hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log:
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diehlpk_work: No, I didn't get an email about that
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I'm waffling around in #hpx on Slack, I have no idea what we actually do with CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-std=c++nn vs. HPX_WITH_CXXnn=ON
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[hpx] msimberg opened pull request #3619: WIP: Store debug logs and core dumps on CircleCI (master...circleci-error-logging)
hpx/gitlab_runner ed8439a Thomas Heller: Adding support for gitlab runners...
hpx/gitlab_runner 04cb9c3 Thomas Heller: Fixing various problems...
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btw, I switched circle-ci to use the new github checks. There will only be one status for it
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heller_: good
I also beefed up the number of servers on the packet side
however, gitlab-runner isn't very good at picking the machines that have been created already...
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we should now have 7 machines available for testing on x86, each with a minimum of 16 cores
and enough ram :P
so all in all, gitlab-runner isn't the greates piece of software ;)
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(I could do it better :P)
Do eet.
heller_: heh, you might reconsider that (in terms of things that need to be done besides the testing)
yeah ... what would be cool is if we could just install a travis or circle-ci instance there...
alright ... #3620 should be good to go
heller_: pycicle?
jbjnr_: is pycicle able to dynamically spin up new machines ;)?
easy to hack if it lacks features you need
not sure what you mean by spin up machines. but if they are there, it can ssh into them and do builds
hkaiser: you've used visual studio code?
jbjnr_: in a cloud environment
jbjnr_: and what I miss in pycicle is the ability to define the builds directly in the repo
when I run gdb locally and target a gdbserver remotely, it finds the source and 'just works'. when I use VSC, it doesn't show the source. Any ideas?
with different cmake options etc
I've started workng on that, so you can do a PR with a new config in it
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jbjnr__: still disconnected from the main repo, so it's hard to submit a PR to hpx and have the new feature tested right away
jbjnr__: also, it's hard to monitor and manage
yes. I am planning on adding a feature in pycicle that looks in path/to/hpx/xxx/pycicle/config and fetches the config setup from the hpx repo and not the pycicle one. Then you can submit PRs with new configs. If this is what you want, then I'll work on it tonight.
(the ability to set many cmake options for the build is now quite sophisticated, but not yet in production)
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jbjnr__: yes sure, that's one way. We have the same now for appveyor, circleci and gitlab-runner
Which are more flexible than pycicle. My initial hope was that we could replace pycicle with gitlab-runner
Since it offers very much the same functionality, and allows to monitor builds and restart them etc
The only bad thing is the poor integration to GitHub, obviously
So yeah... We should discuss that more thoroughly, I guess
Especially since we have a bastion in the cloud now ..
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jbjnr_: did you get all my comments?
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Hello to all. My name is Aditya. I am very much interested in STE||AR and eagerly want to contribute to it.
Hi there!
I have previous knowledge of openCv with python.
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Please could you guide me to contribute to our projects. :)
If you're interested in the code or application side of things, we usually recommend curious people to build HPX and play around with it, to get a feeling for it.
ok. On my way on building HPX.
After that, I guess there might be some interesting problems in our potential GSoC projects or some issue on the bug tracker.
Ok, I am proceeding as you suggested. :)
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I would recommend hanging around, see if you catch any of the regular members of the project.
(I mostly hang around, don't do much with the project itself)
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Ok. Can you suggest any specific member?
Or another way to connect to him/her.
IRC and the mailing lists are our primary methods of communication, I would say.
And also collaboration on github, of course.
ok. Thank You. :)
If you're curious about a particular Summer of Code project, I guess there might be someone behind it too :)
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