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Hah, I managed to trick myself the other day. The constexpr variable name is simply not defined in the #if and evaluates to integer zero.
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hkaiser: i have a question regarding combining two .cpp files into a single target
i have the tc_test.cpp which includes the catch2 tests and a custom_main.cpp which has the main() function
my god i answered my own question while typing it... I wanted to ask, if custom_main.cpp (which includes the main) should have its own target
gonidelis[m]: you don't need a separate target for the other source
a target is either an executable or some library module
tests pass which means nothing was screwed during parallelization
shift of parallelization runtime^^
gonidelis[m]: you could have added that main function to the tc_test.cpp file as well, but separating it will simplify things for the other tests and reduces the hpx specifics in the sources
somehow catch wouldn't allow me. i tried to
yah, if the tests pass the next step is to do perf tests
they specify that main should not be at the same file where TEST_CASE(){} is
no no, separating it is fine
yup... so how do we measure performance now?
let's call the file hpx_main.cpp or somesuch to make it clear it's HPX specific
use a stop watch and run the tests ;-)
i could use VS perf preliminary. ah yeah sure. i ll tidy up the place
I think the perf tests should use larger data sets
huh true
there are perf tests ready made somewhere in the repo