hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log:
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<zao> OpenMPI 4 buyers beware, it's rather buggy -
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<zao> heller_: Travis does Windows nowadays?
<zao> Apparently in a bit of an pre-release state thus far, only VS2017, but seems nice and fast given that tweet.
<heller_> zao: cool. we had problems with travis in the past
<heller_> zao: also, they got acquired by some bigshot recently, so let's see how they'll continue operation
<hkaiser> great, we might be able to use it as an alternative to AppVeyor
<heller_> runtime limitations and friends ;)
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] K-ballo force-pushed put_parcel-light from f624a18 to 09bdc6a:
<ste||ar-github> hpx/put_parcel-light 210ff35 Agustin K-ballo Berge: Simplify parcel creation
<ste||ar-github> hpx/put_parcel-light 09bdc6a Agustin K-ballo Berge: De-bind put_parcel
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