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freenode_gonidelis[m]: I don't have the link in my bookmarks anymore, but let me know if you have trouble finding it, I might have a look
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heller1, jbjnr, hkaiser, ms[m]: The Arm paper is almost ready. Let me know if you want to have a look at it. We're thinking to submit it to EAHPC 2020 at IEEE Cluster. Still need permission from Fujitsu to make the paper public though :/
nikunj97: I'd love to see it
nikunj97: also: we'll get access to a machine that has the same architecture as the new Japanese machine ARM64fx
would it make sense to run your benchmarks there?
(note: vectorization is not NEON)
hkaiser, sure. We can!
yea, I expect it to be SVE
also, see pm, pls
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hkaiser: just submited the evaluation ;)
do we know who LiliumAtratum is?
Developer on some mysterious CAD software :)
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on Piz Daints, if I would like to have a mpi wrapper module to gcc, what module should I load?
(day 0 on Piz Daints...)
weilewei: `module load daint-mc` or `module load daint-gpu` and look around with `module avail`, maybe?
(I've never been on a CSCS system)
zao right I did `module load daint-gpu` but I only see gcc modules but not sure which one is mpi wrapper to it
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There's no `mpicc` or similar in path? Look for something MPICH otherwise?
yea, maybe tmr when jbjnr wakes up, he will know...
I am out of clues as well...
:') Daint has so many modules
comparing Summit...
Summit modules are more straigtfowrad to use, to my personal feeling
You should see our production clusters, I think we have thousands of versions of packages installed.
X) that's too many...
Mine is vanilla EasyBuild tho, so very unsurprising compared to the Cray stuff.
haven't used EasyBuild though
Does users really need that much libraries?
The wonders of supporting any little PhD that wants to run on the resource, there's a lot of weird stuff, especially ML/AI things tend to spawn a lot of Python packages.
well, that makes sense... if everyone asks for a library
We've got new toolchains twice a year, with new versions of libraries and software with them as needed.
The R bundle has something like 750 extensions in it alone.
hmmm, I would say too many is better than nothing
yesterday, I compiled code in a new cluster with limited modules, I need to compile everything from scratch
and login node (no gpu) is different environment than compute node... and compute node has no internet connection, so I need to git pull things from login node, and then go to compute node to compile
No libraries available either, or just things like autodetect of compute capability and test suites that fail?
there are some libraries, but not enough to compile my code