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<rori> freenode_gonidelis[m]: I don't have the link in my bookmarks anymore, but let me know if you have trouble finding it, I might have a look
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<nikunj97> heller1, jbjnr, hkaiser, ms[m]: The Arm paper is almost ready. Let me know if you want to have a look at it. We're thinking to submit it to EAHPC 2020 at IEEE Cluster. Still need permission from Fujitsu to make the paper public though :/
<hkaiser> nikunj97: I'd love to see it
<hkaiser> nikunj97: also: we'll get access to a machine that has the same architecture as the new Japanese machine ARM64fx
<hkaiser> would it make sense to run your benchmarks there?
<hkaiser> (note: vectorization is not NEON)
<nikunj97> hkaiser, sure. We can!
<nikunj97> yea, I expect it to be SVE
<hkaiser> 64fx
<hkaiser> also, see pm, pls
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<nanmiao11> lol
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<gonidelis[m]> hkaiser: just submited the evaluation ;)
<K-ballo> do we know who LiliumAtratum is?
<jbjnr> no
<zao> Developer on some mysterious CAD software :)
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<weilewei> on Piz Daints, if I would like to have a mpi wrapper module to gcc, what module should I load?
<weilewei> (day 0 on Piz Daints...)
<zao> weilewei: `module load daint-mc` or `module load daint-gpu` and look around with `module avail`, maybe?
<zao> (I've never been on a CSCS system)
<weilewei> zao right I did `module load daint-gpu` but I only see gcc modules but not sure which one is mpi wrapper to it
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<zao> There's no `mpicc` or similar in path? Look for something MPICH otherwise?
<weilewei> @zao I got this module avail
<zao> I'd guess wildly that you might want a PrgEnv-*?
<zao> I don't see anything obvious in the module structure, this is quite alien compared to my systems.
<weilewei> I did module load PrgEnv-gnu, no mpicxx found
<zao> Maybe try loading a HPX module, see what it pulls in.
<zao> Not sure if it's the kind of system that has the build dependencies for running or not.
<zao> `module show` to get a feel for what's loaded.
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<weilewei> Didn't say what modules are loaded...
<weilewei> it has this one though /opt/cray/pe/mpt/7.7.10/gni/mpich-gnu-abi/8.2/lib
<zao> Err, `module list` I guess is the Modules spelling.
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<zao> is $MPICC and $MPICXX set perhaps?
<weilewei> no, it is nothing when I do echo
<zao> Mail support then, maybe? :D
<zao> I'm out of clues.
<weilewei> yea, maybe tmr when jbjnr wakes up, he will know...
<weilewei> I am out of clues as well...
<weilewei> :') Daint has so many modules
<weilewei> comparing Summit...
<weilewei> Summit modules are more straigtfowrad to use, to my personal feeling
<zao> You should see our production clusters, I think we have thousands of versions of packages installed.
<weilewei> X) that's too many...
<zao> Mine is vanilla EasyBuild tho, so very unsurprising compared to the Cray stuff.
<weilewei> haven't used EasyBuild though
<weilewei> Does users really need that much libraries?
<zao> The wonders of supporting any little PhD that wants to run on the resource, there's a lot of weird stuff, especially ML/AI things tend to spawn a lot of Python packages.
<weilewei> well, that makes sense... if everyone asks for a library
<zao> We've got new toolchains twice a year, with new versions of libraries and software with them as needed.
<zao> The R bundle has something like 750 extensions in it alone.
<weilewei> hmmm, I would say too many is better than nothing
<weilewei> yesterday, I compiled code in a new cluster with limited modules, I need to compile everything from scratch
<weilewei> and login node (no gpu) is different environment than compute node... and compute node has no internet connection, so I need to git pull things from login node, and then go to compute node to compile
<zao> No libraries available either, or just things like autodetect of compute capability and test suites that fail?
<weilewei> there are some libraries, but not enough to compile my code
<zao> Fun, fun.
<weilewei> :)
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