hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log:
[hpx] msimberg closed pull request #3630: Small additions and fixes to release procedure (master...fix-release-procedure)
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rostam is really messed up, no? does anybody know why?
heller_: anything against merging #3619?
simbergm: no idea about rostam... but I think we are covered for now...
simbergm: added a comment
i encountered a problem when using components in shared libs in combination with clang. i ran into the static initialization order fiasco, but i was able to adjust the order of the libs during the linking process to correct it.
mdiers_: do you know which statics were the conflicting ones?
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K-ballo: in my case the constructor of the struct hpx_plugin_exporter_registry_hpx_GraphComponentDef of the macro HPX_REGISTER_COMPONENT() : here are some infos and the extracted macro
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hkaiser: --hpx:bind=thread:0-3=core:0-3.pu:1 works, but how do I specify socket/numanode - seems like the parsing doesn't accept it. I can't make it work. Do you have an example anywhere
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I want to learn and build programs using hpx and from last 3 days I am learning as much as I can but this matrix multiplication parallel program is getting no where. Any suggestion or help ? Please.
getting no where as in? does not compile? does not run?
how to define threads, it's very complex from other programs.
what are you defining threads for? "threads considered harmful" or whatever
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In the HPX world, you build a bunch of futures from other futures and throw it at the runtime :)
I was going to give some examples here, but I speak more Rust futures than C++ ones :D
adityaRakhecha: what are you looking at?
You would chain together futures with functions like ".then()" and helpers like "when_all()".