant: real *git* tag
I see, that's reasonable. I remember transferring git repo to STE||AR needs some special trick, like last time we did with DCA
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weilewei: you need to transfer it to me (hkaiser) first, I'll move it to the orgs afterwards
let me do it now
thanks a lot!
hkaiser ok, have you received transfer request?
yes, thanks
ok, good
weilewei: pls change your upstream link: git@github.com:STEllAR-GROUP/libcds.git
you should have full admin access to that repository
oh, one more thing, apparently, you might want to build hpx with -DHPX_WITH_LIBCDS=ON
sidhu has joined #ste||ar
will come back later after lunch...
Hey everyone!I want to contribute to ste||ar can anyone help me from where I can get started and start contributing by setting up my development environment?
Hi there!
There's some documentation on the prerequisites you need to build HPX, if you're interested in working on the codebase.
If you're on Windows, vcpkg tends to be a good source for the dependencies, if on Linux the distribution packages may be sufficient.
Clone the repository, configure with CMake and build :)
sure , i will follow that right now
hkaiser, is the cpos work done?
I pulled your code. Working on it right now. Just wanted to make sure if I need to pull/rebase before committing my code.
sidhu: Is there something in particular that draws you to our projects? Any particular project itself or are you considering using HPX or something for an application of yours?
zao The basic idea of need of advance and smoother parallel computing draws me to this organization as more modern machines get , the software would get way advance and complex and would surely require better parallel process to reduce the processing time. x
nikunj97: for now, yes
which extensions shall I download with visual studio?
sidhu: whichever you'd like to use ;-)
Regular Visual Studio doesn't tend to need much, maybe clang-format and editorconfig if they're not built-in nowadays.
If VS Code, C++ dev, maybe some debugger stuff, never really used it for serious work.
clang-format is builtin these days
diehlpk__ has joined #ste||ar
i had to install clan-format it wasn't inbuilt
editorconfig is built in as well
i had to install that too , even in latest build
are you sure you are on the latest visual studio?
yes , just installed it from official site
do you have the actual visual studio, or vscode?
they were not built-in in vscode last I checked, only in visual studio
actual one
then what made you have to install them?
sorry ,did not get u
what happen that led you to install them?
zao told me too, as i asked which one would be useful for contributing in this organization
but why couldn't you simply use the built-in ones?
I think they weren't inbuilt because they were being displayed in to-install extensions
It's kind of sneaky, as built-in functionality isn't extensions anymore :D
In any way, the end goal there is to ensure that the code and fixes you prepare to contribute upstream is formatted according to the style, which we enforce with clang-format.
which primary language do we use here?
Fancy C++, with a bit of Python for build infrastructure and CMake for the build system.
Some projects are Python-heavy like Phylanx.
My primary language is python so I would love to contribute in Phylanx
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hkaiser I saw seg_fault with your latest commit in libcds_integration branch
weilewei: have backtrcae?
it worked for me now, but I'm on windows
hkaiser do you mean cmake formatting is off?
I have a question about variadic template function: how can I pass a string to enqueue() so that hpx::util::annotated_function(f, "name_place_holder")