hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log:
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] StellarBot pushed 1 new commit to gh-pages:
<ste||ar-github> hpx/gh-pages db968ac StellarBot: Updating Sphinx docs
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<simbergm> heller_: :/
<simbergm> where did you see it? same as the one I thought I fixed or is it the assert(false) failure?
<heller_> simbergm: the assert(false) failure
<simbergm> heller_: ok :(
<heller_> this one is also interesting
<simbergm> yeah, that one is pretty fundamental
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] msimberg closed pull request #3630: Small additions and fixes to release procedure (master...fix-release-procedure)
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<simbergm> rostam is really messed up, no? does anybody know why?
<simbergm> heller_: anything against merging #3619?
<heller_> simbergm: no idea about rostam... but I think we are covered for now...
<heller_> simbergm: added a comment
<mdiers_> i encountered a problem when using components in shared libs in combination with clang. i ran into the static initialization order fiasco, but i was able to adjust the order of the libs during the linking process to correct it.
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] StellarBot pushed 1 new commit to gh-pages:
<ste||ar-github> hpx/gh-pages 3ae4265 StellarBot: Updating Sphinx docs
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<K-ballo> mdiers_: do you know which statics were the conflicting ones?
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<mdiers_> K-ballo: in my case the constructor of the struct hpx_plugin_exporter_registry_hpx_GraphComponentDef of the macro HPX_REGISTER_COMPONENT() : here are some infos and the extracted macro
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<jbjnr> hkaiser: --hpx:bind=thread:0-3=core:0-3.pu:1 works, but how do I specify socket/numanode - seems like the parsing doesn't accept it. I can't make it work. Do you have an example anywhere
<jbjnr> (the one in the docs doesn't work)
<jbjnr> says "threads:0-3=socket:0.core:1.pu:1" but that gives an error
<heller_> which one?
<jbjnr> ooh wait. it ran
<jbjnr> oops/.my misake
<jbjnr> I tried stuff like bin/hello_world --hpx:threads=4 --hpx:bind=threads:0-3=socket:1.core:1.pu:1 --hpx:print-bind
<jbjnr> but it gives afinity parsing error
<hkaiser> jbjnr: pls create a ticket with the use case that failed for you
<jbjnr> I think I found a syntax that works
<hkaiser> jbjnr: sure, but there is still a bug lurking other people might stumble over - pls document what you found is not working
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] msimberg opened pull request #3632: Getting hpx instructions (master...getting-hpx-instructions)
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<ste||ar-github> [hpx] K-ballo force-pushed log-prune-more from 721a89e to 8b6c75f:
<ste||ar-github> hpx/log-prune-more 8b6c75f Agustin K-ballo Berge: Remove more unused logging capabilities
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<adityaRakhecha> I want to learn and build programs using hpx and from last 3 days I am learning as much as I can but this matrix multiplication parallel program is getting no where. Any suggestion or help ? Please.
<K-ballo> getting no where as in? does not compile? does not run?
<adityaRakhecha> how to define threads, it's very complex from other programs.
<K-ballo> what are you defining threads for? "threads considered harmful" or whatever
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<zao> In the HPX world, you build a bunch of futures from other futures and throw it at the runtime :)
<zao> I was going to give some examples here, but I speak more Rust futures than C++ ones :D
<heller_> adityaRakhecha: what are you looking at?
<zao> You would chain together futures with functions like ".then()" and helpers like "when_all()".
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<parsa[w]> adityaRakhecha: david_pfander has a matrix multiplication program here if it's of any help to you :
<aserio> adityaRakhecha: Have you tried working through the examples in the HPX documentation first?
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