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hkaiser, Meeting?
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hkaiser meeting?
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I wonder what reason will cause this error: ../libs/synchronization/src/mutex.cpp:39: void hpx::lcos::local::mutex::lock(const char*, hpx::error_code&): Assertion 'threads::get_self_ptr() != nullptr' failedAborted
is hpx runtime not started correctly?
or code not running on an hpx thread
How do I make sure it is running on an hpx thread? Is adding #include <hpx/hpx_main.hpp> sufficient enough?
The wrapper will ensure that the body of the user-supplied main is running in a HPX thread, but still have to be careful in globals and other pre/post-main objects.
@zao ok, thanks
(it macros the existing main to a regular function and sneaks in an actual main via a helper library that initializes HPX and calls the user "main" as a task)
Note that if you use it, you need to explicitly return from your "main", as the rules about implicit return only holds for actual main.
yea, I do have a return result; thing in my main
that's good to know about this
Nikunj__ is now known as nikunj97
weilewei, I tried to wrap global objects on HPX threads as well. But it required changes in the compiler toolchain, something hkaiser asked me to stay away from.
so a main wrapper to get work done is what we have in HPX as of now.
nikunj97 ok I see
I think I spotted the problem, the app is not using hpx thread, but it tries to access hpx thread id, which leads to fail
if you're calling that function from something running on hpx thread, it should run on hpx thread as well
unless of course, you are trying to call it from a global scope
nikunj97: hey, yt?
hkaiser, here
you said you had worked on the resiliency stuff by basing it on the current HPX version of the code
it doesn't look like that
what how?
I did change the directory structure if that's what you mean
but the base code is the same as the one in HPX
not for me
I have checked out this: git@github.com:STEllAR-GROUP/resilience.git
master branch
is that the correct code?
ohh wait damn. You're right it is not HPX. I copied the resiliency repo.
the one from last year.
I should change that.
so it's one year old code :/
yes, please
there has been code changes since?
Keita asked me to start looking into adapting our code to Kokkos
compare the files to see for yourself
nikunj97: I'm likely going to change things in HPX - I strongly suggest you work against the HPX code base as well
so work as a PR on HPX?
that will allow you to rebase etc
makes sense. Let's kill this separate repo. I'll push changes directly on HPX.
btw, I talked to parsa about his work on load balancing. He said he's hardcoded things and that there are no API. It might be difficult to integrate it directly to resiliency stuff but lets see. I have a call with him tomorrow where he'll explain everything. If things work out, we'll have an optimal version of distributed resiliency.
nikunj97: what's your plan forward? what are the next steps?
nikunj97: ok
so for now, my plan is to start on async replay using colocated policy
so adding the executor argument?
or adding actions?
in the beginning I plan to forget about load balancing and randomly assigning nodes
using actions
actions does take in an execution policy right? that's where I'll do colocated.
I'll add the executors, then
colocated already works fine with actions btw
its only binpacking where you missed, I believe
as said, binpacking doesn't make sense for execution
that's true. but it will be really nice if there is an executor which can take a hpx locality as argument and return neighboring localities
this way we can do replications with node affinity
btw, in your changes you renamed the functions
async_replay has two overloads
to have a single entry point
looks like those are ambiguous now
the 2nd version should work directly
hows that?
given the first parameter can't be invoked with the arguments
where do you do the sfinae?
so that's enough information for compiler to know which function to call
for async_replay, I don't. It just works directly.
how does the compiler know which overload to chose if you invoke async_replay with 4 arguments?
it could be either (n, Pred, F, arg0) of (n, F, arg0, arg1)
yes, and that's done by checking: hpx::util::detail::invoke_deferred_result<F, Ts...>::type>
Pred is not invocable with Ts...
so if the 2nd argument is a predicate, hpx::util::detail::invoke_deferred_result<F, Ts...>::type> will not work for the 2nd overload
so you're saying the missing ::type in the invoke_deferred triggers sfinae?
that would be surprising
it does
same as invoke_result
I wouldn't have expected that
that's why I didn't add anything else
I seem to recall I didn't like this approach when I first saw it, am I remembering correctly?
idk, I was not part of this discussion
K-ballo, did we have this conversation?
I remember this borderline ambiguous case
I'd have used a always_void<> or similar
it was a while ago... weeks?
iirc, it was with async_replicate. I don't rely on invoke_deferred there. I use enable_if and is_invocable there.
yes, june 9
much cleaner than the one I implemented last time
why did you do it differently, then?
I'm not keen on overloads differing by invocable in general
because there invoke_deferred_result is not enough. Compiler needs to differentiate Pred and Vote. Both are non invocable with Ts... so that becomes ambiguous.
hkaiser ^^
hkaiser, what do you suggest? Should I add in something more specific to make the choice clearer to the compiler (something I've done with replicate APIs)?
couldn't you constrain Pred to bool(invoke_result_t<F, Ts...>)?
sure I can
same for the voting function, that would get rid of a lot of those enable_ifs
and that will make sure that Pred has a bool return type. Something that will help the compiler to disregard functions with non boolean return types.
hmm, might not work because of argument ordering, though
I found enable_ifs as the cleanest approach. I'm a novice though. If you have a better approach, I'll change it accordingly.
but you could add a fake template argument typename FResult = invoke_result_t<F, Ts...> enable_if's (explicit sfinae in general) tends to be very brittle
sorry messed it up
I meant: enable_if's (explicit sfinae in general) tends to be very brittle
that will not help in case of replicate
the return type for Vote and Pred can be same (i.e. bool)
consider using different names
K-ballo, we had different names to begin with. I thought making a single entry point will make it easier for the user.
K-ballo: yah, that's what we had initially
hkaiser, having different names eases my process exponentially. So I'm always up for it :P
but I do feel that a single entry point is a much better approach
so we're in agreement
that's why I tried to make it single entry API
hkaiser, what do you suggest then?
I'm fine with having different names
great :D
so let me move the current APIs to another namespace, say local?
so we can have distributed APIs directly exposed. And to use on node resilience, use hpxr::local::<api name>
nikunj97: I think we settled on having the local stuff in namespace hpx or hpx::experimental, the distributed stuff in hpx::distributed or hpx::distriuted::experimental
but in this case we can do the same as we've done with async, just overload the name for both
overload the name for both as in?
async(f, ts...), async<Action>(id, ts...) and async(Action{}, id, Ts...) are non-ambigous
so you're telling me if I keep async_replay(f, ts...) and async_replay(Action{}, id, ts...). They will work as non-ambiguous versions?
they should, yes
is invoke_deferred_result<Action, Ts...>::type not return the return type?
because that is the only differentiating factor as I can see between these 2 versions.
there is traits::is_action<Action>
so I'll have to add sfinae on these overloads to differentiate them
using traits::is_action<Action>
what do the overloads do differently?
K-ballo, one overload is meant for local and the other is meant for distributed