hkaiser changed the topic of #ste||ar to: STE||AR: Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research | | HPX: A cure for performance impaired parallel applications | | Buildbot: | Log:
<parsa[w]> diehlpk: ping
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<jbjnr> oops I just commented on the PR without realizing it was already merged!
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<hkaiser> jaafar_: yah, I was thinking about alignas
<hkaiser> jbjnr: ^^
<hkaiser> the scheduling_counter_data is fairly large however (at least 8 cache lines), so aligning will not give us much
<jbjnr> not a big deal, but does make an explicit point to ensure the cache lines don't overlap
<jbjnr> yup^
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<maxwellr96> I'm trying to write an example code using partitioned vector in HPX, but it's seg faulting. In trying to compile the same code in debug, I'm getting an error with the HPX_REGISTER_PARTITIONED_VECTOR boilerplate which is an undefined reference to 'hpxd_exported_plugins_list_hpxd_registry', does anyone know why that might be happening in Debug, but not Release?
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<heller_> maxwellr96: your application *and* HPX need to be set to debug
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